Prevalence of tobacco use and environmental tobacco smoke in polish population research. WHO-CINDI Programme in 1991–2007
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RIS BIB ENDNOTERozpowszechnienie palenia tytoniu oraz palenie bierne w populacyjnych badaniach polskiego programu cindi w latach 1991–2007 – analiza porównawcza
Publication date: 2009
Public Health and Governance, 2009, Volume 7, Issue 2, pp. 29 - 35
Rozpowszechnienie palenia tytoniu oraz palenie bierne w populacyjnych badaniach polskiego programu cindi w latach 1991–2007 – analiza porównawcza
Prevalence of tobacco use and environmental tobacco smoke in polish population research. WHO-CINDI Programme in 1991–2007
This article is a report from comparison surveys, carried out in connection with WHO-CINDI Programme during the years 1991–2007. The analysis was based on random sampling tests concerning big Polish cities’ inhabitants, all in all almost 11.5 thousand respondents. Taking everything into consideration, it has been established, that:1. Regular smoking frequency becomes smaller (the effect of implemented prophylactic programmes, a so-called ‘intervention variable’).
2. Still, propagation of environmental smoking is an alarming phenomenon, however it is definitely improving. Despite the fact, that more and more respondents are living in a free-smoking zone, each 5-6 adult city inhabitant spends over 5 hours a day in a room full of smoke.
3. Within time passing, as a result of quitting an addiction, a belief concerning harmful smoking consequences grows. This tendency is not yet sufficiently justified. Becoming alarmed with the concerning phenomenon is definitely not enough when making an opinion in this matter
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Information: Public Health and Governance, 2009, Volume 7, Issue 2, pp. 29 - 35
Article type: Original article
Rozpowszechnienie palenia tytoniu oraz palenie bierne w populacyjnych badaniach polskiego programu cindi w latach 1991–2007 – analiza porównawcza
Prevalence of tobacco use and environmental tobacco smoke in polish population research. WHO-CINDI Programme in 1991–2007
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The Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński Institute of Cardiology
Published at: 2009
Article status: Open
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