The principles of pharmaceutical reimbursement in the Polish health care system - overview of changes after implementation of the pharmaceutical reimbursement law and analysis of their impact on the physician-patient relationships
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEZasady refundacji leków w polskim systemie ochrony zdrowia - zarys zmian po wdrożeniu ustawy refundacyjnej i analiza ich wpływu na relacje pomiędzy lekarzem a pacjentem
Publication date: 2013
Public Health and Governance, 2013, Volume 11, Issue 1, pp. 1-15
Zasady refundacji leków w polskim systemie ochrony zdrowia - zarys zmian po wdrożeniu ustawy refundacyjnej i analiza ich wpływu na relacje pomiędzy lekarzem a pacjentem
The principles of pharmaceutical reimbursement in the Polish health care system - overview of changes after implementation of the pharmaceutical reimbursement law and analysis of their impact on the physician-patient relationships
A very important new law (the Reimbursement Law) has been implemented in Poland on turn of years 2011 and 2012 and it has deeply changed the national pharmaceutical pricing and reimbursement policy. The aim of this paper is to characterize the current status of affairs in this area and also to analyze the influence of changes on relationship between physicians and patients. The implementation of the Reimbursement Law has had a multifaceted impact on the Polish health care system and it has interfered relationships among its stakeholders. Several amendments to the new law are being expected in the forthcoming years, so all relevant experiences of the various stakeholders should be taken into due consideration during further pharmaceutical policy reforms. Appropriate preparations should be made beforehand, involving not only the state regulator and the public payer.
Information: Public Health and Governance, 2013, Volume 11, Issue 1, pp. 1-15
Article type: Original article
Zasady refundacji leków w polskim systemie ochrony zdrowia - zarys zmian po wdrożeniu ustawy refundacyjnej i analiza ich wpływu na relacje pomiędzy lekarzem a pacjentem
The principles of pharmaceutical reimbursement in the Polish health care system - overview of changes after implementation of the pharmaceutical reimbursement law and analysis of their impact on the physician-patient relationships
Institute of Public Health, Faculty of Health Sciences, Jagiellonian University, Medical College, Kraków
Narodowy Funduszu Zdrowia, Mazowiecki Oddział Wojewódzki, Warszawa
Główna Biblioteka Lekarska, Warszawa
Military Institute of Medicine
National Health Fund, Warsaw
Military Institute of Medicine
Published at: 2013
Article status: Open
Licence: None
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