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Numer 47 – Biografie tłumaczy

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Publication date: 2023


Publikacja finansowana przez Uniwersytet Jagielloński ze środków Wydziału Polonistyki.

Projekt okładki: Jadwiga Burek

Fotografia na okładce: Magda Heydel

Licence: CC BY  licence icon

Editorial team

Editor-in-Chief Orcid Magda Heydel

Issue editors Markus Eberharter, Katarzyna Lukas

Issue content

Markus Eberharter

Przekładaniec, Numer 47 – Biografie tłumaczy, 2023, pp. 15-30

This article considers the methodological issues of research in Translator Studies, that is, concerning translators themselves and their biographies. Above all in the perspective of the cultural turn of the 1990s, which led to a new understanding of both the translators themselves and their role in intercultural communication, undertaking and clarifying the principles of such research seems to be a consistent step in the theoretical development of the discipline of Translation Studies. The article lists and defines the most important aims and objectives of biographical research on translators. Also presented are specific research models and paradigms, which can be used to reconstruct and describe so-called translator biographies. Finally, the author considers to what extent it is advisable to combine facts about the life and activities of translators into larger and coherent biographical narratives. In this respect Translation Studies could benefit from the conclusions of Biographical Studies, particularly regarding the reliable and adequate use of data collected in biographical research.
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Katarzyna Lukas

Przekładaniec, Numer 47 – Biografie tłumaczy, 2023, pp. 31-47

The article attempts to reconstruct the translator biography of Heinrich Nitschmann (1826– 1905) and explain the role he played in Polish-German literary contacts. Nitschmann made German readers familiar with Polish literature firstly through his translations of Polish poetry, and secondly through his popular compendium “History of Polish Literature,” aimed at the German Bildungsbürgertum. Although his translations are not outstanding in quality, they suited the literary tastes of the era and contributed to shaping the German discourse on Poland in the second half of the 19th century. The article traces Nitschmann’s linguistic biography and topobiography, characterizes and situates his translation work against the background of his other activities as a writer, publicist and composer; it attempts to reconstruct his aesthetics and worldview, his translation poetics and self-awareness as a translator. Nitschmann’s modus operandi in his network of literary contacts is shown, exemplified by his relationships with the Danzig publisher Karl Theodor Bertling and with the Lemberg-based Germanist Albert Zipper.
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Jadwiga Miszalska

Przekładaniec, Numer 47 – Biografie tłumaczy, 2023, pp. 48-65

The paper presents the activity of Waleria Marrené-Morżkowska as that typical of women who aspired to be present in literary circles at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. She was a novelist, publicist, literary critic and women’s activist who also devoted herself to translation. She translated from English, French, Italian and German, bringing to the Polish reader’s market some authors who were important but not yet widely known. She published several hundred papers on literary subjects in the most important Polish periodicals. She herself attempted to create a women’s magazine and to build a network of female authors around it. By presenting some facts from her biography and analysing her critical and literary works, we try to show the connection between her translations and her literary studies and the poetics she adhered to. This allows us to define Morżkowska as a a cultural transmitter who promoted foreign literatures through translations and journalism, who was characterised by her knowledge of recent European literature, her progressive mindset, her tolerance and independence of judgement, and who paid a great deal of attention to the social and cultural situation of women.
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Paulina Kwaśniewska-Urban

Przekładaniec, Numer 47 – Biografie tłumaczy, 2023, pp. 66-93

The purpose of this article is to complete the portrait of Zofia Jachimecka, who went down in history as an entertainer in one of the most important salons of Interwar Kraków and a model for the great portraitists, with her professional profile, most often presented either in residual form, or all together omitted from works focusing on the translator. The article presents an analysis of Zofia Jachimecka’s professional correspondence with Professor of Romance Studies Mieczysław Brahmer, who worked closely together from 1950 on the publication of the Polish translation of Goldoni’s comedies in the Ossolineum National Library series (Goldoni 1951, 1951, 1971), and later maintained social and professional contact for many years. The collaboration between the editor of the Goldoni editions and the translator, very well documented in the surviving correspondence (found in the Scientific Library of the PAAS and the PAS in Kraków archives and Jagiellonian Library manuscript collection), goes beyond the project and develops into a long-standing exchange of reading experiences, workshop and repertoire choices, comments on works sent to each other, as well as information on literary and repertoire news, which clearly show that in many fields it was Jachimecka, and not Brahmer, who assumed the role of the expert on Italian and French literature. According to the letters, Brahmer tries to help the translator to, among other things, find a publisher for the Pirandello dramas she translated, while Jachimecka repeatedly suggests Italian readings to the professor, and helps him find his way through the maze of contemporary literature. The article draws attention to the considerable issue of cooperation in resolving financial matters and Brahmer’s intermediation not only in the negotiations of remuneration for the translator for the volumes prepared jointly, but also when the professor was not directly involved in the project. The article is supplemented by an appendix presenting a compilation of Jachimecka’s theatrical translations.
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Joanna Sobesto

Przekładaniec, Numer 47 – Biografie tłumaczy, 2023, pp. 94-111


The main aim of the paper is to present the private and professional biography of Bolesława Kopelówna – a female translator from English active in the interwar period (1918–1939) in Poland. Unusually prolific as a translator, criticized by her contemporaries and then forgotten, Kopelówna authored dozens of translations from various genres: including fiction, children’s literature, and romance novels. She was also an interpreter and worked in the field of specialized translation. She traveled often and was engaged in the socialist movement in Poland.

As an official archive of Kopelówna does not exist, I would like to re/deconstruct her biography through Zygmunt Żuławski’s – her friend and colleague – personal papers: letters to Kopelówna, diaries and some enigmatic traces of her own presence in his archive. By applying tools from translation history, especially contemporary findings on archives of female writers, I attempt to answer the question why Kopelówna was so intensely criticized. Microhistorical study on female translator, through the extension of the notion of an archive takes part in the discussion on the potential of translation history in literary history and cultural studies.

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Ewa Nicewicz

Przekładaniec, Numer 47 – Biografie tłumaczy, 2023, pp. 112-127

Janusz Minkiewicz was an excellent poet, satirist, translator, contributor to many important periodicals, friend of Tuwim and Brzechwa, author of famous satires and political cribs, but also of numerous works for children and translator. His first translation published in book form appeared after the war, quickly gaining a circle of enthusiasts, both among children and adults. To date, more than a dozen titles intended for a young audience have been published, the vast majority of which have been reprinted many times. Minkiewicz translated mainly from Russian, but his translation output also included English poetry, German or Italian. The paper – the result of a search conducted at the Polish Writers Donation Library, at the State Archive in Warsaw, at the Nasza Księgarnia and at the Adam Mickiewicz Museum in Warsaw – is the first attempt to look at Janusz Minkiewicz’s translation output addressed to young readers.
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Agnieszka Adamowicz-Pośpiech

Przekładaniec, Numer 47 – Biografie tłumaczy, 2023, pp. 128-146

Translators and interpreters have always played a key role as intercultural mediators, however, their biographies and functions as active agents of cultural change have only recently started to be studied. Following the sociological and material turn in translation studies, there has been a growing interest in the figure of the literary translator, not as a category of the translation process, but as a living human being who not „only” produces texts, but influences cultural transfer, introduces new poetics and shapes literary canons. Nowadays, researchers point to the necessity of describing the place and role of translators not only within Translation Studies, but above all, in the network of social contacts and relationships. The sociology of translators includes such issues as the status of translators in different cultures, pay rates, place and conditions of work, the public discourse of translation, i.e. the manifestations of the public image of the translating profession, which is visible, for example, in the press or in literary works. This area also encompasses research on translators’ attitudes towards their work, as revealed in essays, interviews, prefaces and translators’ archives. The paper focuses on the biography of the translator, placed in a broad historical and social context and thus, in the cultural and sociological dimensions of translator studies. In examining the biography of the Polish translator Bronisław Zieliński, the methodology of microhistory (adapted for translation studies by Jeremy Munday) will be used and combined with Anthony Chesterman’s theoretical proposal of translator studies.
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Małgorzata Ślarzyńska

Przekładaniec, Numer 47 – Biografie tłumaczy, 2023, pp. 147-164

The subject of this article is the translation work of the Italian writer Cristina Campo (born Vittoria Guerrini), one of the most prominent Italian writers of the 20th century, poet, translator, and essayist, analysed in a biographical key. The aim is to look more closely at Cristina Campo’s biography – described so far in the only biography book (De Stefano 2002), but also recorded in the voluminous correspondence the writer left behind – through the framework of her translation activity. Of interest from this point of view become both her translation choices and reading choices (“the lovely kinsmen of the shelf,” as the writer called her favourite books) – related to a large extent to Campo’s literary temperament, her experiences in her private life, and her friends – as well as her choice of translation activity itself, largely conditioned by the need to spend a large part of her life in seclusion due to the incurable heart disease that Campo suffered from since her birth. An attempt will be made to answer the question of how illness and other life circumstances influenced her choice of translation activity, the selection of texts to be translated and the translator’s actual working conditions.
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Magdalena Mitura

Przekładaniec, Numer 47 – Biografie tłumaczy, 2023, pp. 165-180

The author identifies interrelations between certain elements of Maryla Laurent’s biography and her professional activities, paying special attention to her views of translation. The starting point is the perception of the translator as an entity able to be reflexive about his or her translation choices.

At the current stage of translation research, the translator’s status as a subjective element in the translation process does not need any additional recognition. The previous theories have sought to maximise the objectivity of the evaluation of the translator’s decisions by describing them in terms of linguistics or translation reception. This presumed ‘neutrality’ fails to account for the reasons behind translation decisions. Their completion is only guaranteed by viewing the translator from a humanistic perspective: not as an abstract conceptual category, but as an individual personality. Various factors (life experience, acquired knowledge) help build up the translator’s linguistic and cultural sensitivity. Consequently, they shape the translator’s interpretation of the original and the way in which they themselves write a foreign text in the act of translation.
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Agata Bice

Przekładaniec, Numer 47 – Biografie tłumaczy, 2023, pp. 181-197

The objective of the article is to establish the status of translators in relation to the canon of Japanese literature translated in Poland. The author performs a quantitative and qualitative analysis of a big amount of data pertaining to book translations in post-war Poland and juxtaposes it with details of the translators’ biographies in order to ascertain, which elements of those biographies have the biggest correlation with the canon-making power of the translators.
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Elżbieta Wesołowska

Przekładaniec, Numer 47 – Biografie tłumaczy, 2023, pp. 201-206

The paper is focused on the problem of translating the difficult fragment of Ex P. IV 12 where the name of the addressee Tuticanus gives the obstacles because of the form of his name. The paper proposes three trials of showing the sense and humor inserted in the text.
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