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2014 Następne

Data publikacji: 10.12.2014

Licencja: Żadna


Redaktor naczelny Jolanta Święchowicz

Sekretarz redakcji Grzegorz Micek

Redaktor zeszytu Jolanta Święchowicz

Zawartość numeru

Robert Twardosz, Marta Cebulska

Prace Geograficzne, Zeszyt 138, 2014, s. 7-28


Anomalously high monthly precipitation totals in the Polish Carpathian Mountains and their foreland (1881–2010)

The study addresses the problem of river flooding and other dangerous natural processes as well as phenomena resulting from persistent heavy rainfall. Annual and multi-annual records of anomalously heavy precipitation were investigated using data from 16 weather stations in the Polish Carpathian Mountains and their foreland from the period 1881–2010. The anomalously high precipitation was studied in terms of its annual and multi-annual pattern, time of occurrence, spatial extent and the coinciding atmospheric circulation. The anomalously high monthly totals were defined as those, which exceeded the upper quartile plus 1.5x the interquartile range. It was found that during the 130 years of the study period, there were 200 anomalously heavy precipitation months (AHMs), which occurred in 106 years. Most of them were only recorded at either a single station or at two neighbouring stations, which would suggest that precipitation of this magnitude depends not just on circulation circumstances, but also on local factors. No statistical change was found in the long-term A H M occurrence pattern. There were two instances, where an A H M was recorded simultaneously at all 16 stations, in May 1940 and 2010, and they both contributed to catastrophic floods. The latter of the events involved both the highest absolute totals (exceeding 500 mm) and the highest relative totals (i.e. the percentage of the long-term average close to 500%). The A H Ms tended to coincide with cyclonic circulation. Between October and March, this was the western cyclonic circulation ( Wc ), while for the remaining part of the year it was cyclonic trough (Bc).

Czytaj więcej Następne

Angelika Palarz

Prace Geograficzne, Zeszyt 138, 2014, s. 29-43


Variability of air temperature inversions over Cracow in relation to the atmospheric circulation

Temperature inversion is a phenomenon in which air temperature increases with altitude. The studies on air temperature inversions in Cracow were based on various data and methods e.g. data from standard and automatic meteorological stations, radiosonde observations, lidar and sodar measurements. They showed the annual and diurnal variability of temperature inversions, but most of them did not investigate the multi-annual trends in the occurrence of temperature inversions. Due to the relationship between meteorological conditions and air quality, it is important to study the multi-annual, annual and diurnal variability of air temperature inversions. The main aim of this article is to determine the multi-annual variability of air temperature inversions in Cracow and its relation to synoptic situation. Moreover, the annual and diurnal variability of temperature inversions is shown. The study is based on data derived from NCEP - NCAR reanalysis and the classification of synoptic situation types by T. Niedźwiedź. In this paper two parameters of inversions are presented – frequency and intensity. The study confirmed that the frequency and intensity of inversions have annual and diurnal variation. Multi-annual changes in the numbers of days with temperature inversion were also observed – a statistically significant increase in the 1000 – 925 hPa layer as well as in the intensity of temperature inversions – a statistically significant increase in the 1000 – 925 hPa, 1000 – 850 hPa and 925 – 850 hPa layers. It was proved that a very strong relationship exists between the days with temperature inversion and the anticyclonic situation, especially with the air-flow from south, south-west and south-east.

Czytaj więcej Następne

Anna Wolanin

Prace Geograficzne, Zeszyt 138, 2014, s. 45-56


Changes in the physical and chemical properties of springwater in the Chochołowski Potok catchment (Western Tatras)

The purpose of this paper is to describe the variability of the physical and chemical characteristics of springwater in the Chochołowski Potok catchment. Eleven springs were selected for research purposes. The research was performed from November 2008 to October 2009. Ca 2+ was found as the most common cation, and HCO 3 – was the most common anion in the analysed springwater. The spatial variability of the physical and chemical parameters depends on the geology of an area. Most of the physical and chemical properties of springwater are characterized by seasonal variability. Only a few seasonal differences of the physical and chemical parameters of water are statistically significant (ANOVA). The seasonal changes in springwater chemistry are characterized by high ion concentrations during dry periods in the autumn and winter and low ion concentrations during snowmelt and rainfall-induced floods during the spring and summer. Four factors controlling the physical and chemical properties of springwater were identified.

Czytaj więcej Następne

Mikołaj Majewski

Prace Geograficzne, Zeszyt 138, 2014, s. 57-66


Application of a field experiment in soil erosion research in the Chwalimski Potok catchment (Drawskie Lakeland, upper Parsęta River)

Stationary research upon soil erosion has been conducted in the Chwalimski Potok catchment since 2012 as a continuation of research started in 1994. In 2013 conducted two field experiments were conducted in order to evaluate the impact of high intensity rainfall on soil surface. The first experiment consisted of 5 and the second of 4 rainfall simulations. The rainfall was created by using a purpose-built rain simulator, consisting of 3 and 6 sprinklers placed around the testing plot. The paper focuses on the characterization of the course of these experiments. The achieved results compared with the results from the hydrological years 2012 and 2013 show that slope wash considerably increases during rainfall of high intensity and high amount.

Czytaj więcej Następne

Agnieszka Gajda

Prace Geograficzne, Zeszyt 138, 2014, s. 67-80


Application of laser scanning data in the analysis of the changes in vegetation vertical structure and changes in a semi-natural section of the Vistula valley

Changes in vegetation cover are one of the features affecting the functioning of river valleys. Vegetation influences the geomorphological and hydrological processes within a water basin. Controlling the quality and quantity of vegetation is crucial for keeping the eco- and geosystem balance. Until now the methods applied in controlling vegetation were not efficient (field work) or were not providing enough information about the vertical structure of plant communities (i.e. analyses based on data obtained from optical remote sensing do not allow precise determination of vegetation height). The aim of this study was to determine the changes in the extent and vertical structure of the vegetation within a semi-natural section of the Vistula river valley in Krakow between 2006 and 2012 using airborne laser scanning. The application of such data in this type of research was also evaluated. The study revealed that, in spite of spite of maintenance work, the extent of vegetation cover increased during the monitoring period. Data verification indicated high precision and suitability of these data in the determination of the vegetation cover changes at the local scale. A wider access to data obtained from airborne laser scanning should soon result in the proliferation of studies conducted using airborne laser scanning which will positively impact the cost and quality of such research.

Czytaj więcej Następne

Kalina Pędziwiatr

Prace Geograficzne, Zeszyt 138, 2014, s. 81-94


Influence of the Bełchatów Brown Coal Mine on spatial planning in the communes of Rząśnia and Szczerców in the inhabitants’ opinion

The aim of this article is to describe the influence of the Bełchatów Brown Coal Mine on the spatial planning in the communes of Rząśnia and Szczerców in the inhabitants’ opinion. In the paper the author presented the main changes, that, according to the residents, occurred in the land use planning in the communes of Rząśnia and Szczerców from the outset of mining activity in their area. The author also indicated changes that are negatively perceived by local communities and inhabitants’ expectations regarding future changes in the spatial development of their communes. During the study the area of impact of the Szczerców pit was also determined. Analysis of the questionnaires showed, that, in the opinion of the inhabitants, the impact of the lignite mine on spatial planning significantly decreases with distance until it completely disappears. The most significant changes are visible only in those parts of the communes, which are in a direct contact with lignite mining area and are related with the operation of the mine. They include proximity to the excavation area, building of industrial facilities or construction of roads leading to the objects belonging to the mine.

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