2018 Następne

Data publikacji: 11.09.2018


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Recenzent zeszytu prof. dr hab. Stanisław Sroka

Zeszyt pod redakcją Zdzisława Zblewskiego

Zawartość numeru

Petr Kubin

Prace Historyczne, Numer 145 (3), 2018, s. 397 - 427

The cult of St. Wenceslas and St. Adalbert in Medieval Central Europe
The cult of the two main Bohemian patron saints, Wenceslas († 935) and Adalbert († 997), played an important role in the Middle Ages not only in the Czech state but also in Poland and Hungary. Apart from this, it also penetrated different parts of the medieval Roman Empire. Wences­las was proclaimed saint only after the foundation of Prague Bishopric (973), and Adalbert was canonized directly after his martyrdom at Bolesław the Brave’s order. Unlike the cult of Wenceslas, Adalbert’s cult developed dynamically from the very beginning and with extraordinary aspirations, since emperor Otto III intended Adalbert to become one of the imperial saints. Unfortunately, this plan failed due to the early death of Otto III. Nevertheless, Adalbert’s cult was adopted in Poland and Hungary, where the local church structures were consequently built on its basis in the year 1000, while St. Wenceslas became the main patron saint of Bohemia. 
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Stanislava Kuzmová

Prace Historyczne, Numer 145 (3), 2018, s. 429 - 451

The medieval cult of St. Stanislaus beyond the borders of Poland (in Central Europe)
The cult of St. Stanislaus, Bishop of Krakow, had spread to some extent beyond Poland already in the Middle Ages. The article investigates the contexts in which the devotion to the newly canonized saint, who was gradually established as the patron saint of the Kingdom, appeared, especially in the neighbouring countries and in some isolated places further abroad, first in the period around the canonization in 1253, when the new saint and his relics stirred interest in the close regions, and also among rulers, who used its symbolic meaning. Various representations of the cult abroad – in liturgy, church dedications, preaching and hagiographic texts in circulation – are mapped and examined. The cult spread mainly through personal contacts and exchange, although it functioned mostly in limited space and time.
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Winfried Irgang

Prace Historyczne, Numer 145 (3), 2018, s. 453 - 471

Sancta Adwigis ... mulier fortis ... e stirpe generosa: Aspects of the cult of St. Hedwig in the Middle Ages
Hedwig of Silesia († 1243) was canonized as early as 1267. Despite an abundance of relevant publications, there are still vast gaps in our knowledge, especially concerning the development and spreading of her cult. This paper wants to outline some aspects of the veneration of St. Hedwig during the Middle Ages and to point to research opportunities not yet exhausted sufficiently. In fact, in the direct environment of the canonization, there is some evidence for a vivid propagation of the new saint’s cult in Polonia and in regnum Bohemiae, particularly in connection with the convent of the Cistercian nuns at Trebnitz (Trzebnica) as the site of Hedwig’s burial place. However, in the first decades, the cult seems to be localised in particular to Cistercian monasteries, where the image of the mulier fortis as a crucial element of self-sanctification plays a decisive role. Only since the mid-14th century approximately, there begins a distinct intensification of her cult, namely both within the Church and in the political relationship, which is associated with the focus on the ancestress Hedwig originating e stirpe generosa as patron saint and mother of the reigning Piast dynasty in Silesia. In the period of crisis during the 15th century, the Silesian middle class becomes more and more the supporter of her cult; but the wide extension of the vita of St. Hedwig, many adaptations and sermons also prove the persistence of her cult at a transregional level.
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Lucyna Kostuch

Prace Historyczne, Numer 145 (3), 2018, s. 473 - 487

Plutarch on Greek and Roman soldiers
It is not easy to find interest in soldiers and army issues in the source literature which is devoted to Plutarch. However, considering only the statistical point of view, it should be noted that Parallel Lives is a huge base of information related to ancient soldiers. The goal of the presented article is to recreate the image of a soldier created by Plutarch in his works, especially in Parallel Lives. Although military commanders were also soldiers, the interest is focused on regular participants of military efforts who are considered as an army in general, especially because Plutarch often confronts them with main characters of his biographies. The article is an effort to find an answer to the following questions: Was Plutarch interested in military issues? Do Parallel Lives create a consistent image of a soldier, or are we just presented with some disconnected observations considering different historical conditions which are continuously changing? Which of the soldier’s types from the ancient literature are dominant in Parallel Lives and thus, which of the soldiers was immortalised by Plutarch? 
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Stanisław Turlej

Prace Historyczne, Numer 145 (3), 2018, s. 489 - 504

Conflicts over Sirmium during the decline of the Ostrogothic Kingdom (526–535)
Little is known about Sirmium in the period from the death of Theodoric the Great (526) to Justinian’s war against the Ostrogoths (535). So far the simplest and most obvious method of analysing the surviving written sources, i.e. literal interpretation, has not been used for reconstructing the history of this city. Instead, for unclear reasons, it is almost commonly accepted that in 530 the city was attacked by the Gepids. The Ostrogoths supposedly repelled the enemy and their future king, Vitiges, distinguished himself in the battle. However, on the basis of the written sources (Cassiodorus and Procopius of Caesarea), a completely different reconstruction of the events is possible. It is more likely that there were two wars for Sirmium between the Gepids and the Ostrogoths: the first one in 526–527 and the second in 533–534. An examination of the historical context confirms that these two conflicts could have been consistent with other events and, just as importantly, enables us to explain the Ostrogoths’ complete inactivity in the face of the Frankish invasion.
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Rafał Hryszko

Prace Historyczne, Numer 145 (3), 2018, s. 505 - 515

Confectionery and diplomacy in the colonies of the Republic of Genoa by the Black Sea towards the end of the Middle Ages 
The article consists of two basic parts. The first part presents a characteristics of the diplomatic activities of Caffa, the main colony of the Republic of Genoa on the southern coast of the Crimean Peninsula in the 1380s. Of special significance in that domain were contacts with the Tatar emirs of Crimea who represented the Khan of the White Horde – Tokhtamysh. Those contacts led to a series of treaties (in 1381, 1382 and 1387), which resulted in the Genoese strengthening their position on the southern coast of Crimea. Moreover, in place of existing trading factories an overseas territory was established in southern Crimea, which belonged directly to the Republic of Genoa. In the second part of the article the author presents the role and significance of confectionery in the above mentioned diplomatic activities, on the basis of an analysis of the contents of the three oldest fiscal books of the Caffa massaria (tax office) (ASG, MC, room 34, 590/1225, 1226 and 1226-1) from the years: 1374–1375, 1381–1382 and 1386–1387. Confectionery appeared during feasts that rulers of Caffa held for foreign envoys. Sweets were often served with wine during snacks known as collationes. Finally the author proposes a hypothesis that such a form of refreshments in the world of Genoese diplomacy by the Black Sea was practised since at least 1375, though under a different name. 
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Alicja Maślak-Maciejewska

Prace Historyczne, Numer 145 (3), 2018, s. 517 - 535

Association for the Support of the Poor Jewish Boys in Cracow: A study in the history of the Jewish youth care in the autonomous Galicia
The article focuses on the history of the Association for the Support of the Poor Jewish Boys, which was founded in Cracow in 1867. The aim of this institution was to give Jewish boys from unprivileged families an opportunity to learn crafts. Acquiring a profession was supposed to help the boys in earning the material and financial stability in their future lives. During the period of Galician autonomy, approximately 500 boys learned a profession thanks to the association. The number of association members varied in the discussed period, usually oscillating around 300 (it reached the maximum of 420 members). The majority of the association members were Jews, but also Christians engaged in its activities, among them the city president Józef Dietl. The association was financed from membership dues, donations and subsidies of various kinds (e.g. from the City Council or Cracow Savings Bank), and thanks to lectures and balls organized in its support. The activities of this association gained support among the so-called progressive Jews, praying in
the Tempel. The progressives entered the association’s management board (and dominated it
in some periods), many representatives of this group became regular members of this association and supported it financially. The association was supported also by the progressive preachers: Szymon Dankowicz, Samuel Landau and Ozjasz Thon. For many years Arnold Rapaport served as the head of the association and supported it financially. Currently we celebrate the 150th anniversary of the existence of this association (it was founded in 1867, its statute confirmed one year later), which might serve as a good opportunity to recall its activities. 
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Paweł Duber

Prace Historyczne, Numer 145 (3), 2018, s. 537 - 554

The internment of the Second Rifle Division in the Polish-Swiss diplomatic relations 1940–1941
This article concerns the problem of mutual diplomatic relations between Switzerland and Polish authorities in exile after the collapse of France in June 1940. During this period of time the fate of the Polish division interned was unstable, due to the position of the Swiss Federal Political Department. Its chief Marcel Pilet Golaz intended to send the Poles back to France and tried to get the German approval for his purpose. It was in blatant contradiction to the intention of Polish commander-in-chief Władysław Sikorski and his endeavours to preserve the Polish division as a military unit able to continue the fight against the Third Reich. The tactic proposed by Polish envoy in Bern Aleksander Ładoś was more flexible. He advised his superiors to release from service the persons living in France before the outbreak of war in order to maintain the rest of the Polish soldiers as an efficient combat unit. Despite the formal agreement from January 1941, combined with the German reluctance to receive Polish soldiers, the chief of Helvetian diplomacy didn’t give up his plans until the German’s assault on the Soviet Union in June 1941.
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Jakub Polit

Prace Historyczne, Numer 145 (3), 2018, s. 555 - 578

Emperor’s Shōwa possible (but unrealized) abdication after World War II
At the end of World War II, the Allies were almost unanimous that Japanese Shōwa Emperor (known as Hirohito) had to be tried as a war criminal and the imperial institution, seen as the foundation of Japanese militarism, be abolished. The final decision was left to general Douglas MacArthur, who carried the responsibility for occupation policies in Japan. The general, especially after the first meeting with the Emperor (27 Sept. 1945), found the throne as “a symbol which unites all Japanese” and a key to the success of the occupation reforms. He telegraphed Washington that no evidence had been discovered that would implicate the Emperor in war crimes. The British occupation authorities in Japan (sir Alvary Gascoigne, George Sansom) fully shared this opinion. Hirohito was not put on trial, but in 1948, when IMFTE sentenced to death seven former ministers and generals, there were rumours that he was seriously considering whether to abdicate. MacArthur, believing that such a step would be politically disastrous, on 12th November 1948 intervened confidentially and successfully via prime minister Yoshida Shigeru and director of the imperial Household agency Tajima Michiji. The last abdication rumours appeared in October 1951, after the peace treaty was signed. But the Emperor, bound by a promise given to MacArthur, remained on the throne.
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Małgorzata Dajnowicz

Prace Historyczne, Numer 145 (3), 2018, s. 579 - 601

The main areas of the activities of Women’s League in Polish People’s Republic until 1975 (with special regard to Białystok Voivodeship)
Women’s League (till 1949 known under the name of the Social and Civic League of Women) was a large-scale women’s organization in Polish People’s Republic. Through the whole period of its existence, the organization’s priority was to build up the mass character of the League and expand its services to reach women from different walks of life, which corresponded with the general policy of the country aiming at implementing the so-called communist order. The members of Women’s League were at the same time members of the Polish United Workers’ Party. The League, apart from being a very effective propaganda tool, tried to play a real supportive role offering women practical help. However, it seems that although the organization focused on expanding the range of its services and attracting a growing number of members, it didn’t achieve the expected results. 
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Edycje tekstów źródłowych

Karol Ossowski

Prace Historyczne, Numer 145 (3), 2018, s. 603 - 631

English customs accounts from the 14th century: A critical edition
The main aim of this article is to publish English customs accounts from the fourteenth century. From this period to our time there survived a few hundred customs accounts from many English ports. Unfortunately, only about eighty accounts from the fourteenth century have been published. This article contains four new documents. The publication consists of three parts. The first is an introduction with information concerning the process of creating this edition. The second part explains the structure and functioning of the English customs system in the Middle Ages. The main, third part, contains critical editions of four customs accounts. The first document it is an ancient custom, then there is a new custom, a petty custom and, finally, a subsidy of tonnage and poundage. The publication was prepared in accordance with the instructions from Instrukcja wydawnicza dla średniowiecznych źródeł historycznych [Publishing guidelines for medieval historical sources] and Projekt instrukcji wydawniczej dla pisanych źródeł historycznych do połowy XVI wieku [A project of publishing guidelines for written historical sources up to mid-16th century].
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List do redakcji

Artur Patek

Prace Historyczne, Numer 145 (3), 2018, s. 657 - 660

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Pro memoria

Danuta Quirini-Popławska

Prace Historyczne, Numer 145 (3), 2018, s. 661 - 664

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