Numer 140 (1)

Rok 1812. Studia z dziejów polityczno-militarnych

2013 Następne

Data publikacji: 28.02.2013

Licencja: Żadna


Rada naukowa Roman Baron (Praga), Olga Gorbaczewa (Mińsk), Mihailo Popović (Wiedeń), Darius Staliunas (Wilno)

Recenzenci tomu zeszytu Aleksander Smoliński, Tomasz Ciesielski

Redakcja serii historycznej Krzysztof Baczkowski, Tomasz Gąsowski, Mariusz Markiewicz, Artur Patek (red. naczelny), Michał Pułaski, Zdzisław Zblewski

Redakcja zeszytu Michał Baczkowski, Katarzyna Kuras

Zawartość numeru

Robert Kłosowicz

Prace Historyczne, Numer 140 (1), 2013, s. 19-32


Should the American-British war of 1812–1814 in North America be regarded as belonging to the Napoleonic wars?
According to the author, the American-British war of 1812 is a constituent part of the Napoleonic wars as it was closely associated with the political situation on the Old Continent, where Napoleon had been embroiled in armed conflicts. It was difficulties associated with the continental blockade, introduced by Napoleon as well as the British counter-blockade that lay at the root of the conflict between Washington and London; the difficulties were particularly harmful to the American trade. It is no coincidence that the American troops marched into Canada at the same time (June 1812) as the Napoleonic army marched into Russia. This chapter in history is not particularly popular in the United States which is due, among others, to the fact that the confl ict ended as a matter of fact in a status quo. The peace talks conducted in Ghent remained in the shadow of the negotiations taking place at the Congress of Vienna whereas an interest of the European diplomacy, including the British one, in ending the conflict, was of secondary significance compared to the topicality of European issues.

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