Architektura Zeszyt 6 A (11) 2014

2014 Następne

Data publikacji: 14.11.2014

Licencja: Żadna


Redaktor naczelny Józef Gawlik

Sekretarz redakcji Dorota Sapek

Redaktor Serii Architektura Dariusz Kozłowski

Zawartość numeru

Kinga Kimic

Czasopismo Techniczne, Architektura Zeszyt 6 A (11) 2014, 2014, s. 9 - 24


The paper summarizes the genesis and development of garden exhibitions in the period from the  century to the present day. The role of individual gardens specialised to perform different functions is characterised. These concern the main values: educational – connected with the learning achievements of many gardening branches; commercial – connected with the development of trade; and social – connected with using rest places and adapting exhibition areas to public parks and gardens after their completion.

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Wojciech Rymsza-Mazur

Czasopismo Techniczne, Architektura Zeszyt 6 A (11) 2014, 2014, s. 25 - 41


The art of designing green areas has overlooked and marginalised military and related aspects for various reasons, despite the fact that these aspects have concerned the army dwellings of millions of soldiers lodged in barracks, and squeezed to fit within the garrison architecture and the fortified space. This presentation constitutes an attempt to address these issues – the relationship between military green areas and urban design and architecture of historic spatial compositions – seldom analyzed and studied, whereas the aspect of the status, preservation, or creation of these spaces in the modern day remains an open and noteworthy question.

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Dorota Gawryluk

Czasopismo Techniczne, Architektura Zeszyt 6 A (11) 2014, 2014, s. 43 - 55


At the turn of the 20th century numerous military barracks were built, by order of the tsar, in a number of cities and towns along the western border of Russia, in the Kingdom of Poland. These were characterized by an organised plan and were located close to existing towns. Greenery was a deliberate element of their composition and was further strengthened through deliberate actions in the interwar period by the Polish troops who made use of the barracks. In modern times, much of the historical greenery (avenues of trees, squares in various degrees of preservation, relic gardens) is visible in the structure of towns, which have since grown to incorporate the former barracks


Na przełomie XIX i XX wieku w licznych miastach i miasteczkach położonych wzdłuż zachodniej granicy Rosji, na obszarze Królestwa Polskiego, z rozkazu cara wybudowanych zostało wiele zespołów koszarowych. Charakteryzowały je uporządkowany układ urbanistyczny i bliska lokalizacja względem istniejących miejscowości. Świadomym elementem kompozycji koszar była także zieleń, która została wzmocniona celowymi działaniami w okresie dwudziestolecia międzywojennego przez użytkujące w tym czasie koszary jednostki polskie. Współcześnie wiele założeń historycznej zieleni (alei drzew, skwerów w różnym stanie zachowania, reliktów ogrodów) jest czytelnych w strukturze miast, które na przestrzeni lat, rozbudowując się, wchłonęły zespoły koszarowe.

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Krystyna Pudelska, Anna Mirosław

Czasopismo Techniczne, Architektura Zeszyt 6 A (11) 2014, 2014, s. 57 - 70


The paper presents selected monastic gardens in Lublin Province, where the original layout has been preserved to a considerable degree, and the traditional manner of cultivation has been sustained. It also shows the process behind negative changes within composition and planting schemes.

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Beata Fortuna-Antoszkiewicz, Jan Łukaszkiewicz

Czasopismo Techniczne, Architektura Zeszyt 6 A (11) 2014, 2014, s. 71 - 88


Detailed field investigations are of key importance to the restoration of neglected and dilapidated historical parks, enabling the identification of former compositional structures. A careful analysis of the existing vegetation forms a basis for the interpretation of spatial conditions. Equally invaluable in confirming the existence of these are the memories of the former owners, vintage family photographs, or artists’ impressions. Canvases by Jacek Malczewski, one of the most outstanding Polish artists, are an example of just such an historical record. This paper presents an investigation to identify the original composition of the park in Wielgie based on field studies and the interpretation of works by Jacek Malczewski.

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Anna Szendi

Czasopismo Techniczne, Architektura Zeszyt 6 A (11) 2014, 2014, s. 89 - 103


In the field of garden art, Isabela Lubomirska was known as the founder of one of the most famous Polish gardens named Mon Coteau. In her project the Princess worked with the leading architects and planners of those times, including Ephraim Schroeger and Szymon Bogumił Zug. Thanks to their cooperation a small, but very charming garden composition was created, which surrounded the Princess’ suburban residence. This article aims to present their work in Mokotów, considering mainly the works of Zygmunt Vogel, Alexander Majerski and Franciszek Kostrzewski. The iconographic material which they created has indeed great value, providing a range of information on the characteristics of one of the first Polish gardens established from scratch in the landscape style. The preservation of these documents and their in-depth analysis is of particular importance for the revaluation of the existing part of Mon Coteau.

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Małgorzata Sawicka

Czasopismo Techniczne, Architektura Zeszyt 6 A (11) 2014, 2014, s. 105 - 118


Villas with gardens complexes of the 19th and 20th centuries are a characteristic element of the urban planning of Bielsko-Biała. Selected examples illustrate qualities relating to its diversity, art, content and landscape. The contemporary rank of these facilities needs to be articulated firmly. It is necessary to take appropriate action on conservation and restoration of their value. The reasons behind the poor condition of villas with gardens establishments include change of function, loss of exposure due to new developments, neglect of individual elements, and reduction in the areas they initially occupied.

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Katarzyna Łakomy, Anna Steuer-Jurek

Czasopismo Techniczne, Architektura Zeszyt 6 A (11) 2014, 2014, s. 119 - 131


This article is devoted to the topic of garden houses, characteristic of buildings in garden architecture in many epochs. In the 19th century, owing to the creator of German culture, they assumed a characteristic form, becoming part of the design trends of that time. The main considerations will include their characteristics, the importance and value in creating 19th-century cultural landscapes against the conditions connected with the gardener’s occupation.

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Anna Steuer-Jurek, Katarzyna Łakomy

Czasopismo Techniczne, Architektura Zeszyt 6 A (11) 2014, 2014, s. 133 - 146


The article covers issues relating to the19th-century buildings which accompanied the park complex, called the gardener’s house. They presented the most important contemporary trends in the formation of residential-park complexes, as well as examples of preserved objects in the former rejencja opolska. It also presents the form, present values, and opportunities for adapting them.

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Zbigniew W. Czerniakowski, Tomasz Olbrycht

Czasopismo Techniczne, Architektura Zeszyt 6 A (11) 2014, 2014, s. 149 - 156


This research shows that historic parks in Rzeszów are inhabited by a significant number of interesting species of beetles. The most important group among them from the environmental and economic points of view are ground beetles, especially predatory species of the genus Carabus, legally protected. Rare and protected saproxylic beetles are represented by several species, of which Osmoderma eremita deserves special attention. Similarly, two species belonging to the family of Cerambycidae and Elateridae, rarely encountered in the Podkarpacie region, were identified in the parks of Rzeszów. Thus, the historic parks have become not only an important part of the landscape, but also contribute to the enrichment of biodiversity and to wildlife conservation.

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Tamara Reháčková

Czasopismo Techniczne, Architektura Zeszyt 6 A (11) 2014, 2014, s. 157 - 164


Trees and shrubs, native or alien, are the most significant part of spatial composition in gardens or parks. For this reason, knowledge of species composition and particularly development of species composition in the past represent an important starting point for maintenance, notably in historical gardens. A permanent part of the species composition in historical gardens consists of introduced species. Alien species offered new shapes, colours and textures, and they also fulfilled a desire for new and unknown things. The article will present the species composition of trees and shrubs in historical landscape parks in Bratislava: 1. Sad Janka Kráľa, 2. Horský Park, and 3. The Park v Rusovciach. Our research in these locations was compared with available data on the occurrence of alien species in the research work of different authors from 1968 to 2013. In addition to the development of the garden composition we evaluated the number of genera and species and also their biogeographical origin.

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Marzena Jeleniewska

Czasopismo Techniczne, Architektura Zeszyt 6 A (11) 2014, 2014, s. 165 - 188


Since the Middle Ages, the name rose gardens has been used in reference to gardens where roses were grown. However, they began to thrive at the turn of the 19th century when rose growing developed significantly, and as a result many new rose varieties were created. These began to be widely introduced into gardens. Usually they were found in public gardens and parks. Roses were exhibited due to the variety of their forms and the habit of the shrubs as well as the colour and scent of the flowers. The first rosariums were established in France and Germany. One of the most important examples of horticultural art is the oldest rosarium Roseraie du Val-de-Marne in l’Hay-les-Roses near Paris. It was designed by Édouard André and commissioned by Jules Gravereaux, who was a great lover of roses. It was a breakthrough moment in the history of gardens, because a garden dedicated chiefly to roses was established.

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Barbara Wycichowska

Czasopismo Techniczne, Architektura Zeszyt 6 A (11) 2014, 2014, s. 189 - 204


The author of the article discusses the increase in the area of confrontational neighbourhood of the historical greenery in Lódź, at the expense of the active and passive exposition of individual items of historical greenery. The article presents arguments for the necessity to go from planting revitalization to systemic activities – planting natural revitalization in the city, which may prevent the depreciation process in the spatially isolated historical parks, gardens, cemeteries and green housing estates.

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Monika J. Latkowska

Czasopismo Techniczne, Architektura Zeszyt 6 A (11) 2014, 2014, s. 205 - 218


As a result of technological development and economic changes in Europe in the 2nd half of the 20th century, many industrial centres have been closed. Actions aimed at – on the one hand – reclaiming these areas, giving them new functions (areas of recreation and contact with nature), and – on the other hand – referring to the tradition of the site, preserving traces of industrial activity and ‘genius loci’, as well as the virtues of industrial nature, have been undertaken. Cultural, social and ecological aspects of the operation of post-industrial parks with model examples: Landschaftspark Duisburg-Nord and Natur Park Schöneberger Südgelände are presented in this paper, with special attention paid to protection of the industrial landscape and natural environment carried out there.

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Richard Kubišta, Denisa Halajová

Czasopismo Techniczne, Architektura Zeszyt 6 A (11) 2014, 2014, s. 219 - 224


New methods of non-invasive research in historic greenery offer a relatively quick capability to identify, localize, or just disprove the existence of underground features like paths, flowerbeds, parterres, landscaping remains, or even some larger plants. We have made several case studies in historic parks in the region of south-western Slovakia with a georadar X3M equipped with 500 MHz antenna using several scanning methods (including planar). Interpretation has shown not just modern features like engineering networks, but also historic elements (like pathways) which can be now easily approved by an invasive archaeological survey

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Justyna Jaworek

Czasopismo Techniczne, Architektura Zeszyt 6 A (11) 2014, 2014, s. 225 - 238


Eduard Petzold is regarded as one of the most important German landscape garden art designers and theoreticians of the second half of the 19th century. He founded ‘Arboretum Muscaviense’ at Bad Muskau, which was very popular in the 19th century. His interest in dendrology was reflected in his garden designs. His garden plans included detailed plant selection guidelines. In Lower Silesia, 15 original plans survive, and so it is possible to investigate Petzold’s garden craft. This paper is aimed at raising awareness of the greenery composition principles applied by Eduard Petzold and at studying the surviving tree stands created in line with his recommendations in present-day parks.

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Marcin Święcki, Magdalena Latkowska

Czasopismo Techniczne, Architektura Zeszyt 6 A (11) 2014, 2014, s. 241 - 255


The garden art of China is among the oldest in the world; the Chinese garden style has survived in almost unchanged form until contemporary times. The view of life and the customs of China’s inhabitants were affected from ancient times by philosophical-religious systems which also influenced the composition and designation of Chinese gardens, used for contemplation and in searching for internal harmony. They were inspired by the surrounding natural environment and were landscape in nature. This paper presents the main rules for the formation of Chinese gardens and for their arrangement in particular compositional elements.

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Ewa Waryś, Katarzyna Hodor

Czasopismo Techniczne, Architektura Zeszyt 6 A (11) 2014, 2014, s. 257 - 270


The historic workers’ colonies in cities located in the Upper Silesian Industrial District are an examplen of very valuable cultural heritage of thr Industrial Age. Based on the genius loci idea they create a sense of identity, and also a place for daily life. However, the undeniable landscape values of the historic groups of buildings are difficult to perceive due to the poor condition of architectural objects and urban structures.

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Bożena Łebzuch

Czasopismo Techniczne, Architektura Zeszyt 6 A (11) 2014, 2014, s. 271 - 281


The fine art of gardening in Poland abounds in garden layouts which place special emphasis on the theme of the sacred in landscape design. One of the instances in that respect is calvaries, i.e. a distinct group in the realm of sacred garden layouts that is primarily related to the Stations of the Cross and thus intended to commemorate the Passion of Jesus Christ. In addition, calvaries are designed with a view to reflecting the specific features of a given location and, in turn, emphasise the most significant natural and cultural values of the existing landscape.

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Karolina Porada

Czasopismo Techniczne, Architektura Zeszyt 6 A (11) 2014, 2014, s. 283 - 294


This paper presents the problems of the modern-day form of the Oliwa Park. The analyses of the history, composition, vegetation and contemporary artifacts, enabled the separation of sequences of garden interiors, which were subsequently indexed. The article contains a number of comparative analyses of artifacts and panoramas (past and present). The results of these studies may be the basis for making further analyses, conservation guidelines, and ultimately contribute to improving the state of the object.

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Dominika Kolisz

Czasopismo Techniczne, Architektura Zeszyt 6 A (11) 2014, 2014, s. 295 - 307


This paper summarizes the systematized information about the Oborskich palace complex park. It contains analysis of the stylistic and compositional transformations, with an indication of the inconsistency in those transformations and the reasons for this. The article indicates the landscape values which are not properly used and delineates activities which aim to emphasize those values. It also specifies the importance this premise has on the local scale.


W artykule przedstawiono usystematyzowane informacje, dotyczące parku należącego do zespołu pałacowego Oborskich. Przeprowadzono również analizę przemian stylowych i kompozycyjnych ze wskazaniem niekonsekwencji działań i ich przyczyn w obrębie tychże przemian. Wskazano walory widokowe założenia, które nie są w pełni wykorzystane. Podjęto zatem próbę wytyczenia działań, które mają na celu podkreślenie tych walorów. Ponadto określono rangę, jaką założenie pełni w skali lokalnej. 

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Anna Misierewicz

Czasopismo Techniczne, Architektura Zeszyt 6 A (11) 2014, 2014, s. 309 - 320


Historical gardens are tangible testimony of the culture of bygone times. Formerly the whole surrounding landscape has been subordinated to the dominant, which was the manor house, and create a harmonious whole with it. With the ongoing development of villages and towns, landscape has been undergoing continuous transformation, and manor houses have been losing their status in area. Today there are not many buildings where the clear links with the surroundings have been preserved. Therefore, when undertaking revalorization it is worth considering the opportunities to reconstruct the garden in relation with its surroundings and preserve the cultural landscape of Błędów, which is unique to the region.


Ogrody zabytkowe stanowią namacalne świadectwo kultury minionych czasów. Dawniej cały otaczający krajobraz podporządkowany był dominancie, jaką stanowił dwór, i tworzył z nim harmonijną całość. Wraz z postępującym rozwojem wsi i miast krajobraz ulegał ciągłym przekształceniom, a dwory traciły swoją rangę w przestrzeni. Dziś niewiele jest obiektów, w których zachowało się ich czytelne powiązanie z okolicą. Dlatego, podejmując proces rewaloryzacji, warto zastanowić się nad możliwościami odtworzenia obiektu w powiązaniu z otoczeniem oraz zachowania dawnego krajobrazu kulturowego Błędowa, który jest unikalny w regionie.

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Iwona Kluza, Mateusz Wąsik

Czasopismo Techniczne, Architektura Zeszyt 6 A (11) 2014, 2014, s. 321 - 332


The aim of the essay is to evidence research on the contemporary status and practical functions of monastic gardens in the Old City of Kraków (District no. 1). The authors focused on four major gardens in the area – in the Church of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Carmelites), the Pauline Fathers Monastery (Skałka), the Church of St. Bernardino of Siena (the Bernardines – a branch of the Franciscan Order) and the Conversion of St. Paul Church (Congregation of the Mission). All of these have a rich historical background. The analysis was provided according to such important criteria as urban surroundings, historical and contemporary status of gardens, their connection with the original plan, the upkeep of plants and trees, the possibility of visiting etc. The emphasis was put on historical background, modern tendencies and practical use of the art of gardends.

Celem artykułu jest prześledzenie współczesnej rangi i wykorzystania ogrodów klasztornych na terenie Dzielnicy I – Stare Miasto w Krakowie. Autorzy skupili się na czterech największych ogrodach – przy kościele Nawiedzenia NMP (karmelici), Na Skałce (paulini), przy kościele św. Bernarda (bernardyni) i pod wezwaniem Nawrócenia św. Pawła (Zgromadzenie Księży Misjonarzy). Każde z tych założeń posiada bogatą historię, zaś analizę przeprowadzono według tak ważnych kryteriów jak otoczenie urbanistyczne, historyczna i współczesna ranga ogrodów, ich związek z pierwotnym planem, utrzymanie roślin, możliwość zwiedzania itp. Akcent został postawiony na historyczne tło, współczesne tendencje i praktyczną użyteczność sztuki ogrodowej.
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Julia Klimek

Czasopismo Techniczne, Architektura Zeszyt 6 A (11) 2014, 2014, s. 333 - 343


The article presents the form and character of Kraków’s old Kazimierz district, and its contemporary problems. Reference is made to the history of the site and architectural stratifications. Particularly emphasized is the role of greenery in the urban tissue and the importance of gardens associated with sacred objects is stressed.

W artykule przedstawiono kształt i charakter dawnej dzielnicy Kazimierz wraz z jej współczesnymi problemami. Odniesiono się do historii tego miejsca oraz nawarstwień architektonicznych. Szczególnie zaakcentowana została rola zieleni w tkance urbanistycznej oraz podkreślone znaczenie ogrodów związanych z obiektami sakralnymi.
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Urszula Interewicz

Czasopismo Techniczne, Architektura Zeszyt 6 A (11) 2014, 2014, s. 345 - 360


This article presents the history of Maria Konopnicka Square in Suwałki, considering the reshaping the surrounding area during particular epochs of history. Also the concept of modernizing the Square is presented; the modernization being in progress – and the author’s own plan for organising the area of the Square is discussed.


W artykule przedstawiono historię placu Marii Konopnickiej w Suwałkach, uwzględniając przekształcenia przestrzeni, wpisujące ją w poszczególne epoki. Zaprezentowano również koncepcję modernizacji placu, która jest w trakcie realizacji, oraz autorski projekt zagospodarowania jego przestrzeni.

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Słowa kluczowe: garden exhibition, exhibition, garden, values, park, garden, garrison, Russian barracks, organized greenery in historical barracks ; carskie koszary, zieleń uporządkowana w zabytkowych koszarach, monastic gardens, Lublin Province, Malczewski, Wielgie, analysis of vegetation, park’s composition, garden’s history, landscape garden’s iconography, Mokotów, villas with gardens complex, 19th century residential architecture, villa, gardener house, 19th century architecture history, garden art, gardener house, garden art, 19th-century architecture history, historic parks, biodiversity, wildlife conservation, historical gardens, species composition, trees, shrubs, rose, history of the use of rose, Rose garden, l’Hay-les-Roses, roses competitions, confrontational neighborhood, planting revitalization, ecological parks, industrial nature, sustainable development, georadar research, historic greenery, Eduard Petzold, plant selection, landscape park, Targoszyn, Chinese gardens, plant symbolism, rocks, water, Yang, Yin, workers colonies, genius loci, garden city, tradition of a place, Calvary, cultural values, natural values, Oliwa park, valorisation, Gdansk, genius loci, Oborskich palace complex, landscape park, revalorization manor’s garden, Błędów’s palace-garden ensemble, cultural landscape ; rewaloryzacja ogrodów dworskich, założenie pałacowo-parkowe w Błędowie, krajobraz kulturowy, monastic gardens, history of the art of gardens, Carmelites, Paulines, Bernardines, Congregation of the Mission, Cracow, Kazimierz, monastery gardens, greenery in the city ; Kazimierz, ogrody klasztorne, zieleń w mieście, modernization of urban markets, greenery in public area ; modernizacja rynków miast, zieleń w przestrzeni publicznej