Architektura Zeszyt 11-A (22) 2015

2015 Następne

Data publikacji: 21.03.2016

Licencja: Żadna


Redaktor naczelny Józef Gawlik

Sekretarz redakcji Dorota Sapek

Zawartość numeru

Szymon Filipowski

Czasopismo Techniczne, Architektura Zeszyt 11-A (22) 2015, 2015, s. 3-9


Night illuminations of historical architectural objects have been discussed. In order to simulate light effects on the existing object of the Royal Palace in Łobzów, renderings with a defined illumination were made. The author proves that illumination is not only a matter of engineering, but also an art. The possibility to influence the reception of architecture through illumination and the possibilities to simulate illuminations using computer software are investigated. It tries to answer the question whether the method of work, which requires utilization of precise data, deprives the designer of artistry.

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Renata A. Górska

Czasopismo Techniczne, Architektura Zeszyt 11-A (22) 2015, 2015, s. 11-18


The analysis of the “state of art” of the research work conducted in Poland and its relation to the foreign research results within the field of “graphicacy” in context of engineering education and gaining success in engineering disciplines is the aim of this work. The pilot study conducted in this respect concerns, in the first stage, the definition of these elements of engineering education which are crucial for graphical subjects to design syllabuses in order to achieve expected learning outcomes. A framework for graphicacy curricula development will be defined while taking into account the element of lifelong learning. In conclusion, the direction of the further research work will be formulated in order to enhance graphicacy capability among engineering students and within engineering studies.

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Anna Kulig, Krystyna Romaniak

Czasopismo Techniczne, Architektura Zeszyt 11-A (22) 2015, 2015, s. 19-32


In this study perspective was presented as one of the conventions for recording 3D objects on a 2D plane. Being the easiest type of projection to understand (for a recipient) perspective, in its historical context, was presented from ancient times until today1. Issues of practice and theory were addressed and examples of precise compliance with the rules and their negation in the 20th century were presented. Contemporary practical applications in architecture were reviewed.

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Farid Nassery, Andrzej Zieliński

Czasopismo Techniczne, Architektura Zeszyt 11-A (22) 2015, 2015, s. 33-42


The article presents the 3D computer modelling of architectural details based on the modern BIM inventory systems. It discusses the methodology of architectural inventory, which employs laser measurements in the ArchiCad programme interconnected with the FlexiJet system. The use of this method allows one to create elements of a virtual building (BIM model) with great precision, thanks to its very high measurement accuracy and appropriate software. The application of this system is exemplified by the specified elevation detail of the Royal Palace in Łobzów, currently housing the Faculty of Architecture of Cracow University of Technology.

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Anita Pawlak-Jakubowska

Czasopismo Techniczne, Architektura Zeszyt 11-A (22) 2015, 2015, s. 43-52


One element that impacts the visual perception of retractable roofs is their geometrical construction. A quest to find new and attractive forms for buildings’ roofs presents a challenge for architects and designers. In this study, an attempt has been made to classify the roofs in terms of their architectural form. The roofs covered in the research are solid as well as moveable. Solid roofs are divided into three categories i.e. plane, curvilinear and freeform. Two criteria apply when classifying retractable roofs. One is the type of motion that the roof is performing (rotational and sliding) and the other is the type of material that roof panels are made from (roofs with rigid and variable panels).

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Beata Vogt

Czasopismo Techniczne, Architektura Zeszyt 11-A (22) 2015, 2015, s. 53-62


The world is changing constantly and inexorably, and the new technologies enter all of the fields of our lives. The changes also affect the ways of teaching traditional subjects, such as descriptive geometry. Until recently, this subject, being the basic communication language for engineers all over the world, had only been taught with traditional methods – using paper, pencil, compasses and ruler. Currently, instruction on solving geometric problems begins to use computers with the AutoCAD software as well as e-learning platforms with a full range of possibilities. An essential issue in the course of instruction is to make the student realise that a computer can only do what it is told to do by its operator, and it is necessary to have theoretical knowledge to be able to use one in order to solve a given problem.

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Agnieszka Wojtowicz, Barbara Wojtowicz

Czasopismo Techniczne, Architektura Zeszyt 11-A (22) 2015, 2015, s. 63-72


Creativity and understanding of complex spatial structures are required from architects. Thereat, avoiding the uncertainty and the necessity of simplifying complex structures may, in consequence, lead to an inadequacy of the effect of their work. Employing the scales of Personal Need for Structure (PNS) and PNS-Geometry served to determine if the individuals with strong intensity of these qualities will have problems with understanding construction of complex spatial structures and correct solving of geometrical problems. The results of the preliminary research appear to validate the thesis.

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