Mechanika Zeszyt 6-M (11) 2012

2012 Następne

Data publikacji: 2012

Licencja: Żadna


Redaktor naczelny Józef Gawlik

Redaktor tematyczny Józef Gawlik

Zawartość numeru

Michał Dyląg, Jerzy Rosiński

Czasopismo Techniczne, Mechanika Zeszyt 6-M (11) 2012, 2012, s. 3-15


In der Arbeit ist das Ergebnis der Vergleichsrechnungen zu der Anwendung der Momentenmethode und Überprüfung von zwei verschiedenen Verteilungen zur Rekonstruktion der Partikelgrößenverteilungen unter Zugrundelegung der Normalverteilung und der Gaudin-Melloy-Verteilung.

Czytaj więcej Następne

Michał Dyląg, Jerzy Rosiński, Wiesław Szatko

Czasopismo Techniczne, Mechanika Zeszyt 6-M (11) 2012, 2012, s. 17-30


In der Arbeit wurden die Grundlagen der Modellierung des Flockulationsprozesses formuliert und ausführlich diskutiert, wobei die hydrodynamischen Aspekte der Strömung im Rohrreaktor mit Querschnittsänderungen berücksichtigt worden sind.

Czytaj więcej Następne

Władysław Egner

Czasopismo Techniczne, Mechanika Zeszyt 6-M (11) 2012, 2012, s. 31-45


The paper applies the boundary perturbation method (BPM) to optimal plastic design under bending with considerable shear effects. This method uses expansion of stress components and of the unknown boundary into power series of a small parameter. In the present paper the small parameter a represents the effects of shear. The shape is described by a power series resulting from boundary conditions. The loading of the cantilever beam consists of a concentrated moment and distributed loading regarded as a perturbing factor. The material of the beam is perfectly plastic, subject to the Huber–Mises–Hencky yield condition. The beam is in the plane strain state.

Czytaj więcej Następne

Marek Hebda

Czasopismo Techniczne, Mechanika Zeszyt 6-M (11) 2012, 2012, s. 47-55


In recent years dynamic progress has been seen in practically all areas of human activity. It has contributed to the development of new techniques used in engineering materials. For example, in powder metallurgy many new methods of powder forming and consolidation were developed. The SPS (Spark Plasma Sintering) process, also known as PECS (Pulsed Electric Current Sintering) or FAST (Field Assisted Sintering Technique), is one of them. This paper describes the SPS method and its possible applications, and presents examples of powder consolidation by means of this technology.

Czytaj więcej Następne

Maciej Krasiński, Marek Stodulski, Andrzej Trojnacki

Czasopismo Techniczne, Mechanika Zeszyt 6-M (11) 2012, 2012, s. 57-79


The paper deals with stress modification in thick-walled pressure vessels realized by means of specific initial stresses introduced into the structure during the manufacturing process. Several technologies were investigated with the aim to determine the initial interlayer interferences, tension forces of layers or autofrettage pressure. Realization of such determined technological parameters leads to better, more equalized stress distribution in the vessel wall under operating pressure with respect to solid or multi-layer wall without additional treatment. As a result the maximum equivalent stress of the wall decreases and cheaper material of lower strength properties may be applied. Analytical solution is illustrated with a numerical example.

Czytaj więcej Następne

Jan Łuczko, Urszula Ferdek

Czasopismo Techniczne, Mechanika Zeszyt 6-M (11) 2012, 2012, s. 81-92


This paper examined the quarter model of the vehicle suspension with dampers, represented by the hystereses models of Spencer type. The effectiveness of vibration reduction through the use of semi-active and passive systems with asymmetric damping force characteristics was compared. In case of semi-active dampers several different control algorithms of on-off type were considered. The impact of these algorithms on parameters associated with comfort and safety of the drive was analyzed. The results of the numerical simulations were presented in the form of graphs showing the values of performance indicators in the frequency domain.

Czytaj więcej Następne

Jan Ryś, Marcin Augustyn

Czasopismo Techniczne, Mechanika Zeszyt 6-M (11) 2012, 2012, s. 93-113


This paper presents experimental studies in a wind tunnel of a two – coherent cross – section blade of wind rotor with vertical axis, mechanism of locating the direction of the wind and planetary rotation of blades. A structure of the blade and results of measurements of aerodynamic forces and aerodynamic torque were shown. Based on received results under some assumptions the propelling moment and unit power were obtained. The results are presented in figures.

Czytaj więcej Następne

Aneta Szewczyk-Nykiel, Marek Nykiel, Jan Kazior

Czasopismo Techniczne, Mechanika Zeszyt 6-M (11) 2012, 2012, s. 115-125


The combinations of good biocompatibility of hydroxyapatite and good mechanical properties of 316L steel should lead to obtain better biomaterial. 316L-hydroxyapatite composites were produced by the PM technology. Microstructure and properties of these materials were affected by chemical composition of powders mixture and sintering temperature. Sintering temperature of 1240°C and hydroxyapatite addition of 3 wt. % provide to obtain the best density and hardness sintered 316L-hydroxyapatite compositions.

Czytaj więcej Następne

Dawid Taler, Jarosław Tokarczyk

Czasopismo Techniczne, Mechanika Zeszyt 6-M (11) 2012, 2012, s. 127-134


Heating of the pipeline with thermally insulated outer surface was modelled using the explicit finite difference method. The time variation of the fluid temperature at the pipeline inlet has the ramp form. An exact analytical solution was found using the method of superposition. The differences between the analytically and numerically predicted fluid and tube wall temperatures are small. The same method will be used in future for modeling, a heat storage unit, that is used in a combined electric-water heating system.

Czytaj więcej Następne

Janusz Tarnowski, Stanisław Rumian

Czasopismo Techniczne, Mechanika Zeszyt 6-M (11) 2012, 2012, s. 135-143


These studies were carried out on one of the prototype booster pump function of the heart with skeletal muscle. The main objective of this study was to find the optimum operating range of the pump and driver and to estimate of its effective performance. Tests were performed using fast video cameras and computer image analysis.

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