Środowisko Zeszyt 3-Ś (25) 2015

2015 Następne

Data publikacji: 18.04.2016

Licencja: CC BY  ikona licencji


Redaktor naczelny Józef Gawlik

Sekretarz redakcji Dorota Sapek

Zawartość numeru

Tomasz Cichoń, Jadwiga Królikowska

Czasopismo Techniczne, Środowisko Zeszyt 3-Ś (25) 2015, 2015, s. 3-11


The paper refers to the study of water meters and the impact of some external factors on the variability of water meters metrological parameters during their operation period. The study was conducted in three groups, depending on cause and the moment of dismounting – before expiry of operation period, at the end of operation period and to metrological expertise. In this paper, are presented results of measuring errors investigations, which show variability of errors during operation time. In the group of water meters with exceeded errors, analyses were conducted on the damage types and the factors affecting the deterioration of metrological accuracy. Research is aimed to define the conditions required in order to maintain the metrological accuracy during operation period.

Czytaj więcej Następne

Jerzy Ciepliński

Czasopismo Techniczne, Środowisko Zeszyt 3-Ś (25) 2015, 2015, s. 13-23


The paper analyses the share of single SBR in total energy consumption of studied wastewater treatment plant. The analysis is based on a two sets of data: measurements, gathered by automated measuring installation and data archived manually by plant’s operator. Energy consumption was also analysed with reference to archive data of daily flows.

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Justyna Górka, Małgorzata Cimochowicz-Rybicka

Czasopismo Techniczne, Środowisko Zeszyt 3-Ś (25) 2015, 2015, s. 25-37


The article discusses problems related to intensification of anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge. The authors have analysed the principal indicators of a methane digestion process, focusing mainly on biogas production. The most commonly used methods of sludge disintegration were reviewed. Additionally, the methods of algae biomass processing for biofuels and a methanogenic potential of the biomass were presented. The article presents the literature review to identify the possibilities of energy profit caused by using algae in anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge.

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Justyna Kwaśny, Wojciech Balcerzak, Piotr Rezka

Czasopismo Techniczne, Środowisko Zeszyt 3-Ś (25) 2015, 2015, s. 39-45


The article presents the issue of adsorptive removal of hydrogen sulphide from biogas using zeolite. Based on literature data, comparing performance of the biogas desulphurisation process for various mineral adsorbents, eg. activated carbon, zeolites and metal oxides, was carried out. The efficiency of biogas desulphurisation by adsorption on zeolites is significantly lower than for the activated carbons. Therefore, this article presents opportunities for improving efficiency desulphurization by modifying the structure of adsorbents.

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Piotr Rezka, Wojciech Balcerzak, Małgorzata Kryłów

Czasopismo Techniczne, Środowisko Zeszyt 3-Ś (25) 2015, 2015, s. 47-54


The article is part of a series of publications discussing prevalence of pharmaceuticals in the aquatic environment. The aim of this study is to describe the problem of the presence of hormonal tablets ingredient 17α-ethinylestradiol and its three natural analogues in wastewater and the environment. Basic information on the substances in question and the concentrations in which these compounds can negatively affect aquatic organisms are provided. In the paper, the authors review the literature data on the presence of estrogenic hormones in wastewater, surface water and groundwater. Penetration through aquifers can lead to accumulation of these compounds in the sediments, which is reflected in the literature.

Czytaj więcej Następne

Magdalena Tutro

Czasopismo Techniczne, Środowisko Zeszyt 3-Ś (25) 2015, 2015, s. 55-70


This article deals with applying numerical finite element models to forecast the phenomena’s dynamics in retention reservoirs. Due to the fact of diversity and the dynamism of these phenomena on storage reservoirs, it is important to predict them for a good management of these objects. Historical observations can be a good source of clues for proceeding in a specific case. It is not directly used to all the possibilities. It is important to use a tool, which can estimate probable scenarios. Thanks to the use of simulation programs, it is possible both to predict physical and chemical processes, and to use the solutions to forecasts and research plans.

Czytaj więcej Następne

Andrzej Wolak, Piotr Przecherski

Czasopismo Techniczne, Środowisko Zeszyt 3-Ś (25) 2015, 2015, s. 71-78


Unmanned water vehicles have been routinely used for marine purposes. This technology has emerged only recently for inland waters. It is used for two main purposes: bottom area scanning, in order to create maps of bottoms of rivers and lakes, artificial or natural. This information is needed for water engineering development and rehabilitation projects, and for flood protection planning. The other use is for the determination of flow velocities in rivers and lakes, which is needed for the determination of hydraulic properties of rivers, also necessary for flood protection. For the first purpose, an original vehicle is shortly described (UPP-1E), for the other, a Commercial-Off-The-Shelf solution is presented (RiverSurveyor of SonTek).

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