2007 Następne

Data publikacji: 2007

Licencja: Żadna


Redaktor naczelny Teresa Walas

Zawartość numeru

Wielogłos, Numer 1 (2) 2007, 2007, s. 7 - 31

O książce Anny Burzyńskiej "Anty-teoria literatury" rozmawiają dr hab. Anna Burzyńska, prof. Anna Łebkowska, prof. Teresa Walas, prof. Henryk Markiewicz, prof. Ryszard Nycz, dr Tomasz Kunz i mgr Jakub Momro

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Rozprawy i szkice

Anna Łebkowska

Wielogłos, Numer 1 (2) 2007, 2007, s. 33 - 48

In the article, the author presents a map of the main trends associated with the problem of Europe and European identity which are of particular importance for the broadly understood modernism. In this context, the novel by Roman Jaworski „Wesele hrabiego Orgaza” (The Wedding of Count Orgaz), whose main topic is a critical analysis of the then dominant tendencies to heal the prematurely withered Europe, occupies an important place. It is these very issues that constitute the main topic of the article. In Jaworski’s novel, the attempts to rescue Europe were presented in a grotesque light; this is noticeable particularly in the projects of modernity: treated here as illusory intellectual, ordering constructions whose aim was to alter history; (mainly the principle of collection, clean slate – tabula rasa etc.). The element of the catastrophic, so characteristic of this novel which is combined here with the awareness of the extinction of all values, is transformed into an argument over the issue whether these values would have a chance to survive.

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Andrzej Juszczyk

Wielogłos, Numer 1 (2) 2007, 2007, s. 49 - 62

The article concerns the literary manifestations of the functioning of the concept of „Central Europe”. The author starts his essay with an analysis of the political-historical origin of this term and subsequently reviews its contemporary representations in the works of Polish and Ukrainian writers (Stasiuk, Andruchowycz, Żadan, Irwaneć). In their works which take up the issue of collective identity, the above authors who themselves come from the region which they describe in their books, often resort to the use of elements of the Utopia and anti-Utopia. An analysis of this phenomenon leads one to observe that the works in question create the myth of Central Europe as a place whose role is to create an identity (between East and West) which in reality does not exist.

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Hanna Marciniak

Wielogłos, Numer 1 (2) 2007, 2007, s. 63 - 81

The article is devoted to Różewicz’s poetic imagination, and above all to the images associated with the motif of the monument. I also regard the motif of the cathedral and the stone as variants of this central topos. The above motifs serve as interpretative trails in the analysis of the essay What Has Remained of the Unwritten Book About Norwid (as well as of the poem An Evening in Norwid’s Honor) which constitutes its fundamental element. I am especially interested in the commemorative dimension of the „monumental” topics and its connection with Różewicz’s concept of autobiographical poetry.

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Jan Michalik

Wielogłos, Numer 1 (2) 2007, 2007, s. 82 - 93

The subject of the article is the 2-week long stay of the Czech actress, Marie Pospíšilová in Cracow in the year 1885. It is worth mentioning that up until now, this event has not been described anywhere. The author presents the silhouette of the visitor as well as the reason and circumstances of her visit. He also describes the reaction of the critics and of the public which attended the six performances the actress had given in Cracow, mentioning among others, the many instances of the sympathy shown to the actress by the Cracow milieu. The author describes the Czech visitor’s active participation in a few social events. The visit is characterized as an artistic, social and political event.

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Cezary Zalewski

Wielogłos, Numer 1 (2) 2007, 2007, s. 95 - 119

The article presents the fundamental category of René Girard’s anthropology, namely the concept of desire. The author discusses, above all, its imitative nature which is revealed in its two basic types: the external and the internal one. The characteristic is supplemented with the metaphysical dimension which appears at times when the object of the desire is existence itself. The presentations were also widened to include the views of psychologists, for whom Girard’s findings constitute an important inspiration.

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Recenzje i omówienia

Inga Iwasiów

Wielogłos, Numer 1 (2) 2007, 2007, s. 121 - 124

Recenzja ksiązki M. Wyki, Niecierpliwość krytyki. Recenzje i szkice z lat 1961–2005, Kraków 2007

Czytaj więcej Następne

Aleksander Nawarecki

Wielogłos, Numer 1 (2) 2007, 2007, s. 125 - 129

Recenzja książki A. Fiuta, Spotkania z Innym, Kraków 2006

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Mateusz Skucha

Wielogłos, Numer 1 (2) 2007, 2007, s. 130 - 140

Recenzja książki P. Dybla, Zagadka „drugiej płci”. Spory wokół różnicy seksualnej w psychoanalizie i w feminizmie, Kraków 2006

Czytaj więcej Następne

Jakub Momro

Wielogłos, Numer 1 (2) 2007, 2007, s. 141 - 147

Recenzja książki M. Herera, Gilles Deleuze. Struktury – maszyny – kreacje, Kraków 2006

Czytaj więcej Następne

Maria Jazowska-Gumulska

Wielogłos, Numer 1 (2) 2007, 2007, s. 148 - 151

Recenzja książki J. Kowalikowej, Narodziny nauczyciela polonisty. Szkice edukacyjne, Kraków 2006.

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