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Issue 4 (44)

2018 Next

Publication date: 20.12.2018

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Editorial team

Editor-in-Chief Joanna Kołodziejczyk

Secretary Paweł Hałat

Issue editors Grażyna Prawelska-Skrzypek

Issue content

Andrzej Marjański, Edmund Szweda

Public Management, Issue 4 (44), 2018, pp. 361 - 371


On 1 October 2018, the Act: Law on Higher Education and Science, commonly referred to as the Constitution for Science, became the binding legal act. The Law integrates existing laws and regulations for science and higher education. The article analyzes selected problems of the new law, making one of the scientific disciplines, i.e. security studies, a reference point. The research area for this analysis was the University of Social Sciences in Łódź and its branch in Warsaw. 

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Ewa Stroińska, Justyna Trippner-Hrabi

Public Management, Issue 4 (44), 2018, pp. 373 - 388


The publication concerns the specifics of work in a virtual system and knowledge management at selected Higher Universities in Poland. This way of performing duties is becoming more and more popular and even required by cooperators from the near and distant environment. Universities should demonstrate flexibility in this area by adapting their work system to current trends and standards. The aim of the article is to describe some aspects related to the virtual work of academic teachers and the need to apply knowledge management in the long-term functional organization. The adopted hypothesis assumes that there will be intensification of processes related to virtualization of work at universities. The qualitative method was used to collect empirical data in the form of casual interviews. Up to now, interviews with academics have been conducted with three selected Polish universities (Academy of Social Sciences, University of Lodz, School of Finance and Management), overall thirty-seven workers took part in the research. A secondary analysis method was also used, consisting of a review of literature on the subject of national and international scope. The results of the publication are pilot studies, which are a prelude to further research covering both teachers and people managing science and didactic facilities in major voivodship cities in Poland.

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Urszula Knop, Seweryn Cichoń

Public Management, Issue 4 (44), 2018, pp. 389 - 402


The article presents the issue of register of literary scientific achievements of research workers with particular focus on the activities of selected technical university libraries. The article has been divided into two parts – theoretical and empirical. In the first part, sources of scientific information like: a bibliography of university staff publications, institutional repository, Poland Scientific Bibliography, has been presented. The second part presents the results of research on the procedure for registration of scientific achievements of alma mater employees in the bibliography of university staff publications and institutional repository. These studies were based on review of internal rector ordinances, other university legal acts and information about resources documentation in the above sources, which are available on the websites of selected technical university libraries. In addition, rector ordinances relating to the facilitation of the preparation of citations have also been taken into account. An overview of websites was made in July, 2016.

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Sławomir Rębisz, Marcin Kapczyński

Public Management, Issue 4 (44), 2018, pp. 403 - 425


This article is intended (1) to provide an analysis spanning over two periods 2005–2009 and 2010–2014 of the publishing activity of academics and researchers from Poland, Slovakia and Hungary, based on the data available from the Clarivate Analytics database, previously Thomas Reuters Web of ScienceTM Core Collection, (2) capturing certain trends within these periods (increase/decrease), concerning the participation of academics and researchers from the three countries in global science, and (3) presenting the level of their presence on the global stage. Results of the study introduces the theses that the scientific policy originated Poland and Slovakia in the period under review is bringing slow results. An increase in participants has taken place in the mentioned countries from 2010–2014 in the world of science and the presence of representatives from these countries have become more and more significant in the world scientific landscape. In addition to this their local scientific activity changes into a more open and international form. The Hungary situation in this area is not as clear. On the one hand the citation of work with Hungarian affiliation has increased, and on the other hand the scientific productivity of the representatives of the country has decreased.

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Jan Franciszek Jacko

Public Management, Issue 4 (44), 2018, pp. 427 - 440


The general objective of the work is to identify the axiological assumptions of the concept of innovation. The study shows their presence in the arguments justifying the claim that something is or is not an innovation. The literature and logical analyses shall achieve this goal. They should also indicate essential differences between innovation and pseudo-innovation. The practical goal is to show the role that these assumptions play in decision-making and planning innovation strategies.

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Anna Szeliga-Duchnowska, Boleslaw Goranczewski

Public Management, Issue 4 (44), 2018, pp. 441 - 453


The main purpose of the article is presenting the chosen areas of the human resources management in the armed forces as well as identification of humanistic determinants affected performance in the respondents’ opinion. Research results indicate particular importance of trust in the interpersonal relations, that influences the army performance.

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Grzegorz Mnich

Public Management, Issue 4 (44), 2018, pp. 455 - 465


The goal of this article is to point out a dependence between the market driven financing model of the public media in Poland and its progressive degradation. Those who manage the television try to solve its financial problems by the massive staff dismissals and a decrease of the cultural standards, which broadens the target and brings more benefits from the commercials. In this way the public television loses on reliability and misses its social vocation. The economic aspects turn out more important that human. The need to be competitive on the market leads to the gradual deterioration of the journalism. Sadly, the public television seem to be on the skids and no one knows how to stop it.

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Gábor Kovács

Public Management, Issue 4 (44), 2018, pp. 467 - 479


The paper aims to describe how the amount of retail customers’ bank deposits has changed as a result of launching the financial transaction tax in Hungary. The liquidity premium related to all bank deposits offered by Hungarian banks will be analysed and its amount will be calculated from the transfer costs on the supply side. The objective of the research is to measure liquidity premium at sector level. When analysing the liquidity premium, both the size of the invested amount and duration of the deposit are tackled. Since the size of liquidity premium may considerably affect competition on the market, the paper tries to model this relationship and estimate the value of the corresponding parameters.

This paper was written in the framework of ‘EFOP-3.6.1-16-2016-00017’project.

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Aldona Małgorzata Dereń, Jan Skonieczny

Public Management, Issue 4 (44), 2018, pp. 481 - 493


The paper presentsthe role of the power in the network organization. This role is reflected in the analysis of free exchange and the voluntary sharing of power and knowledge in the network structure.Most often, the problem of the functioning of a network structure is described by depicting it in opposition to a hierarchical structure, indicating that the network is a structure without a single decision center and no fixed relations. According to the authors of the study, the network logic that replaces the hierarchy does not mean the complete disappearance of the centers of power. They remain, but in organizations with varied technical knowledge, competencies and experience. In a hierarchical structure, power is the means and purpose of acquiring and managing knowledge. On the other hand, network logic from knowledge makes the tool of gaining power. In the opinion of authors the network organization is not an alternative form for managing contemporary organizations. It is just a modernized management form using communication and information technologies and cooperation between organizations in the network.

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Małgorzata Nowastowska

Public Management, Issue 4 (44), 2018, pp. 495 - 506


Technological progress and the development of the Internet network have changed the way and type of work. Not only the form of the work performed changed, but also its scope and role. The Internet has become a place of professional work of modern man. In the context of these changes, we must answer of two important questions. First: in what area of the Internet human work is of the greatest importance? Second: what benefits and losses brings work done on the Internet? The whole article is of an illustrative nature and constitutes an introduction to further considerations on the impact of professional work on the Internet network.

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