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Issue 4 (36)

2016 Next

Publication date: 22.12.2016

Licence: None

Editorial team

Issue editors Paweł Hałat

Secretary Paweł Hałat

Editor-in-Chief Aleksander Noworól

Issue content

Aldona Małgorzata Dereń, Jan Skonieczny

Public Management, Issue 4 (36), 2016, pp. 269-276

Higher education institutions in Poland, similarly as in other European countries, are reporting to thorough transformations which concern the level of administering and the organization of academic institutions, as well as the level of axiology, basic aims and the function in the modern society. These changes are a consequence of the overall process of the reorientation and the reorganization of the scientific knowledge in compliance with the requirements of the knowledge-based economy. In the paper the authors propose the model of the modern higher education institution (innovative university) which gives a chance of fulfilling the idea of creating and sharing the knowledge with the economic sector and the society. Simultaneously they recommend four base innovative strategies for the higher education institution allowing better utilization of the potential of the university research.
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Marta Tutko

Public Management, Issue 4 (36), 2016, pp. 277-287

The article discusses the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG 2015) in the context of the previous ESG and explores the status of adaptation of the ESG by the Polish higher education institutions. This status of adaptation is rather good, however there are still some problems with its implementation, presented in the article. These problems might become great challenges for HEIs in adapting of the ESG 2015.
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Piotr Pietrzak

Public Management, Issue 4 (36), 2016, pp. 289-302

Both in Poland and in other European Union countries, universities are financed by public funds. This is due to the role that societies assign the spread of higher education. Thus, the question of the efficiency of public universities and their faculties in the allocation of scarce resources economy. In the article it has been taken the discussion about the problem of measurement of efficiency of public universities. A review of the relevant domestic and international literature was undertaken. The article presents the results of researches in the DEA efficiency ratio for forty seven faculties representing life sciences. The efficiency indicators were compared with the level of public funding. The discussion of the results was conducted using the Pearson Correlation.
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Barbara Kożuch, Regina Lenart-Gansiniec

Public Management, Issue 4 (36), 2016, pp. 303-320


Purpose of the article is empirical verification of factors of efficient knowledge sharing by scientific workers of universities, existing in literature of the subjects, and an attempt to identify the most significant of them. The illustrative empirical data were obtained through a research tool in a form of a survey questionnaire, addressed to workers employed on scientific and didactic positions at universities located in Poland. The realized research allowed to specify previous knowledge related to premises of knowledge sharing, with regard to the knowledge workers. Results of the performed research suggest that these factors are mainly of a resourceful nature. The obtained results not only confirm but also complement the theoretical basis for knowledge sharing in the academic environment.

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Jarema Batorski

Public Management, Issue 4 (36), 2016, pp. 321-331


The openness of science is to ensure free access to the ultimate outcome of research and the use of open models in other areas of scientific work. The article pointed out the possibility of using the concept of organizational learning in shaping openness. Learning of an organization is a complex and multi-level phenomenon. Expanding the boundaries of organizational learning is promoted by networking of information with other entities. Reinforcing learning within the open science may include its types proposed by E. Stern.

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Rafał Maciąg

Public Management, Issue 4 (36), 2016, pp. 333-342

The institutional aspect of the functioning of the university may not be separated from the broader context of science, already reworked and interpreted in the Humanities. The paper proofs that the humanistic management connecting the Humanities and the management is the proper scientific field to recognize and understand this problematics.
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Paweł Romaniuk

Public Management, Issue 4 (36), 2016, pp. 343-354


Today's environment of any organization and to seek ever new ways to improve the efficiency of their operation. This applies to both universities, as well as local government units, which together more often cooperate and implement various projects. Joint actions can be seen through the gradual raising ethical standards applied in different organizations. These study provides perspectives from the axiological to manage these specific types of organization, which is the university and the local government unit.

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Lidia Żakowska, Zofia Bryniarska

Public Management, Issue 4 (36), 2016, pp. 355-367


Background. Initiatives to promote gender equality in STEM have been developed in Europe over a number of years. However, all specific programmes have proved to be insufficient to increase the number of women in science and in engineering.

Research aims. The main objective is to analyze the barriers that lead to gender inequity in the context of science and the academia, namely vertical and horizontal segregation (underrepresentation of women in STEM) and asymmetric gender culture in organisations (including structural barriers for women).

Methodology. In this paper location parameters of descriptive statistics, like median 1st and 3rd quartile and rate structure, were compared. Those simple parameters were used to show the scale of differences between males and females, especially in the context of salaries, and to highlight the dynamics of changes in time.

Key findings. The study revealed that there is no equity in salaries at all educational levels in Poland. There is also no equity in R&D personnel salaries and in number of engineering students and in higher level technical university personnel.

Conclusions. Urgent solutions and actions are needed to increase the equity balance in STEM in the context of salaries and careers development, in transportation engineering field.

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Zainab Fakhr, Silvia Dal Bianco, Shazia Bilal

Public Management, Issue 4 (36), 2016, pp. 369-377

The purpose of this study is to identify some relevant key themes, which have emerged from a fieldwork on female academics in Pakistan, which was conducted between 2015 and 2016. The focus of the present research is to explore the experiences of female academic staff in a number of selected Higher Education institution. The investigation goes beyond the formal contractual role boundaries, such as job scope and requirements, and it analyses female academics’ experiences in a holistic sense. This is in recognition that the value of female employees is not only defined by the nature of their work roles but also by societal as well as cultural norms. To this end, the analysis of female career progression, in the context of a ‘conservative and gendered society’, is complemented to the ones of work-life conflict and multiple identities. As for its methodology, the analysis employs qualitative research techniques, such as interviews leading to a thematic analysis of the generated data. Our preliminary results are consistent with the established literature, in so far as they show significant work-life conflict, slower career progression and fewer development and progression opportunities for female academics.
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Danuta A. Tomczak

Public Management, Issue 4 (36), 2016, pp. 379-391

The article presents selected institutional solutions and highlight good practices of gender equality policies in Norway and analyses the outcomes. It reviews the recent research on the subject, especially studies concerned with the controversial quota-law of 2003 and its consequences. A problem of low gender diversity in the Norwegian labor market and managerial positions is addressed, as well as a persistent pay gap between men and women salaries. Costs and gains of quota-law are discussed in micro and macro perspective.
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