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Issue 2 (26)

2014 Next

Publication date: 22.09.2014

Licence: None

Editorial team

Editor-in-Chief Aleksander Noworól

Secretary Joanna Kołodziejczyk

Issue Editor Mateusz Lewandowski

Issue content

Zbysław Dobrowolski

Public Management, Issue 2 (26), 2014, pp. 137 - 147


The ability of public organizations for public-private cooperation

In this paper, on the basis of own research and research of other authors, the attempt has been taken to identify the conditions and the ability of public organizations for public-private cooperation, and ways for its improvement. It was established that the part of local governments did not realize properly the public-private cooperation. For the realization and the co-financing of undertakings by both public entities and private partners, an ignorance of concomitance principles constitutes the serious barrier of public-private cooperation. One should prepare and publish examples of best practices about public-private cooperation.

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Ludmiła Szulgina

Public Management, Issue 2 (26), 2014, pp. 149 - 162


Cooperation marketing as the latest marketing concept of travel agencies of Ukraine

The article envisages the results of theoretical studies of the marketing idea. There is an examination of general conditions, which facilitated marketing to spread within Ukrainian tourism. It is established that the most advanced idea of tourist marketing, being result of a relations marketing, is a cooperation marketing. In tourism, there are three levels of system of the cooperation marketing which were described.

The idea of the cooperation marketing declares more tight links between all participants to process of creation, sale and purchase of the tourist product in comparison with other approaches; thus, its introduction requires the most precise choice of partners, deep understanding of their expectations with respect to marketing package and specifics of its elements.

Introduction of the idea of the cooperation marketing to a travel agency rests on a systematic approach providing a harmony between strategic level of the system (i.e. mission, idea and strategy of enterprises, their corporate culture and specifics of resource potential) and its introduction level (including choice of methods of employment, preparation, motivation, organization and remuneration of the stuff; tactics of program of the cooperation marketing with respect to clients, partners etc.).

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Joanna Borowska

Public Management, Issue 2 (26), 2014, pp. 163 - 175


Nowadays, according to dominant approach to learning process, students’ commitment is one of fundamental factors which have impact on success in learning. This fact poses a challenge to teachers and schools to redefine the role of students in their own process of learning.
The main purpose of the article is to deepen the knowledge about the students’ participation in constructing their own learning process and the relationship between the students’ commitment in the classroom, and their sex and age (type of school).

The author used selected questions data from electronic database, which included data from the external evaluations of schools.

Research has shown that most students don’t experience in the classroom situations in which they affects the content lessons and the way in which they learn. There are differences between the frequency with which students of different types of schools affect what happens in the classroom. Girls more likely than boys to have the opportunity to influence it, then take the lessons. There isn’t difference in influence on the methods of work.

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Patrycja Kałamała, Jakub Kołodziejczyk

Public Management, Issue 2 (26), 2014, pp. 177 - 189


Typically, literature on motivation emphasized the importance of individual factors as well as mechanisms that affect the motivation of employees in teams. Team’s perspective and factors resulting from mutual interactions and patterns of motivation produced by the team were usually not taken into account in previous studies. The aim of this pilot study was to show the shape of the collective perspective on the meaning of team motivation and test “mental maps” as a tool for studying team constructs of “team motivation”.

The following study involved 18 people, working in 3 different teams. Each team was asked to draw a mental map illustrating understanding of the term “team motivation” and relationships between concepts that made up this term. The content and structure of mental maps were analyzed qualitatively (content analysis) and quantitatively (average number of components and connections, maps density, adjacency matrix) . The results indicate that: (1) the tool which was used in the study captures the collective mental model specificity of the studied term; (2) beyond the typical motivators presented in the literature on motivation of individuals there are also factors which are specific for the team work and team processes.

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Paweł Romaniuk

Public Management, Issue 2 (26), 2014, pp. 191 - 202


The essence of proper management of union projects with potential risk of failure

The process of managing EU projects, already in the new EU financial perspective for 2014–2020, is an activity very important for a properly functioning public sector entities. Each managing EU funds must be aware that the correct identification of all possible risks in the implementation of EU projects can contribute to more efficient control over all processes connected with it and give a greater level of acceptance of the diagnosis of hazards that may occur at any time. Effective management of the project co-funded by the EU has several aspects. It is both the ability to manage staff, skilful co-operation between the partners implementing the project and financial management, allocated for the project. Depending on the nature of the project and its complexity, the phone may risk associated with future performance, and especially the financing of the project. Thus, properly prepared procedures absorption of such measures with EU procedures, project management, supply ensuring the correctness of their spending.

Proces zarządzania projektami unijnymi, w nowej już perspektywie finansowej Unii Europejskiej na lata 2014–2020, jest działaniem niezwykle ważnym dla prawidłowo funkcjonujących jednostek sektora finansów publicznych. Każdy zarządzający środkami unijnymi musi zdawać sobie sprawę, iż prawidłowe zidentyfikowanie wszelkich możliwych ryzyk w realizacji projektów unijnych może się przyczyniać do sprawniejszej kontroli nad wszelkimi procesami z nim związanymi oraz zwiększać poziom akceptacji zdiagnozowanych zagrożeń, które mogą pojawić się w każdym momencie. Efektywne zarządzanie projektem współfinansowanym ze środków unijnych ma kilka aspektów. Jest to zarówno umiejętność zarządzania personelem, dobra współpraca pomiędzy partnerami realizującymi dany projekt, jak i zarządzanie finansami przyznanymi dla danego przedsięwzięcia. W zależności od charakteru projektu i jego złożoności może się pojawić ryzyko związane z przyszłym wykonaniem, a przede wszystkim finansowaniem takiego projektu. Stąd właściwie przygotowane procedury absorpcji takich środków wraz z procedurami zarządzania projektami unijnymi zapewniają prawidłowości ich wydatkowania

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Tomasz Jabłoński, Mateusz Lewandowski

Public Management, Issue 2 (26), 2014, pp. 203 - 215


Managerial role of Union project coordinator implemented by social aid centres

The implementation of EU projects is widespread in public organizations. The effectiveness of its process largely depends of competence the project team and the roles each of members. Aim of the study is identify a managerial roles in project management and the importance of these roles in process of project management. The study included projects Human Capital Operational Program implemented by social aid centers. This is a new problem in the area of public ​​management and need to be solved.

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Dorota Kuchta

Public Management, Issue 2 (26), 2014, pp. 217 - 228


In the paper a new approach to research projects planning and management is proposed. It is substantially different from the traditional methods and resembles more the agile methods used in IT projects. It takes into account the much more greater dimension of uncertainty inherent to research projects as compared with other types of projects. It allows a project to be broken if the analysis shows that the benefit/cost relation does no longer justify the project continuation. The focus of the method lies on an generalized tasks description, consisting of a comprehensive list of undetermined, unknown or uncertain task attributes and task dependencies, with an explanation clarifying the nature or the cause of the lack of information/uncertainty. The description should be updated in the course of the project. The proposed approach is applied to a real world research project where a lot of changes were necessary and traditional project management methods proved to be inefficient.

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Anna Kononiuk

Public Management, Issue 2 (26), 2014, pp. 229 - 238


The aim of the article is to present roadmapping as method enhancing regional development. The idea of the method, manifests itself in integration of science and technology with business practice. In the article, there have been presented a short description of the method, the exemplary characteristics of the roadmapping process and its visualisation for the chosen priority technology groups defined for the Podlaskie region in the project entitled NT FOR Podlaskie 2020. Regional strategy of nanotechnology development. The project was granted financial support from the EU Operational Programme “Innovative Economy 2007–2013”. An interesting element of the roadmapping process in the Polish foresight practice, presented in the article, is the application of the Watson’s concept for the time zones visualisation to the graphical presentation of the method. The roadmapping methodology applied to the project has allowed to prepare seven roadmaps of the priority technologies that might contribute to creating a competitive advantage of the region. In the article, there have been used critical literature review, survey research, the method of logical analysis and construction and a case study.

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Marzena Starnawska

Public Management, Issue 2 (26), 2014, pp. 239 - 247


In this paper we make an attempt distinguishing challenges in SE research agenda in Polish and beyond. We identify what can impede the development of this area in Polish discourse These challenges vary in scope. They involve the dilemma between either economics or management as disciplinary settings. Also the understanding of social economy as such determines the chaos. Additionally, divergences in paradigms where researchers situate their research projects as well as variety and scarcity of available data on SE in the literature are important here. Most of all definitional debate of what entrepreneurship and so SE is determine the existing difficulties. We resume the discussion by returning to the interdisciplinary nature of the field and propose for further studies to be set in the area of management sciences.

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