Roadmapping as a method enhancing regional development
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RIS BIB ENDNOTERoadmapping as a method enhancing regional development
Publication date: 22.09.2014
Public Management, 2014, Issue 2 (26), pp. 229 - 238
Roadmapping as a method enhancing regional development
The aim of the article is to present roadmapping as method enhancing regional development. The idea of the method, manifests itself in integration of science and technology with business practice. In the article, there have been presented a short description of the method, the exemplary characteristics of the roadmapping process and its visualisation for the chosen priority technology groups defined for the Podlaskie region in the project entitled NT FOR Podlaskie 2020. Regional strategy of nanotechnology development. The project was granted financial support from the EU Operational Programme “Innovative Economy 2007–2013”. An interesting element of the roadmapping process in the Polish foresight practice, presented in the article, is the application of the Watson’s concept for the time zones visualisation to the graphical presentation of the method. The roadmapping methodology applied to the project has allowed to prepare seven roadmaps of the priority technologies that might contribute to creating a competitive advantage of the region. In the article, there have been used critical literature review, survey research, the method of logical analysis and construction and a case study.
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Information: Public Management, 2014, Issue 2 (26), pp. 229 - 238
Article type: Original article
Roadmapping as a method enhancing regional development
Roadmapping as a method enhancing regional development
Bialystok University of Technology, Wiejska 45a, Białystok, Poland
Published at: 22.09.2014
Article status: Open
Licence: None
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EnglishView count: 2253
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