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Issue 3 (55)

2021 Next

Publication date: 2021


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Editorial team

Editor-in-Chief Joanna Kołodziejczyk

Secretary Paweł Hałat

Issue content

Patrycja Sołtysiak, Magdalena Żelazko

Public Management, Issue 3 (55), 2021, pp. 101 - 127


The aim of the article is to understand the situation in terms of access to education and its course in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. A quantitative study including 3,701 questionnaires was conducted among students at the end of 2020. Concomitantly, three in-depth interviews were included in a qualitative survey conducted among teachers. The following problems were identified: problem with access to adequate high-speed Internet connection, too much material to be absorbed by students, and too much homework. Some reservations were also expressed about the way of conducting online classes. As a consequence, the following actions were recommended:
developing an aid program aimed at providing equipment and Internet connections for students and teachers, giving teachers more freedom in deciding on the amount of material taught and the form of its enforcement, and preparing a special training course on the use of hardware and software.

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Katarzyna Matura

Public Management, Issue 3 (55), 2021, pp. 129 - 146


The aim of the article is to present the possibilities of using the form of a capital company to implement social entrepreneurship. The subject of the analysis are non profit companies that use operating mechanisms typical of the private sector and corporate social responsibility. These entities replace the efforts to maximize the profit of shareholders and employees with taking actions aimed at creating social value. Their emergence should be associated with the phenomenon of organizational isomorphism and the economization of the third sector. The analysis of the literature on the subject is supplemented with a review of the ministerial list of Polish social enterprises. It has been demonstrated that a non profit company can meet the criteria of a social enterprise and is an effective means of implementing social entrepreneurship. Every fourth social enterprise in Poland with the status of a social enterprise is run in the form of a non profit company. The social capital company, therefore, plays a significant role in the implementation of social entrepreneurship in Poland.

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Jeremiasz Salamon

Public Management, Issue 3 (55), 2021, pp. 147 - 167


This article aims to present the instruments for programming of the urban dimension of the Cohesion Policy as well as the principles and conditions for their implementation in Poland within the EU financial perspective for 2021–2027. This applies in particular to integrated territorial investments and the so-called other territorial tools. In the author’s opinion, the instruments prepared at the EU and national (Poland) level in connection with the next EU financial perspective will contribute to the territorialisation of the Cohesion Policy, including by strengthening its urban dimension. Using the desk research method, the author analysed European, national and regional strategic and program documents and acts of generally applicable law constituting the formal basis for EU support for sustainable urban development in the programming period for 2021–2027.

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