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Publication date: 2009

Licence: None

Editorial team

Editor-in-Chief Emil Orzechowski

Scientific Editor Andrzej Stanisław Barczak

Volume Editors Emil Orzechowski, Katarzyna Plebańczyk

Issue content

Łukasz Gaweł

Culture Management, Vol. 10, 2009, pp. 13 - 18

The article considers problems for postindustrial heritage management with the region development context. The author describes the historical box of matches factory in Chęstochowa (from XIX century) and ask: Does this factory is a part of our heritage? Cultural roots? Others? How to manage this type of heritage? The author try to show tasks to local bureaucracy and sense to development

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Małgorzata Okupnik

Culture Management, Vol. 10, 2009, pp. 19 - 32

In the essay ‘… przez Wierzenicę będę jechał, a nigdy przez Wiedeń’ a new tourist track has been described. The track includes 12 antique wooden churches of Puszcza Zielonka (the Green Wilderness) in the Wielkopolska Province. The project has been funded by the Integrated Regional Operational Programme. The unquestionable pearl on the new track is the St. Nicolas Church in Wierzenica regarded as one of the oldest churches in the Wielkopolska region. There are a lot of valuable pieces of fine arts there donated by Cieszkowski Family. The Poznan Archdiocese’s Archives set the church as a good pattern to be followed for it keeps on renovating and redecorating its relics. Przemysław Kompf, the parish-priest of the church, is considered to be a really good organizer and an animator for social and cultural life in the area.

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Agnieszka Radwan-Stefańska

Culture Management, Vol. 10, 2009, pp. 33 - 41

This project aims to record sounds of pipe organ music performed on instruments from Roman-Catholic churches, which lie on the Malopolska Wooden Architecture Route. This historical region is characterized by the five pipe organs chosen because of their artistic value, performance possibility and preferable stylistics. This work contains single stages of the completion of the project including: foreseen project managers, business partners, business plan and funding/ financing sources as well as foreseen sponsors. The album together with the book give an insight into pipe organs of wooden churches This is a high quality promotional reference about cultural, architectural and historical aspects of the Malopolska.

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Katarzyna Łaskawska

Culture Management, Vol. 10, 2009, pp. 43 - 50

This work is dedicated to Maria Konopnicka’s manor-house in Żarnowiec, located in today Podkarpackie Province. The short article contais information of the owners of above mentioned estate from the beginning of its existance till the tenure of land by poetess’ daughter, Zofia Mickiewiczowa and turning it over to the Polish government. It was also described the Museum with its exposition, park and today activity.

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Tomasz Wójtowicz

Culture Management, Vol. 10, 2009, pp. 51 - 65

The author describes an interesting history, architecture and management of the palace in the revival-gothic style in Jabłonowo Pomorskie. The benefactor of this palace was Stefan Narzymski and the architect August Fryderyk Stüler. The palace was built between 1854 and 1859. At the moment there is a convent located in this building.

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Bogdan Kaczmar

Culture Management, Vol. 10, 2009, pp. 67 - 75

The project „Develop a Knowledge and Understanding. Tourist Trail of the Lubomirski Family Nests” was carried out by the District Museum in Stalowa Wola in the frame of the Phare programme financed from the EU funds. The application was accepted in 2004 by the Carpathian Euroregion, which played the role of the institution managing and implementing the Small Project Fund. The project combined the necessity of a wider application of the cultural resources and the touristic attractiveness of the borderlands: Subcarpathian Voivodeship in Poland and Prešov Region in Slovakia around the historic buildings on both sides of the border which belonged to the Lubomirski family in the past.
The aim of the project was to strengthen the transborder cooperation between cultural institutions, universities, organizations and local authorities. The products of the project include: a map, brochure, CD, website, tourist trail informational leafl ets published in three languages: Polish, Slovak and English. Also educational packages serving the popularization of the project were drawn up for teachers of history, geography, biology and arts. The project was carried out from February until October 2004. The cost of the project was over EUR 21,000, of which 75% came from the EU funds.

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Łukasz Dziedzic

Culture Management, Vol. 10, 2009, pp. 77 - 83

The accidental discovery of old documents about the church of Saint Matthias in Andrychow by the new rector was the beginning of an avalanche of interesting events. Within a few years, the neglected cellars under the presbytery became one of the most attractive places for meetings regarding culture, art and history. Today, thanks to the cooperation with local communities, institutions and local authorities, it can be said that this discovery changed the whole centre of the town, in both material ways and spiritually.

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Małgorzata Kowalska-Chrzanowska

Culture Management, Vol. 10, 2009, pp. 85 - 94

The article describes a wayside crosses, sculptures and shrines as a places for alive worship. The cataloguing of this relics established a new touristic product – Wayside Prayer Route in Stryszów community. In 2007 this offer was extended – in selected places appeared stones with Jan Twardowski poetry.

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Dorota Bajowska

Culture Management, Vol. 10, 2009, pp. 95 - 100

Protection of historical monuments which are located in the country borough should be one of the duties the local government has. Tasks that the public administration are responsible for are determined by article 4 of the statute of the Protection of and Care for Historical Monuments from September 17th 2003.
Local communities should ensure that legal, financial and organisational provisions are in place to enable the constant preservation and maintenance of historical monuments. One of their responsibilities is to include protection and preservation of historical monuments while shaping the environment and implementing spatial development plans. This task is integral to the Community Protection Programme of Historical Monuments which every local government is obliged to have.
In January 2009 The Regional Department of Polish Heritage is Katowice performed a poll in local communities in Upper Silesia. The findings of this research illustrated how low the level of understanding of implementation of the satute there is

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Marcin Laberschek

Culture Management, Vol. 10, 2009, pp. 103 - 116

The article The Description of Selected Non-Governmental Organizations as Agents of the Market of Independent Culture presents results of a survey based on a series of interviews with managers of Cracow-based non-profi t organizations promoting independent culture.
It focuses on a three elements shared by aforementioned organizations. First – NGOs are fully operational agents of the market, which signifi cantly differ from companies, institutions and individual authors. Second – those differences result both from goals of various agents (the goal of a company is its own interest, of an institution – public interest and non-profit organization – the interest of culture) and their respective ways of functioning (concerning management and marketing).
Third – since NGOs take part in the market, they cannot completely separate themselves from an influence of commercial factors. The analysis of the results reveals a frequent conflict between material and artistic values.

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Elżbieta Mostowik

Culture Management, Vol. 10, 2009, pp. 117 - 137

Cultural Centre in Zator will be transformer in the Regional Cultural Centre of the Carp Valley. This institution will be given new, well-equipped building.
The following operation plan indicates the direction of development of the Regional Cultural Centre of the Carp Valley. For the purpose of this work the SWOT analysis was conducted. The plan includes the detailed characteristics of the current personnel and technical infrastructure. It also contains the current activities of Cultural Centre in Zator. The goals, tasks and the way of realising them were precisely defined when Cultural Centre was transformed into the institution of regional range.
Realisation of development plan of the Regional Cultural Centre of the Carp Valley might help in creating the image of identity of local society

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Weronika Silczak

Culture Management, Vol. 10, 2009, pp. 139 - 146

The Ecyclopedia of Solidarity is a nation-wide scientific research concerning resistance movement in the People’s Republic of Poland. This project is undertaken by Katowice (Silesia)-based “Generation Society”, in cooperation with Institute of National Remembrance. Furthermore, this project is under the patronage of the President of the Republic of Poland, IPN and the Council to Preserve the Memory of Fighting and Martyrdom. This project have to chronologically and objectively describing the last 13 years of the People’s Republic of Poland. According to the initial assumptions of the project in 2010, it will be published a three-volumes encyclopedia describing the activities of the opposition between 1976 and 1989. The first volume will include 500 biographies of opposition activists. The second volume will include 2500 entries about the most important events, opposition structures and press titles from 1976 to 1989. The third volume will be a calendar of events for the same period as well as a suplement for the initial two volumes. In addition, the outcomes of the research will be published on an encyclopedia website and popularized by internet for free.

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Marcin Kłak

Culture Management, Vol. 10, 2009, pp. 147 - 156

The objective of the publication was to provide an answer if there is a chance to establish Hinomaru association which will unite people who would like to work on development of polish manga and anime fans community.
The first part of the work is devoted to describe what manga and anime are. The author also points out what kind of activities can be performed by fans and briefly describes community of polish fans of manga and anime.
Second part of the publication is devoted to describe the mission of Hinomaru association and to perform SWOT analysis of the organization. The mission of the association is to enhance the interests of polish manga fans in Japanese culture and also to ensure that they will become more and more well-mannered. The SWOT analysis that was performed shows that establishing Hinomaru association has a sporting chance for success. The author points out that second analysis will be needed after the association is established to make sure the development of Hinomaru association occurs.

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Zuzanna Miśtal

Culture Management, Vol. 10, 2009, pp. 157 - 171

The theme of my work is project management as an innovatory and very popular in the last few years way of management in enterprises acceptable to adapt in cultural institution such as museum. Methodology of project management properly fitted for requirements and specifi city of such institutions, helps to improve realization of various projects carried out in museum. I point out that a museum becomes a project organization because the exhibitions or museum events are actions that are compound, unique and limited to the fixed timeframe and budget, realized in a specified team. I also describe project management implementation as a manner of improvement of organizational efficiency of the institution, which has become one of strategic goals of The Historical Museum of the City of Krakow for years 2006–2014. The problem of discernment between the function of project manager – responsible for organizational part of project and the curator – responsible for scientific and research part of the project is being brought up as a result of changing the way of project realization. Any kind of activity based on projects requires reorganizing the way of functioning of the organization, preparing appropriate documents and persuading the employees that this new way of working improves planning and realization of projects – preparation of the appropriate system of operation. I explain the manner of realization of project in The Historical Museum of the City of Krakow, which becomes the foundation of the procedure of planning and realization of temporary exhibitions and procedure of planning and realization of museum events based on the methodology of projects management.

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Paulina Urban

Culture Management, Vol. 10, 2009, pp. 173 - 183

International Song Festival „Carpathia Festival” allowed the creation of Rzeszów image as a buoyant city that guarantees good organization of prestigious events and high standard entertainment. The Festival takes place every year since 2005. Its main goal is to make Rzeszów the center of cooperation of talented youth from the whole Europe and beyond. Over last fi ve years, the Festival always promoted native artistic works, enabled appearance of not only world-famous artists, but also regional performers representing various art domains. It let several young, talented musicians begin their careers, and become an inspiration and opportunity to develop for many. „Carpathia Festival” favors tightening bonds with partner cities and promoting Rzeszów in Europe. Thanks to it Rzeszów is perceived by many as innovative city, activating international artistic circles, promoting young talents and organizing events at top level. Hopefully, the city attractiveness will rise along with popularity of the festival.

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Ewa Jędrysik

Culture Management, Vol. 10, 2009, pp. 185 - 201

The article shows wide variety of strategies, helping to develop self-government cultural institutions. By realizing those strategies all the activities partaken will be balanced and will cause the development of culture itself as well as enrichment of the region what will even out the chances of both.
First part concerns thorough analysis of environment, resulting in creating the mission of each institution, peculiar operating area programme, for whom it exist and what are it’s goals.
Each vision (mission) resulted in comprehensive strategy which determinates direction of institution’s statutory actions and targets. The strategy contains four main assumptions:
– arousing and fulfi lling cultural needs of city and district inhabitants together – with promoting cultural activities
– attention to keeping and cultivating cultural heritage and district (regional) culture
– promoting city region through culture
– increasing inhabitants activity and their participation in the recreational events promoting healthy standards of living.
The second part concerns detailed description of operational goals and actions which helps to carry out individual’s targets. It also describes the process of introducing and monitoring the strategies themselves.

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Izabela Małgorzata Bajorek

Culture Management, Vol. 10, 2009, pp. 203 - 217

This work shows an assumption program of the Local Cultural Centre in Muszyna that has been carrying out since 1975 on the basis of its mission. Each chapter describes the artistic activities done by the Local Cultural Centre during 1975-2008, together with future plans related to the development of culture animation, all connected with future opening of the new local base.
The study presents peculiarity of different activities done by the Local Cultural Centre in town where all year long various cultural entertainments are provided not only for children and youth but for adults as well. This is done mainly for people who want to increase their interests and passion.

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Marek Skowronek

Culture Management, Vol. 10, 2009, pp. 219 - 236

In this elaboration, my willingness was to set together information about the most important cultural organizations in Alwernia community. I presented their activities, finances, offer and co-operation with local residents.
This work is a result of close observation of the society which was based on social environment questionnaires and information received from the people who are employed in the cultural sector.
The aim of this work is to bring closer optimum resolution for culture creators, in this small town-country community Alwernia.

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Justyna Mikulicz-Nidecka

Culture Management, Vol. 10, 2009, pp. 237 - 247

The work takes attempt of (test of) appearance of specifi city of commercial local radio, equal as element of system of social intercommunication as well as mediumistic enterprises. Problem of wonder of radio touch, the work also calls attention on most important legal aspects of broadcasting markets in Poland. Moreover it tries to indicate key reasons of revolts of local media, it indicates features next characterizing local radio station. Besides, functioning of local radio station presents as enterprise within practical and express on example of radio theoretical (on example of Radio Express FM).

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Anna Królica

Culture Management, Vol. 10, 2009, pp. 251 - 265

This thesis provides critical analysis of Krakow Opera corps de ballet’s position as well as an attempt to present an alternative view of a new repertoire line that would reflect to a greater extent the role of dance. Corps de ballet of Krakow Opera and its repertoire have been treated in the context of Polish ballet groups acting alongside operas and contemporary dance groups such as Polish Dance Theatre from Poznań. It is worth mentioning that so-called dance theater has recently enjoyed an exceptional popularity in Europe that becomes increasingly influential in Polish art. Nevertheless, Krakow mainstream dance offer remains quite poor and inadequate to public expectation, especially when compared with a vigorous amateur and semi-professional movement. Krakow Opera could benefit from such a “gap” in the local cultural market as well as contribute, with its prestige, to popularization of contemporary dance in Poland.
Thus, one of the modification strategies for Krakow Opera could be an intensification of dance repertoire preceded by dissolution of the corps de ballet and international audition. It would aim at acquiring best dancers and creating a team able to perform both classic, modern and contemporary repertoire. Besides ballet fairy tales, the Opera audience should be given a chance to see achievements of polish choreographers, classic canon and spectacles reflecting current trends.

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Edyta Marzena Mozyrska

Culture Management, Vol. 10, 2009, pp. 267 - 287

The author of the article writes about situation of the institutional and non-institutional theaters in Białystok. Besides having long tradition and groups of experienced specialists institutional theaters, there is more and more prosperous amateur theaters, alternative theaters, groups without their own halls, financial means and scene equipment. In the result of dissatisfaction actors pass on permanent engagement and create their own groups making their dreams come true. In the article it is also written about any achievements of the given groups and the ways of their evaluation. What is more, the author of the article analyses these theaters taking into consideration such factors as legal organizational structure and the rules for operating. The author shows the difficulties which can be faced by amateur theaters, searches for the roots of them and tries to find the possibility of evaluation such groups.

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Łukasz Mitka

Culture Management, Vol. 10, 2009, pp. 289 - 302

In the times of financial crisis theaters faced a difficult task of selling a product which is an art, getting the interest of customers and competition with the consumer lifestyle of the Poles. Advertising has therefore become one of the most important elements supporting the sale of cultural goods. The article presents the most commonly used in Polish theaters marketing tricks through the eyes of the viewer. Does the effective promotion of the theater ecame a manipulation? Yes. The essence of advertising is in fact in this phenomenon. Discounts, competitions and other promotions are effectively attracting audiences, satisfying their spiritual needs, while proving that the marketing tools are using not only by institutions not related to the cultural sector, but were also used in advertising cultural events.

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Izabela Kosowska

Culture Management, Vol. 10, 2009, pp. 303 - 314

The thesis describes the detailed operations during the realization and organization of „Festliwal Małych Form Teatralnych”/The Festival of Small Scenic Forms” which is organized by Bagatela Theatre. The initiator of this idea has been Izabela Kosowska. The thesis presents he process of creating the Festival, from the very fi rst idea to the fi nal steps. It covers all information that are crucial for arranging the event, the agreements’ descriptions and sequential stages of the Festival’s realization. It is the compendium of essential knowledge that can be used during realization of another artistic events.

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Józef Chwedorowicz

Culture Management, Vol. 10, 2009, pp. 315 - 333

New products are demanded for the cultural marketplace just as they are demanded for the economic marketplace. These new products are developed as a result of both a person’s creativity and the need for change. Innovation comes as a result of multidimensional changes of technological, social, economic, cultural, legal and organizational nature. These changes can be observed everywhere.
We say that a cultural development or cultural product is innovative if it meets new cultural needs, or if an existing product is used in a new way. A cultural product is a service that is offered for the market by a provider of cultural goods.
P. Drucker’s method of systematic innovation has been applied in this paper to systematize innovative cultural products that have recently appeared in cultural market place. It has been shown that cultural innovations determine the competitiveness of cultural organizations and need marketing support while entering the market. Various marketing instruments should be used to ensure the reception of innovative cultural products

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Reviews and reports

Hubert Więckowski

Culture Management, Vol. 10, 2009, pp. 337 - 334

The article presents description of 8th edition of Synaxis Baltica Summer Academy which
was organized in Potsdam and Berlin, in Germany. Firstly author present signifi cant aims of
Synaxis Baltica Summer Academy which were established in 2002. Then shortly describes
main topics of the 8th academy (community gardens and guerilla gardening) which were considered
during last Summer Academy. Persons interested in this article can also fi nd additional
information about lectures and experts linked with the academy and the topic. Finally author
presents main tasks and obligations of participants.

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Joanna Szulborska-Łukaszewicz

Culture Management, Vol. 10, 2009, pp. 345 - 354

W dniach od 23 do 25 września 2009 roku, 20 lat po obaleniu w Polsce komunizmu, 5 lat po wstąpieniu naszego kraju do Unii Europejskiej, z inicjatywy Bogdana Zdrojewskiego, Ministra Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego, odbył się w Krakowie Kongres Kultury Polskiej. Był to szósty kongres kultury w historii naszego kraju

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Katarzyna Plebańczyk

Culture Management, Vol. 10, 2009, pp. 357 - 360

Kronika Katedry Zarządzania Kulturą Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego

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