Zarządzanie projektami w muzeum na przykładzie Muzeum Historycznego Miasta Krakowa

Publication date: 2009

Culture Management, 2009, Vol. 10, pp. 157 - 171


Zuzanna Miśtal
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Zarządzanie projektami w muzeum na przykładzie Muzeum Historycznego Miasta Krakowa


The theme of my work is project management as an innovatory and very popular in the last few years way of management in enterprises acceptable to adapt in cultural institution such as museum. Methodology of project management properly fitted for requirements and specifi city of such institutions, helps to improve realization of various projects carried out in museum. I point out that a museum becomes a project organization because the exhibitions or museum events are actions that are compound, unique and limited to the fixed timeframe and budget, realized in a specified team. I also describe project management implementation as a manner of improvement of organizational efficiency of the institution, which has become one of strategic goals of The Historical Museum of the City of Krakow for years 2006–2014. The problem of discernment between the function of project manager – responsible for organizational part of project and the curator – responsible for scientific and research part of the project is being brought up as a result of changing the way of project realization. Any kind of activity based on projects requires reorganizing the way of functioning of the organization, preparing appropriate documents and persuading the employees that this new way of working improves planning and realization of projects – preparation of the appropriate system of operation. I explain the manner of realization of project in The Historical Museum of the City of Krakow, which becomes the foundation of the procedure of planning and realization of temporary exhibitions and procedure of planning and realization of museum events based on the methodology of projects management.


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Information: Culture Management, 2009, Vol. 10, pp. 157 - 171

Article type: Original article



Zarządzanie projektami w muzeum na przykładzie Muzeum Historycznego Miasta Krakowa


Zarządzanie projektami w muzeum na przykładzie Muzeum Historycznego Miasta Krakowa

Published at: 2009

Article status: Open

Licence: None

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Zuzanna Miśtal (Author) - 100%

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