Volume 21, Issue 3

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Publication date: 10.2020


Projekt dofinansowany przez Uniwersytet Jagielloński ze środków Wydziału Zarządzania i Komunikacji Społecznej, Instytutu Kultury oraz Instytutu Przedsiębiorczości.

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Editorial team

Editor of Issue 3 Aleksander Panasiuk

Issue content

Aleksander Panasiuk

Culture Management, Volume 21, Issue 3, 2020, pp. 1 - 1

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Część 1 Zarządzanie w turystyce

Iwona Bąk, Katarzyna Cheba

Culture Management, Volume 21, Issue 3, 2020, pp. 205 - 218


The main purpose of this article is the presentation of the relationships of coopetition among the internal stakeholders of a cluster that could contribute to the development of tourism in its area of operation. This analysis is based on the case study of the Historical Tourism Cluster, which operates on the Polish-German border. This article is theoretical and conceptual in nature. In it, the following research methods have been used: a critical analysis of the literature, logical inference, and observation. Currently, clusters are considered to be among the organizations with promising perspectives for development. The EU has decided to support transnational clusters in its latest strategy (after 2020). In this case, the specialization of the cluster (historical tourism) could be an obstacle. However, this article indicates how the cluster described here could make use of the existing development opportunities.

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Malgorzata Matlegiewicz

Culture Management, Volume 21, Issue 3, 2020, pp. 219 - 237


In this article, I analyze the factors influencing the motivation of tourists for purchasing regional and traditional products, which are a significant element of the tourist culture of a given region. According to a poll, tourists visiting West Pomerania are interested in such products, although their knowledge of local specialties is limited. The market is characterized by an increasing demand for local products related to local traditions and culture.

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Mikołaj Jalinik, Bolesław Hryniewicki

Culture Management, Volume 21, Issue 3, 2020, pp. 239 - 251


The aim of the study is the presentation of organizational culture and its importance in the management of an enterprise in the tourism industry. Specialist literature as well as the method of observation and induction and deduction have been used in writing it.

Employees are the basis for the functioning of each enterprise and the achievement of its goals. It is they who shape its image, create the organizational culture, and reputation in the environment. Their competences, knowledge, and skills determine the effectiveness and efficiency of each enterprise. Thanks to their work, products and services that meet social needs and thus create organizational progress are created.

Organizational culture consists of a system of values, norms, principles, and methods of thinking and acting that has been accepted and adopted by a group of people. This phenomenon can be seen in organized social systems such as companies, schools, and others. It is a social phenomenon because it can be discussed and noticed only if it is accepted and practiced by a group of people. The notion of organization culture entered the theory of organization of management in the 1980s and 1990s on a wider scale, and studies on the topic flourished in the 1970s, when they were at the forefront of anthropological research. Organizational culture is an important basis for the effective functioning of each tourist enterprise and influences the effectiveness of its management. The importance of organizational culture is significant because it influences the work results of individuals, efficiency, job satisfaction and involvement, planning strategy, task execution, and recruitment and selection of employees, as well as their acceptance by the business entity.

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Łukasz Gaweł, Agnieszka Konior, Weronika Pokojska

Culture Management, Volume 21, Issue 3, 2020, pp. 253 - 273


The aim of this article is the presentation of the results of an evaluation of the postgraduate program in Cultural Management at the Jagiellonian University in 2010–2019. The introductory part of the text presents the circumstances of the emergence of the program and its later development. The evaluation itself is based on three elements: an analysis of the students’ profile, an alumni career survey, and an analysis of the environment. The collected data have been supplemented with information obtained from interviews with students.

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