Volume 14, Issue 1

2013 Next

Publication date: 2013


Studies of the Faculty of Management and Communication

Licence: None

Editorial team

Editor-in-Chief Emil Orzechowski

Deputy Editor-in-Chief Ewa Kocój

Volume Editors Ewa Kocój, Emil Orzechowski

Issue content

Rafał Maciąg

Culture Management, Volume 14, Issue 1, 2013, pp. 1 - 11


The article presents a theoretical approach to management seen from the humanistic point of view. This kind of consideration becomes urgent especially in the context of the contemporary economic environment. Its turbulent and rapid changeability and the increasing role of information imposes a reconstruction of the management theory and methodology. The main question of the investigation concerns possible reasons for using the term “humanistic” in the context of management. This term is based on a different kind of knowledge but is very promising as a possible theoretical extra supply. The article proposes to see the process of management as a pragmatic process because it leads to a specifi c result, which is the change of a certain chosen segment of reality. This change is also expedient and pragmatic because it uses conceptual constructions to determine and describe itself. At the same time, the so described theory of management encounters a very important set of theoretical concerns tied with the contemporary discourse on knowledge and its conditions. This kind of discourse played a fundamental role in the second half of last century and changed most of our beliefs about such concepts as knowledge, truth and so on. It also led to the rebirth of crucial epistemological questions. This kind of concerns and questions make theory become humanistic, which also happens with the theory of management which, in this way, acquires the right to be seen as humanistic.

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Joanna Szulborska-Łukaszewicz

Culture Management, Volume 14, Issue 1, 2013, pp. 13 - 33


This article is a continuation of the considerations undertaken by the author in the text “Cultural Institutions in Poland – the nature of their organization and fi nancing” [published in the on-line version of „Zarządzanie w Kulturze” 2012, nr 13, z.4, pp. 305–328, Krakow 2012, http://www.wuj.pl/page,art,artid,1303.html], where the analysis of the concept of “culture institution” relating to the public sector was carried out. This article focuses on the management of the culture institution, analyzing the impact of the organizer on the mission of the institution, by appointing a director or entrusting the management to an external entity. The author analyzes the relationship between the culture institution and its organizer, asking questions about the possibility of reconciling the effective implementation of the statutory tasks of the institution with the principles of the market economy.

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Andrzej Mirski

Culture Management, Volume 14, Issue 1, 2013, pp. 35 - 47


Fundamental to the understanding of creative economy – what it comprises and how it functions in the economies of both developed and developing countries – are the concepts of “cultural industries” and “creative industries”. This article provides an overview of the development of the concepts of “creativity” throughout this decade leading to what has become known as “creative economy”. The author’s intention is not to reach a fi nal consensus about the concepts, but to understand their evolution. The major drivers of the growth of creative economy and its multiple dimensions are examined in the light of recent developments including the world economic crisis. This article also provides evidence for economic contribution of creative industries to economy. The author also tries to consider separately the notions of economic value and cultural value. In this approach, he refers to the fact that economic thought is based on a traditionally individualistic approach, while culture is a manifestation of collective behavior.

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Jerzy Łysiński

Culture Management, Volume 14, Issue 1, 2013, pp. 49 - 70


The author of the article analyzes the problem of worker participation in management in symphony orchestras. Jerzy Łysiński characterizes the role of the conductor in orchestras and the relationship between the orchestra and the conductor in the history of classical music, describes the different models of artistic leadership, and criticizes the authoritarian management style in institutions of the performing arts. The author shares Peter Drucker’s point of view that a good relationship between the orchestra and the conductor can be used as a pattern and example for creative organization of the future.

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Małgorzata Ćwikła

Culture Management, Volume 14, Issue 1, 2013, pp. 71 - 81


The article describes the practices of using the typical methods of theatrical expression by contemporary business institutions to develop the workers’ emotional labor skills. Special emphasis is put on discussing the communication and training-related issues which are vital for the development of specifi c emotion usage patterns. The discussion is placed in the context of observations on the process of introducing the concept of performatics into business and tracing the analogies between social relations and situations known from performance art. The article is intended to initiate a discussion about the effects of interweaving culture with business.

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Marek Chyliński

Culture Management, Volume 14, Issue 1, 2013, pp. 83 - 97


Information management plays an extremely important role in journalism, mainly because journalists are autonomous in selecting and prioritizing topics. Walter Gieber wrote: “News is what newspapermen make it,” emphasizing the omnipotence of journalists and editors in the process of selecting information , primarily in the context of journalism winning or losing its credibility. One of the instruments of control over the contents of communication in the media is framing. This is an important tool used in editorial work, to predict the life of a media event. The article is an attempt to outline the relationship between framing and management of information in modern journalism

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