Volume 18, Issue 2

2017 Next

Publication date: 08.09.2017

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Editorial team

Editor-in-Chief Ewa Kocój

Deputy Editor-in-Chief Joanna Szulborska-Łukaszewicz

Secretary Alicja Kędziora

Issue Editors Alicja Kędziora , Zbigniew Handzel, Ewa Kocój

Issue content

Zarządzanie dziedzictwem kulturowym, dziedzictwo kulturowe w społecznościach lokalnych

Dobrosława Wiktor-Mach

Culture Management, Volume 18, Issue 2, 2017, pp. 95 - 112

In the last decade, Turkey has experienced drastic changes in the area of culture and cultural heritage. A vivid revivial in the discourse and practices related to culture can be observed at the national as well as local level. The paper presents an analysis of the role culture plays in urban development as exemplified by one of the Turkish cities, which, due to an engaged mayor and his widely promoted vision of development based on culture, has been undergoing significant transformation. Eskişehir – a city associated in the 20th century primarily with industry – is nowadays aiming at becoming one of the leading places in art and culture in the country. The main goal of the article is to analyze the ways in which local authorities in Eskişehir relate to culture and take advantage of the cultural heritage of the city and its province (both tangible and intangible). Moreover, the paper discusses various determinants both conduicive and obstructive to the particular development pattern of the city.
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Zbigniew Handzel, Mirosław Gajer

Culture Management, Volume 18, Issue 2, 2017, pp. 113 - 134

At present, still over 7000 languages are in use all over the world, however, this number is systematically declining from year to year. With the death of languages, an important part of human heritage is being lost. For this reason, saving endangered languages from a complete oblivion is a an urgent task that linguists try to cope with. The attempts undertaken so far have mainly concentrated on a passive recording of lexical resources of endangered languages, which, however, fails to be a successful method of keeping such languages alive. The authors of the article have proposed an innovative approach based on the application of an IT related concept of a controlled language, which allows for recording not only vocabulary of an endangered language, but its syntactic structures as well. The controlled languages along with electronic tools in form of syntactic structures generators and e-translators that the authors work on will equip future learners of endangered languages with a helpful and innovative instrument to enhance the learning process.
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Piotr Zubowski

Culture Management, Volume 18, Issue 2, 2017, pp. 135 - 153

The paper aims to present the history of the Orthodox parish founded on the orders of the Tsarist authorities in the 1930s for the settlers specially brought from Russia to Warsaw. The parish, together with the monumental Orthodox Church of Saint Alexandra the Martyr, flourished until the outbreak of World War I, when the army and the Russian administration were evacuated from the Kingdom of 
Poland and the Church was destroyed. After Poland had regained its independence, the Church lost its former privileges and started to attract the hostility and unwillingness on the part of the Polish authorities. Despite this, thanks to the efforts of the remaining faithful, the Church was rebuilt (although in a much more modest form), and the faithful were given an Orthodox priest. Today, the Church, being the only rural Orthodox temple in Mazovia, is covered by conservator’s protection and is considered a symbol of multiculturalism.
Using the Orthodox Church of Saint Alexandra as an example, the paper is an attempt to illustrate how Poland manages the unwanted, “inconvenient” heritage which over time is integrated into the Polish cultural landscape and becomes devoid of negative evaluation.
The deliberations are based primarily on the archival administrative and parish records kept 
in the Central Archives of Modern Records (AAN) and on the iconographic materials from the Central Archives of Historical Records (AGAD).
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Maria Borczuch

Culture Management, Volume 18, Issue 2, 2017, pp. 155 - 172

Cultural heritage, whether tangible or intangible, occupies a superior position in every social group. This legacy is not only comprised of physical and spiritual artefacts but also attitudes towards them or the ability to live through artefact-related experiences. The broad spectrum of phenomena covered by the term ‘heritage’ makes it examinable through many aspects – historical, social, or psychological. Tracking the continuity of individual phenomena makes it possible to build a narrative that constitutes a tale about people and their history. What is a particularly intriguing area for this type of research is the borderland, usually marked by ethnic diversity and complex political history.
The upper part of Polish Orawa is one of the least studied regions. The wooden church in Orawka, founded in the second half of the 17th century, is the oldest preserved manifestation of the cultural heritage there. Owing to this building, along with its impressive painting decoration and fittings, it is possible to paint the picture of the community which has been gathered around it for almost four centuries. The paper aims not only to introduce the value of this unique temple but also to answer the questions about the factors which influenced the shape of the region’s heritage and how this heritage is nurtured today.
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Dziedzictwo kulturowe w instytucjach kultury

Teodora Konach

Culture Management, Volume 18, Issue 2, 2017, pp. 173 - 194


In the 1960s, researchers began their quest for a new role and development path of museums. At present, numerous theories and concepts, particularly from the New Museology trend, refer to the issues of identification, management, and protection of intangible cultural heritage in compliance with the provisions of the 2003 UNESCO Convention. This article aims to contextualize the intangible cultural heritage within the interdisciplinary studies on cultural heritage and to determine the models of presenting and interpreting such heritage in cultural institutions and other dedicated facilities. The analysis was premised on the comparative museology studies and the latest comparative techniques (Legrand 1999) as part of critical cultural & heritage studies. The paper also presents the preliminary results of the qualitative studies carried out in selected cultural institutions in Poland, Bulgaria, and Austria. Final deliberations point out the potential of the intangible cultural heritage as a way of interpreting tangible artifacts in the practice of museums and cultural institutions and show the legal and administrative ways of including the heritage into such institutions’ activities. They also serve as a basis for further queries about the mission of museums and the new role of cultural institution personnel.

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Bernadeta Wilk

Culture Management, Volume 18, Issue 2, 2017, pp. 195 - 217


Based on the case study of the Archive of Science of the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN) and the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences (PAU) in Cracow, hereinafter referred to as the PAN and PAU Archive of Science, the paper deals with an archive as a place of remembrance about scholars and remembrance management. The article discusses the concept of remembrance in culture and the humanities as well as the concept of a remembrance site in the context of archival studies. The PAN and PAU Archive of Science is presented as a place of remembrance about the people of science and culture on the Cracow’s archival and cultural map. In addition, the paper touches upon the subject of scholar’s legacy as a means of cherishing their memory based on selected examples from the Archive of Science. The final section presents various forms of activities performed by archivists who manage the memory of the people of science and culture, using the employees of the Archive of Science as an example.

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Kultura europejska, nowy regionalizm

Bożena Gierat-Bieroń

Culture Management, Volume 18, Issue 2, 2017, pp. 219 - 236

The aim of this paper is to illustrate the European Community decision making processes regarding culture and cultural policy in the Seventies, as well as their evolution over the years. The discussion is based on the analysis of EC documents and political declarations, which created the foundation for the ‘European Identity’ phenomenon. The Identity proved to be a crucial factor in all of following cultural policy initiatives and undertakings. It also played a role in definition of ‘cultural belonging’ and ‘European common values’. The political summits, meetings, and discussions organised within EC affected documents and statements of the European Council and the European Commission, which in turn generated multilevel, processual and democracy-based ‘European identity’. Since that initial period, it morphed into far more complex, transcultural, and heterogenic form. 
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Żanna Osikowicz

Culture Management, Volume 18, Issue 2, 2017, pp. 237 - 249

Cross-border co-operation is a vital element of the cooperation between Ukraine and Poland in the institutional sphere, where priority directions of growth are determined mostly by social, cultural, and educational co-operation and the development of infrastructure. The objective of this paper is to present the cross-border cooperation between Poland and Ukraine in the structure of international relations. I discuss the cooperation of Euroregions located on the Polish-Ukrainian border (including Bug, Superior Prut and Lower Danube, Carpathian, Dnepr, and Slobozhanschina) on the cross-border and regional levels. The paper is based on the qualitative methods of field research (including in six Ukrainian oblasts: Volyn, Zakarpattia, Ivano-Frankivsk, Lviv, Odesa, Chernivtsi, and Chernihiv.) Furthermore, I have analysed secondary sources and the principles of cross-border cooperation between Poland and Ukraine available on the Internet. The research has demonstrated a dynamic and progressive development of cross-border cooperation as a bilateral dialogue at local and regional levels, which leads to intensified interinstitutional contacts and cross-border movement. Additionally, the research has revealed key problems in this domain that could be overcome following a thorough diagnosis based on scientific research.
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Piotr Graczyk

Culture Management, Volume 18, Issue 2, 2017, pp. 251 - 268

The essay is centered around the political and historical interpretation of Franz Kafka’s short story In the Penal Colony. The theoretical context includes Claude Levi-Strauss’s comments on “cold” societies (trying to deny history) and “hot” societies (trying to internalize the history). The aim of the interpretation is to create a simplified model of the shifts taking place in European culture in terms of the relations between myth, law, and (a specific kind of) messianism and to capture the differences between the pre-modern and the modern approach to the myth as a kind of fabricated imitation of eternity. The methodological tool used to this end includes a critical and hermeneutical interpretation involving reading literature in the light of historical processes, and historical processes in the light of literature. The disintegration of the torture apparatus in the Kafka’s story can be decoded as the transition from “cold” to “hot” society, i.e. as an entry into enlightened modernity, where the awareness of the fact that transcendence is something fabricated becomes universal. This reduces the politics practised in modern, illuminated, and liberal societies (which conceal their own mythical nature under a veneer of science and democracy) to the need to choose between cynicism and fanaticism: between the cynical politics of ressentiment, which involves fabrication of emotions that drive the social machine, and the politics of virtue revived by desperate messianism that can no longer believe in its own truth.
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Ewa Kocój

Culture Management, Volume 18, Issue 2, 2017, pp. 273 - 275


Recenzja książki Adelaidy Chiroşca, Icoane mariale din patrimonial Muzeul Naţional de Istorie a Moldovei  (secolele XVII–XX). Catalog, Wydawnictwo: Muzeul Naţional de Istorie a Moldovei, Chişinău 2014, ss. 200, fot. 172

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Katarzyna Smyk

Culture Management, Volume 18, Issue 2, 2017, pp. 277 - 281


DOM, czyli dziedzictwo obok mnie – dajmy się zainspirować Narodowemu Instytutowi Dziedzictwa – recenzja książek

  • Dziedzictwo obok mnie – poradnik zarządzania dziedzictwem w gminach, zespół redakcyjny: Aleksandra Chabiera, Anna Kozioł, Bartosz Skaldawski, Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa, Warszawa 2016.
  • DoM. Dziedzictwo obok mnie – inspiracje do działań lokalnych, zespół redakcyjny: Aleksandra Chabiera, Anna Kozioł, Bartosz Skaldawski, Warszawa [2016].
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