Volume 21, Issue 4

Cień organizacyjny: Ukryte obszary zarządzania w kulturze

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Publication date: 12.2020

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Editorial team

Editors of Issue 1 Orcid Marcin Laberschek, Monika Kostera

Issue content

Marcin Laberschek, Monika Kostera

Culture Management, Volume 21, Issue 4, 2020, pp. 1 - 1

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Magdalena Szpunar

Culture Management, Volume 21, Issue 4, 2020, pp. 305 - 324


This article is dedicated to the category of pride, which I treat much more widely than a trait of an individual. In my article, I try to determine how specific representations of pride in the scientific community are manifested, what they result from, but I also explain what types of pride can be distinguished in science and what consequences it has for the entire scholarship.

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Marcin Laberschek

Culture Management, Volume 21, Issue 4, 2020, pp. 325 - 346


The article concerns the shadow phenomenon understood as the state of anxiety of people who create the social environment of an organization. This phenomenon was discussed on the example of Zakłady Azotowe in Mościce and the Wilhelm Sasnal monument, using research material from indepth interviews with the creator of the monument and with Dawid Radziszewski, artistic curator. Information from existing sources and the results of the visual analysis of the monument were also used. The result of the analysis is that: (1) shadow is a kind of social fear of threats from the organization (e.g., failures); (2) its source is the organization itself; (3) shadow is rooted in the past (4) and projected for the future; (5) shadow organizes social life in the environment of the organization and manifests itself in stories, myths and art.

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Patrycja Mizera-Pęczek

Culture Management, Volume 21, Issue 4, 2020, pp. 347 - 360


Children-artists participating in film, show and media projects are, just like adult artists, participants in human resource management processes (e.g., recruitment, evaluation, training or derecruitment). However, children do not have professional competences similar to those of adult members of an organization, and their professional development is determined by the decisions of managers of arts organizations. The aim of the article is to deepen the reflection on the situation of children working in arts organizations in the context of the relationship “a child in the shadow of an adult”.

In this article the shadow is the domination of adults, and the darkened space is the childhood of underage artists. The considerations lead to the conclusion that the work of children in arts organizations is a kind of challenge for adult members of the organizations.

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Olga Kosińska

Culture Management, Volume 21, Issue 4, 2020, pp. 361 - 374


Contemporary socio-economic changes affect organizations and management. Management processes more and more often concern spheres and groups that go beyond the “traditional”understanding of the organization. Among them are online communities such as fandoms. Along with the process of organizing, the organizational shadow is emerging. Organizational shadow is defined as “a set of unacceptable features, tendencies, aspirations rejected in the process of socialization” (Kostera 2014, s. 23), the appearance and functioning of which is negated or hidden within the organization. Fandoms are governed by slightly different rules, often more variable and more difficult to identify than in formal organizations. That does not make them free from “shady”elements such as certain people, activities, features and values that do not match the current shape of the community. The article describes fandoms as new, informal organizational forms and subjects of management processes, and then identifies examples of the emergence of organizational shadow within them. These are three main causes of such a shadow manifestation –excessive control (e.g., of the forum moderator), undisclosed actions of administrators of the internet platform used by the group, as well as negligence (e.g., forgetting someone’s contribution to the project). The conclusions indicate the need for a further, in-depth identification of the elements influencing the development of the shadow in non-standard organizational forms.

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Agata Kubec

Culture Management, Volume 21, Issue 4, 2020, pp. 375 - 398


The aim of the article is to explore and describe the organizational shadow in relation to the commercial media institution. The concept of shadow was introduced by Jung, who described it as the negative side of the human soul. As Bowles noted in 1991, this phenomenon can be applied to management sciences. The organizational shadow is created as a result of rejecting difficult, defective and uncomfortable elements of the institution’s identity, which can lead to the development of management pathologies. Interviews, which are the domain of qualitative methodology, allowed to distinguish organizational shadows in the commercial radio station, taking into account the causes and effects of their development as well as awareness of their existence among employees. The shadows include: unequal treatment of volunteer workers, giving up the development of young radio broadcasters, as well as a unjust remuneration policy. The conclusion of the article is indication the brand myth as the main reason for allowing the development of shadows.

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