Volume 23, Issue 3

Kadry kultury

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Publication date: 11.2022

Projekt dofinansowany przez Uniwersytet Jagielloński ze środków Wydziału Zarządzania i Komunikacji
Społecznej, a także Instytutu Kultury.

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Editorial team

Editor-in-Chief Orcid Małgorzata Ćwikła

Deputy Editor-in-Chief Orcid Marcin Laberschek

Secretary Olga Kosińska

Editors of Issue 3 Agnieszka Konior, Anna Pluszyńska

Issue content

Agnieszka Konior, Anna Pluszyńska

Culture Management, Volume 23, Issue 3, 2022, pp. 1 - 1

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Agnieszka Konior, Anna Pluszyńska

Culture Management, Volume 23, Issue 3, 2022, pp. 217 - 236


The goal of this article is to showcase the current state of research and the emerging tendencies in analyses concerning the staff of cultural institutions, while providing a systematical overview of the literature. Staff of cultural institutions was defined as persons employed in cultural organisations (of public, private and NGO character) whose work begins there where the predisposition of the employed artists ends and whose work plays a vital role in creation, distribution and protection of culture. Based on the previous research one can conclude that the topic of staff of cultural institutions is addressed by the authors, its analysis, however, proves to be fragmentary and oftentimes superficial.

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Patrycja Mizera-Pęczek, Lena Grzesiak

Culture Management, Volume 23, Issue 3, 2022, pp. 237 - 254


Analysing the employees’ competencies is relevant both from the organisation’s and individuals’ perspective, because it allows – for example – to predict emerging competency gaps in organisations, design training offers tailored to the organisation’s needs and employees’ expectations, or to better match people’ professional tasks with organisational culture. One of the methods for obtaining information about competence requirements is the analyse of job advertisements published by the selected employers. This article focuses on the competence requirements set by employers representing cultural organisations. Its purpose is to showcase the competencies expected from the staff of cultural institutions in Poland from the perspective of job advertisements. The article presents the results of the analysis of 127 job advertisements published on the “Pracuj w Kulturze” webiste from the 31st of January to the 1st of February 2022. The analysis included the requirements regarding the following: knowledge (both formal and non-formal), skills and employee attitudes desired by the employers.

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Anna Góral

Culture Management, Volume 23, Issue 3, 2022, pp. 255 - 271


The purpose of this paper was to explore the organisation of a support system for the professional development of women in public cultural institutions. The deliberations in this paper are based on qualitative research. The research included biographical interviews with ten women who currently work in managerial positions in public cultural institutions in Poland. This research strategy made it possible to get to know the experiences of women who reached managerial positions in their professional career in culture and to attempt an explanation of the observed phenomena as they are seen by people who were part of the system. Research has shown that the support system for the professional development of women in public cultural institutions seems to be largely based on informal solutions initiated within the personal support networks of women who are part of the system, its foundation being interpersonal relations. The main contribution of the paper is the interesting dataset gathered. Moreover, the proposed rhizome metaphor enriches the field of organizational research by suggesting new ideas that contribute to expanding on how we can see and perceive the complexity and variation in organizational phenomena of women in leadership positions and therefore opening up new interpretations and directions.

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Bogna Halska-Pionka

Culture Management, Volume 23, Issue 3, 2022, pp. 273 - 296


Cultural institutions are exceptional spaces where time gains new meanings. By interacting with stakeholders, responding to the needs declared by potential recipients, and setting trends – they become active participants in the process of shaping and giving meaning to cultural heritage, of which one of the most important components is also time. Therefore, it turns out that employees of cultural institutions are responsible not only for managing themselves but for managing the processes taking place within an organization as well, moreover they are also obliged to closely observe the dynamically changing world.

This text aims to diagnose and describe the importance of time – according to employees – in working in cultural institutions. To prepare the article, the author used the research conducted for the purposes of her thesis entitled Time management – aporia or utopia? In line with the adopted methodological

strategy, the method of narrative collage was used, consisting of collecting fictional stories from employees of cultural organizations. The analysis of the obtained research material made it possible to diagnose the challenges faced by cultural institutions, related to, inter alia, inadequate financing, failure of taking into account the individual needs and expectations of employees and chaos in the working time organization.

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Ida Radecka

Culture Management, Volume 23, Issue 3, 2022, pp. 297 - 317


The article deals with the topic of demotivation among the staff of Polish cultural centres. The aim of the paper is to explore the phenomenon from a humanist perspective. The first part describes the definitions of demotivation and the reasons it occurs. The research results were then presented. The answers obtained through an online questionnaire and interviews show that demotivation occurs in this group. The essential determinants of demotivation are elements of the internal environment of the organization.

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Elżbieta Król-Dryja

Culture Management, Volume 23, Issue 3, 2022, pp. 319 - 339


The aim of the work is to analyse the motivational system used in one of the musical cultural institutions in Poland and to identify the motivating factors (motivators) for the work of the artists employed in it, representing the Generation Y. The first – theoretical – part contains selected motivational theories and the characteristics of Generation Y. The empirical part is a description of the results of the research carried out by the author.

A critical analysis of the literature and the results of surveys as well as interviews conducted in a cultural institution will allow the author to answer the following research questions: What are the current premises and needs of Generation Y when they start working in a public cultural institution? What are the motivating and demotivating factors for a Generation Y employee of a public cultural institution?

In order to research the topic, the author chose the case study method. A large (over 200 people) public institution promoting musical culture served as a model. Only a group of artistic creators (choir and orchestra with the decision-makers) from Generation Y (people born between 1980 and 2000) was subjected to the test.

The research showed the diversity of such occurring employee needs: stabilisation of employment, belonging to a team and the need for closer contact with art. The main motivating factors for work are also stable employment, but also finances, a friendly atmosphere and a possibility of professional development. Among the demotivators, the Millennials indicated the inadequacy of earnings in relation to work, lack of respect and poor working conditions.

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