Volume 12, Issue 1

2011 Next

Publication date: 31.05.2012

Licence: None

Editorial team

Editor-in-Chief Emil Orzechowski

Secretary Ewa Kocój

Redaktorzy numeru Ewa Kocój, Emil Orzechowski

Issue content

Emil Orzechowski

Culture Management, Volume 12, Issue 1, 2011, pp. 9 - 12


Napisany przed dwoma laty tekst dotyczy przede wszystkim kulturoznawstwa, ale także podstawowych zasad zarządzania procesem dydaktycznym w uczelni.

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Bogusław Nierenberg

Culture Management, Volume 12, Issue 1, 2011, pp. 15 - 26


Media management is a relatively new area of research. These are merely the beginnings of relevant methodologies and research tools. The article entitled Selected Aspects of Media Management constitutes an overview of current accomplishments within this area all over the world and in Poland as well. It also stands for an indicator of theoretical concepts that refer to media management. According to the author of this article, the system approach which pertains to media management seems to be one of the most useful within the scope of scientific recognition of this research area.

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Marcin Laberschek

Culture Management, Volume 12, Issue 1, 2011, pp. 27 - 41


The content of this study remains aligned with present-day research designs which perceive the journalism information as a market good, i.e. a product. The product management consists in devising strategies which make the marketed product exceptional, let it excel the competition and match the client needs. However, these needs should at first be examined. The paper analyses the methods of researching client needs and organizes them from the point of view of their usefulness in the management of information perceived as a product.

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Anna Pluszyńska

Culture Management, Volume 12, Issue 1, 2011, pp. 43 - 53


The present article is an attempt to analyze the process of formation of copyright management models. It’s aim is also to analyze the role which individual artists, collective management organizations and publishers play in this process. The author describes here both the directions, the creation and the exploitation of creative work results (propriety approach and “free culture” approach) and reviewes the currently available forms of copyright management..

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Katarzyna Plebańczyk

Culture Management, Volume 12, Issue 1, 2011, pp. 55 - 67


The author of the article analyzes the problem of culture management in Poland in the context of research. Studies dealing with this topic lead to but very few conclusions in Poland. They are associated generally with public culture and almost totally disregard other forms of cultural activity.
The author considers the advantages and disadvantages of the statistical approach to culture. He stresses that in Poland there is no consistent methodology associated with the collection and processing of statistical data. The author presents various forms of research funding in this area such as for example Culture Observatory NCK. Take the subject approach to research among the people creating a culture – too strong an attachment to statistics, a lack of interestt the level of the administrative, lack of financial resources. The most tangible effects are: poor contact between creators and consumers of culture, lack of strategy development, low competitiveness of public institutions.

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Joanna Szulborska-Łukaszewicz

Culture Management, Volume 12, Issue 1, 2011, pp. 69 - 86


The article is related to the public culture institutions management in Krakow. It presents the dynamics of changes in their financing from public budget, human resources, material and immaterial profits of its activity. The main thesis is that the problem of culture institutions in the public sector is not the lack of money, but rather the way of distributing it. The system of culture institutions management is not compatible with the reality of XXI century and the needs of the contemporary recipient. The perspective of yearly budget is too short to build long-term plans, the degraded infrastructure of culture can’t rival modern shopping districts. A very imperfect system of cultural education is the main reason why people are not used to participating in cultural events and they do not have sufficient competence to be able to perceive art.

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