Strategia instytucji kultury na przykładzie Miejsko-Gminnego Ośrodka Kultury, Sportu i Rekreacji w Trzebini w latach 2009–2013
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEStrategia instytucji kultury na przykładzie Miejsko-Gminnego Ośrodka Kultury, Sportu i Rekreacji w Trzebini w latach 2009–2013
Publication date: 2009
Culture Management, 2009, Vol. 10, pp. 185 - 201
Strategia instytucji kultury na przykładzie Miejsko-Gminnego Ośrodka Kultury, Sportu i Rekreacji w Trzebini w latach 2009–2013
The article shows wide variety of strategies, helping to develop self-government cultural institutions. By realizing those strategies all the activities partaken will be balanced and will cause the development of culture itself as well as enrichment of the region what will even out the chances of both.
First part concerns thorough analysis of environment, resulting in creating the mission of each institution, peculiar operating area programme, for whom it exist and what are it’s goals.
Each vision (mission) resulted in comprehensive strategy which determinates direction of institution’s statutory actions and targets. The strategy contains four main assumptions:
– arousing and fulfi lling cultural needs of city and district inhabitants together – with promoting cultural activities
– attention to keeping and cultivating cultural heritage and district (regional) culture
– promoting city region through culture
– increasing inhabitants activity and their participation in the recreational events promoting healthy standards of living.
The second part concerns detailed description of operational goals and actions which helps to carry out individual’s targets. It also describes the process of introducing and monitoring the strategies themselves.
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Information: Culture Management, 2009, Vol. 10, pp. 185 - 201
Article type: Original article
Strategia instytucji kultury na przykładzie Miejsko-Gminnego Ośrodka Kultury, Sportu i Rekreacji w Trzebini w latach 2009–2013
Strategia instytucji kultury na przykładzie Miejsko-Gminnego Ośrodka Kultury, Sportu i Rekreacji w Trzebini w latach 2009–2013
Published at: 2009
Article status: Open
Licence: None
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PolishView count: 1935
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