2019 Następne

Data publikacji: 09.2019


Licencja: CC BY  ikona licencji


Redaktor naczelny Orcid Marcin Połom

Zawartość numeru

Tomasz Wiskulski

Prace Komisji Geografii Komunikacji PTG, 22 (3), 2019, s. 5 - 6

Czytaj więcej Następne

Martin Smoliner, Stefan Walter

Prace Komisji Geografii Komunikacji PTG, 22 (3), 2019, s. 7 - 20


In railway timetabling and railway network design the question for the optimal timetable is a fundamental design decision. Whether a country benefits more from high-speed services or integrated network services strongly depends on its settlement structure. Lille’s law of travelling is applied giving an indication which solution is more suitable for different European countries. In most railway networks an integrated network-oriented timetable like the integrated periodic would maximize the customer’s benefit. Furthermore, it allows for long-term infrastructure design and timetable planning. For a network approach suburban and regional railway lines are of significant importance. Three case studies of regional railway networks in the Austrian province of Styria depict how the application of a periodic timetable increased patronage. In addition, feasibility studies are presented showing the further potential of introducing an integrated periodic timetable. However, integrated periodic timetables considerably may be affected by open access services as use-cases in Austria and the Czech Republic show. While open access operation usually improves the situation on long-distance relations, regional railway services might be negatively affected. These effects and a possible procedure for solving this issue are presented.

Czytaj więcej Następne

Olusegun Adeaga, Olaoluwa Dogbonjaye, Olutosin Akinbaloye

Prace Komisji Geografii Komunikacji PTG, 22 (3), 2019, s. 21 - 30


Railway transport is a primary asset to trade, industry and commerce development of nations hat demand among others, a safe transit and optimal maintenance. Track performance remains an important index towards measuring track degradation. Thus, in this study the rail track geometry model was adopted to analyze the quality of Iddo – Mushin rail corridor towards safe rail transport system. Geometric parameters of interest include vertical irregularities, horizontal irregularities, cross-level, twist and track gauge. The parameters were calculated from a 3-dimensional data collected using Tachymetric Surveying approach covering Mushin, Yaba, Ebute-Meta and Iddo terminus. It should be noted that despite the high standard used as regards to the design and construction of the Iddo-Mushin rail track facilities, several derailments have occurred over time due to rail geometry deformation with high probability incidents along the Iddo – Ebute-Meta corridor. It was also discovered that the Iddo-Mushin axis can only permit average train speed of about 80 km/h, using the Polish Railway Synthetic Coefficient for safe rail transportation system. The synthetic assessment approach is simple and facilitate a continuous measurement of geometric parameters along railway track. Proper maintenance and upgrade of the rail track system mechanisms to support the incremental trasport demand and services as a result of socio-economic growth and development of Lagos mega city,
is therefore suggested.

Czytaj więcej Następne

Anna Gardzińska

Prace Komisji Geografii Komunikacji PTG, 22 (3), 2019, s. 31 - 40


A tourist attraction is everything that raises tourists’ interest and stimulates them to travel. The revitalization of the railway infrastructure elements and transforming them into objects that serve tourist needs may positively affect urban space, as well as contribute to socio-economic development. Foreign and Polish examples show many tourist attractions created on the basis of closed railway lines, degraded railway areas or railway stations. A ride by narrow-gauge railway, a cycle route created on a former railway embankment or even a walk along the promenade alongside the railway viaduct can be an attraction in itself. Such objects become a magnet that attracts tourists to the region, and at the same time stimulate demand for other tourist services.
The aim of the article is to identify and classify tourist attractions that have arisen as a result of revitalization of the railway infrastructure. The article is divided into three parts. In the first one, the essence of the revitalization of the railway infrastructure is characterized. The second explains the term “tourist attraction” and the classification of tourist attractions, while the third contains practical examples of revitalization of inactive elements of railway infrastructure transformed into tourist attractions.

Czytaj więcej Następne

Agnieszka Sawińska

Prace Komisji Geografii Komunikacji PTG, 22 (3), 2019, s. 41 - 52


One of the elements affecting the quality of life is recreational activity. Considering the ageing demographic structure of urban residents, it is necessary to take into account the needs and expectations of seniors in the activities of cities. In addition, an important factor determining recreational activity is the transport accessibility of the recreational space of cities on which this article is focused. The article consists of three parts. The first explains the theoretical issues regarding transport accessibility. The second presents considerations on the mobility of seniors. The supplement to the discussion is the third part, which is a case study for the Zawadzkiego-Kolonowica housing estate in Szczecin (Poland), whose age structure shows a high level of ageing.

Czytaj więcej Następne

Beata Meyer, Marta Szaja

Prace Komisji Geografii Komunikacji PTG, 22 (3), 2019, s. 53 - 63


The aim of the article is an attempt to show the role of actions taken in the area of Smart Mobility in the process of shaping Smart City. The paper presents examples of cities from all over the world, which implemented Smart City model solutions into their functional structure. The examples mentioned above concerned mainly the implementation of innovative and effective technologies in the area of transport and mobility, while being safe for the natural environment. As an example from Poland, the city of Szczecin was chosen – indicating ways to apply similar (to those used in the largest metropolises of the world) solutions in the field of transport and mobility, enabling the city to introduce intelligent, sustainable and inclusive development of the local community, and ultimately conducive to improving the quality of its life. The research used desk research analysis, analysis of domestic and foreign literature on the subject, as well as Polish and European legal regulations controlling the procedures related to the subject of the research.

Czytaj więcej Następne

Pavel Stepanov

Prace Komisji Geografii Komunikacji PTG, 22 (3), 2019, s. 64 - 72


Trolleybus transport was a very popular mode of transport in the past. Trolleybus systems have existed in more than 70 countries of the world. The maximum number of trolleybus systems (366) was operated in 1949. Today, this number is only 286, and mostly it is popular in the post-socialistic countries. Nevertheless, trolleybus systems of different countries have significant differences in the terms of construction and are being exploited in different ways.

Czytaj więcej Następne

Ariel Ciechański

Prace Komisji Geografii Komunikacji PTG, 22 (3), 2019, s. 73 - 74

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