Tom 22, Numer 3

Kultura a wyzwania zrównoważonego rozwoju cz. 1

2021 Następne

Data publikacji: 09.2021

Licencja: CC BY-NC-ND  ikona licencji


Redaktorki numeru 3 Monika Murzyn-Kupisz, Katarzyna Plebańczyk

Zawartość numeru

Monika Murzyn-Kupisz, Katarzyna Plebańczyk

Zarządzanie w Kulturze, Tom 22, Numer 3, 2021, s. 1-1


Czytaj więcej Następne

Tadeusz Borys

Zarządzanie w Kulturze, Tom 22, Numer 3, 2021, s. 277-303


Inspirations of Culture in Creating the Axiology of a New Development Paradigm

A positive assessment of changes from the point of view of a specific axiological system is a consti­tutive attribute of the definition of development which determines the relativism or uncondition­al nature of the development category and its new paradigms. In creating this system, an inspir­ing – although not always unambiguous – role is or should be played by culture. Culture also plays such a role in creating the quality of life. The article presents the main channels of the axiological impulses of culture as a carrier and creator of value systems. The identification of these channels is the main goal of this work. It shows the process of extending the dimensions of the new develop­ment paradigm and the role of culture in this process. The final part of the article illustrates this is­sue with the example of public policies and organisational culture. Furthermore, the author identi­fies axiologically diverse choices relating to the basic attributes of this culture, which are illustrated in the approach of an organisation (an enterprise or a public institution) to the category of respon­sibility, fairness or trust, and management systems, including the style of personnel management in the context of the leadership empowered in the organisation.

Czytaj więcej Następne

Michał Pawleta

Zarządzanie w Kulturze, Tom 22, Numer 3, 2021, s. 305-322


Archaeological Heritage in the Context of Sustainable Development

The concept of sustainable development is widely declared and used in contemporary scientific dis­course. Sustainability also refers to cultural and archaeological heritage. What is an important ele­ment of the contemporary conservation doctrine is a departure from the idea of protection of ar­chaeological heritage in favour of the rational management of such heritage, in accordance with the sustainable development rationale. It follows from the premise that, on the one hand, herit­age is a subject of protection, but, on the other hand, it constitutes potential that should be adapted to new conditions and used for cultural, social, and economic development. With the above-men­tioned concept as a starting point, the paper is aimed at analysing the role that archaeological her­itage resources can play in the context of sustainable development. As an example of good practic­es implementing the idea of sustainable development based on archaeological resources, I take and discuss archaeological tourism, because it aims to promote public interest in archaeology and the protection of archaeological sites.

Czytaj więcej Następne

Marcin Poprawski

Zarządzanie w Kulturze, Tom 22, Numer 3, 2021, s. 323-341


New venues of Cultural Institutions in Poland — the Perspective of Local Cultural Ecosystems

Building new venues for cultural activity involves a shift in the balance of power in the entire sys­tem of relations in the local communities of authors and organisers. This is a matter of budget and, very often, also of cultural policy priorities. Furthermore, it entails a significant change in the long-term funding of cultural initiatives and cultural entities in each region. The phenomenon of the emergence of many new cultural facilities has inspired a few fundamental questions about their at­titudes to selected values in the field of sustainable development goals, particularly in the social and economic dimensions, but ultimately also of the impact of new cultural venues on the natural en­vironment. Are the new investments in culture opportunities, challenges, or perhaps threats result­ing from the rescaled or disturbed balance in local cultural ecosystems? The theoretical perspective, which organises the debate on these areas, takes the cultural ecosystem as a key concept, using it as a basis for the description of phenomena in local urban communities. The observations present­ed are based on the qualitative and quantitative research conducted in eight cultural institutions in eight Polish cities. The results reveal the importance of between ten and twenty fundamental di­mensions of the activity of cultural institutions and their local government organisers which allow them to put down their roots more deeply in the city’s cultural ecosystem. A new building opens completely new possibilities, but it is extremely important to tailor the institution to the real, saga­ciously assessed, and well-balanced possibilities of the local ecosystem.

Czytaj więcej Następne

Dominika Hołuj, Monika Murzyn-Kupisz

Zarządzanie w Kulturze, Tom 22, Numer 3, 2021, s. 343-363


The Idea of Sustainable Fashion in Polish Post-Secondary Schools and Universities Offering Fashion Majors

The article presents the results of research on the promotion of the sustainable fashion concept by Polish post-secondary and higher education institutions that offer fashion majors. The analysis in­cluded information on all institutions active in fashion design education in the 2019/2020 academ­ic year and aimed to assess their involvement in education on sustainable fashion by examining the content of their official internet and social media sites. Universities and schools undertake diverse activities which may significantly contribute to the development of ecological awareness of future fashion designers and the general public. Factors that determine the practical possibilities of such schools to exert impact on attitudes to sustainable fashion include both their human resources and the presence of relevant supporting partners in the schools’ surroundings.

Czytaj więcej Następne

Anna Wróblewska

Zarządzanie w Kulturze, Tom 22, Numer 3, 2021, s. 365-383


Sustainable Film Production in Poland. The Origin and Prospects

The 21st century has seen a growing awareness of the serious impact of film and television production on the natural environment. The film industry pollutes our environment in many ways, including carbon dioxide emissions, waste production, and energy and water consumption. The initiatives for sustainable development undertaken in many sectors of the economy have also reached the film industry. In Europe and the United States, various organisations and institutions have developed a number of recommendations in the field of sustainable film production. This paper, set in the film studies trend known as production culture, presents the global context as well as the nascent Polish practices of green filming. These initiatives, based on European examples, have so far been mainly bottom-up and dispersed or in the form of non-binding recommendations. The handful of producers and authors who have undertaken them are not in any way encouraged to be eco-friendly. Driven by their concern for the environment, however, they show the forward-looking way of thinking that should be followed by the entire industry.

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