2014 Następne

Data publikacji: 16.09.2014

Licencja: Żadna


Redaktor naczelny Emil Orzechowski

Sekretarz redakcji Ewa Kocój

Redaktorzy naukowi Ewa Kocój, Emil Orzechowski, Joanna Szulborska-Łukaszewicz

Zawartość numeru

Veronika Héda

Zarządzanie w Kulturze, Tom 15, Numer 2, 2014, s. 105-116

Selected elements of the Hungarian system of financing culture
As a former communist country, Hungary faces similar problems in culture management as the other countries of Central Europe, since they have become  democratic countries at the same time. The issues of the role of state in shaping cultural life and of culture funding especially in times of crisis are being disputed, and the discussions do not lead to a consensus. The specificity of cultural management in Hungary, in addition to a number of typical problems of democracy, is closely linked with the history of the 20th century, the events which have permanently affected the national identity and culture of the country. Since the end of World War I, the matter of cultural nation causes  many problems to Hungary, but also creates many possibilities thanks to the Hungarian national minority living in the neighboring countries and the officially recognized nationalities living in Hungary. The current government led by Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, being aware of these extra human and cultural resources, integrates them tightly to the Hungarian cultural system. However, culture seems to have a secondary position in the state structure, being represented only by a state secretariat within the enormous Ministry of Human Resources. For the purpose of giving some examples of the operations of cultural institutions , I describe the legal background of museum institutions, public libraries and general cultural education, which is basically organised into culture houses and centres.
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Weronika Pokojska

Zarządzanie w Kulturze, Tom 15, Numer 2, 2014, s. 117-130


Mercedes-Benz Museum Stuttgart – an Ideal Museum?

The aim of the article is to present a case study on the Mercedes-Benz Museum in Stuttgart, Germany. The first part introduces the theoretical aspects of modern museums in general and the specificity of car museums, also taking into consideration German legislation. The museum is  analyzed by using as the basis the methodology proposed by professor Andrzej Kiciński from the Warsaw University of Technology, who invented a method of measuring a museum’s concept by means of different strategies. 

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Maria Gołda-Sobczak

Zarządzanie w Kulturze, Tom 15, Numer 2, 2014, s. 131-149

Reprographic fees in the Polish Copyright Law as the form of managing culture
The development of new information technologies results in the infringement on the author’s economic rights as a consequence of permitted personal use by means of reprographic equipment, audio recording equipment, tape recorders and video recorders. The fees imposed on the producers and  importers of the reprographic equipment have become an attempt to counteract this phenomenon both in the European Union law and in the Polish Copyright Law. Under the Polish Copyright Law, the organizations for collective management of copyright or related rights, to whom the minister responsible for the matters of culture and protection of national heritage grants permission for carrying on activities in a given field of exploitation, acting under the provisions of the law on associations are obligated to collect reprographic fees and distribute such fees further to the entities authorized to receive them. The literature argues about the character of these fees. The article draws attention to the danger connected with the functioning of e-learning and highlights the changes in the legal solutions, relating these solutions to the content of the European Union law and the case-law of the Constitutional Tribunal.
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Marek Chyliński

Zarządzanie w Kulturze, Tom 15, Numer 2, 2014, s. 151-167


The truth as a principle of journalistic discourse

The paradigm of truth is a precondition for social communication; it defines the recognition of events, gives meaning to the facts and formulates messages.
The article attempts to unravel the dilemma of whether the formula of truth in journalism transmission is identical with the philosophical, juridical and ethical formula. Moreover, the paper considers whether the truth might partially result from the character of the means of communication which transmit the information.
The author proposes several theses referring to truth as a condition of freedom of speech and the adequate, discursive, and paradoxical nature of truth. These theses are meant to determine the axis of the discussion about the idea of truth in the media and to answer the question about the veracity of the journalistic discourse formula.

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Izabela Kurczewska

Zarządzanie w Kulturze, Tom 15, Numer 2, 2014, s. 169-179


The role of the social media in building brand advocacy through emotional engagement: the Red Bull Stratos campaign

In Europe and the United States, only 8% of brands are important enough to consumers such that the public would care if those brands disappeared from the market. Advertisers need to change their communication approach to create campaigns aimed not only at informing people about the characteristics and prices of products and convincing customers to make purchases, but mainly to instigate likability and, in effect, build a relationship on an emotional level, thereby gaining loyalty. The tools for this purpose have focused on media and new approaches in their planning (media-mix). In the literature, the case of Red Bull Stratos has been analyzed. The brand, communicating in a consistent and coherent manner, has used media coverage and the impact of traditional media in a unique way to engage consumers with the help of new media. We analyze a campaign that shows how consumers transition from passive recipients of advertising communication to brand ambassadors and advocates, showing a high emotional involvement and a strong loyalty to the energy drink manufacturer.

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Magdalena Woźniczko, Dominik Orłowski

Zarządzanie w Kulturze, Tom 15, Numer 2, 2014, s. 181-197


The “Painted Village” of Zalipie as a manifestation  of ethnographic tourism in Powiśle Dąbrowskie

This paper presents a problem associated with the heritage of folk culture in  southern Poland, namely,  a custom that originates from the late nineteenth century and involves painting buildings, farms and environmental elements as well as residential interiors in original, colorful floral designs. The article explains the concept of  nature and forms of ethnographic tourism. Then it focuses  on Zalipian folk art –  a living tradition representing the region of Powiśle Dąbrowskie – which attracts a great interest of tourists from home and abroad. The genesis of Zalipian painting and the “painted village” of Zalipie as an ethnographic tourism attraction in Powiśle Dąbrowskie are presented and discussed.

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Agnieszka Kruszyńska, Anna Bojarska

Zarządzanie w Kulturze, Tom 15, Numer 2, 2014, s. 199-212


Promotional actions of Lublin Voivodeship – Lubelskie. Taste Life!

The aim of the article is to describe the forms of promotional activities undertaken and realized by the Strategy of the Lublin Voivodeship Brand – Lubelskie. Taste Life!. A research was done in order to compare the assumptions of local education with the ideas included in the Strategy, which is bound with the development of the Voivodeship of Lublin. The work written in 2008 by the Department of Promotion and Tourism of the Marshal’s Office – “The Strategy of the Lublin Voivodeship  Brand – Building Brand Project for 2008-2020” was submitted to a  detailed analysis. The methods of document analysis and survey were used in researching the promotional forms included in the Strategy. The main vision of the brand was defined as Lublin EKOPOLIS expressed by a logo and the slogan: “Lubelskie. Taste Life!” The aims regarding the spread of knowledge about the region included in the Strategy are realized by advertisement campaigns and numerous cultural festivals. As a result, the Voivodeship of Lublin has probably become better known and perceived by Polish residents of big cities as well as by the Lublinians themselves. Perhaps the strategy  has caused an increase in the awareness and civil self-consciousness of the local society regarding to history, culture and tourist attractions of the region and it has led them to deepen their personal identification with the region as well as  openness to other cultures.

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