2015 Następne

Data publikacji: 03.02.2015

Licencja: Żadna


Redaktor naczelny Emil Orzechowski

Sekretarz redakcji Ewa Kocój

Redaktor numeru Beata Glinka

Redakcja zeszytu Ewa Kocój, Emil Orzechowski, Joanna Szulborska-Łukaszewicz

Zawartość numeru

Beata Glinka

Zarządzanie w Kulturze, Tom 16, Numer 1, 2015, s. 1-13

Entrepreneurship and Culture
Entrepreneurship belongs to the most popular research areas in Poland as well as in other countries. The article presents an analysis of selected relations between culture and entrepreneurship.
The author discusses selected trends in entrepreneurship research and claims that  the researches focused on interconnections between culture and entrepreneurship address the most vital problems. In this text the author points out two key issues: the cultural context of entrepreneurship and the images of entrepreneurship (or entrepreneurs) as presented in different texts of culture (e.g. media, novels etc.). Connections between these two areas are described, as well as their influence on entrepreneurial processes, actions undertaken by entrepreneurs, and entrepreneurs’ identities.
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Krzysztof Wach

Zarządzanie w Kulturze, Tom 16, Numer 1, 2015, s. 15-29


Impact of Cultural and Social Norms on Entrepreneurship in the EU: Cross-Country Evidence based on GEM Survey Results

The links between culture and entrepreneurship are still not sufficiently well-established or explored. They started just a half of a century ago, even though the links between culture and capitalism are much older (more than 100 years old). Culture is one of the main determinants for the various entrepreneurial activities undertaken in different countries, nevertheless, it needs further exploring to yield a wider understanding of the role of the social aspects of entrepreneurship. This paper is rooted in the field of international entrepreneurship, a branch of which deals with the comparative perspective of entrepreneurship across countries and cultures. The main objective of the paper is to explore the impact of cultural and social norms on entrepreneurship in the EU countries on the basis of the GEM data of the recent report of 2013. The results prove that the national entrepreneurial culture has a positive impact on entrepreneurship.

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Agnieszka Postuła

Zarządzanie w Kulturze, Tom 16, Numer 1, 2015, s. 31-46

Employees of cultural institutions versus the business world. Business negotiations with difficult partners
The aim of this paper is to analyze factors determining effective negotiations from the perspective of employees of cultural institutions. The paper presents the results of the research conducted in the years 2007–2014 in collaboration with NCK. The participants of workshops, post-graduate studies and trainings (who were representatives of culture institutions) were asked to name significant problems that occurred during their regular business negotiations. The most often mentioned challenge was facing an asymmetrical relation which they claimed to be part of. The participants stated that an unequal distribution of power influenced almost each of their actions, so it led them to failure. They believed that negotiations with a cultural event sponsor were win-lose situations in which they were usually the losers. They considered almost each representative of a business world as a hard negotiator. The article analyzes these problems and points out some areas for improving the approach of culture institutions employees as well as suggests some directions for the development of bargaining skills.
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Małgorzata Sternal

Zarządzanie w Kulturze, Tom 16, Numer 1, 2015, s. 47-60

„Entrepreneurship sounds scary to me...” – on the significance of entrepreneurship in an actor’s work
This article attempts to present the significance of entrepreneurship in the professional life of actors. The results of a pilot research have been presented in the context of relationships between the arts and business. As described by the respondents entrepreneurship can be regarded as a a particular personality trait or a set of skills, or finally a certain attitude towards their personal and professional life. It has been linked to responsibility for one’s professional activities and to value creation, not only in the economic dimension. The article concludes with general remarks on some factors contributing to possible misunderstandings of the concept of entrepreneurship in the artistis professions.
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Tomasz Kukołowicz, Kamil Jaczyński

Zarządzanie w Kulturze, Tom 16, Numer 1, 2015, s. 61-79

Proud of Their Money. The Artist as an Entrepreneur in the Hip Hop (Sub)culture
Hip hop, both in Poland and in the U.S.A., has broken with the image of an artist guided by the principle of ‘art for art’s sake’, which was very popular in the 20th century. For rappers, the commercial success is one of the proofs of their artistic success. Such a statement contradicts the value system of artists involved in the so called „high art”. In this article we reconstruct the worldview of American and Polish rappers, we describe how it was formed in the historical process and explain its relationship with the practices of rap music production. We also interpret the positive attitude towards money within the wider context of the development of creative industries. We illustrate our theoretical arguments with several empirical examples from Poland and the U.S.A. The article provides a detailed description of the process of the production and distribution of rap music which is based on the professional experience of one of the authors.
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Urszula Starakiewicz-Krawczyk

Zarządzanie w Kulturze, Tom 16, Numer 1, 2015, s. 81-106

Organizing Sports in Poland from the Media Perspective – a Discourse Analysis
The aim of this article is to verify the way that the media depict organizing sports in Poland. Using the method of discourse analysis to look at chosen press articles, the author tries to understand the power relations within this sector and discuss the reasons of the journalists’ negative attitude towards the realm of traditional sports. It is usually presented as rigid and not entrepreneurial. In the conclusion the author elaborates on the effectiveness of the media in shaping the public opinion and forcing real changes.
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