2012 Następne

Data publikacji: 14.10.2012

Licencja: Żadna


Redaktor naczelny Emil Orzechowski

Sekretarz redakcji Ewa Kocój

Redaktorzy numeru Ewa Kocój, Emil Orzechowski

Zawartość numeru

Alicja Kędziora

Zarządzanie w Kulturze, Tom 13, Numer 2, 2012, s. 101-111


„Place of memory” in memory management on artist

The concept of the „place of memory” operates in many sciences, and the career of the term has led to the multiplicity of its definition. The article “Place of memory” in memory management on artist reconstructs its history, records the most important definitions, shows the differences between the conceptions. It also constitutes an attempt to justify the necessity of using the term „place of memory” in management sciences in the humanities and contributes to validate the need for the development of memory management in which such figures play a constitutive role.

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Anna Orzechowska

Zarządzanie w Kulturze, Tom 13, Numer 2, 2012, s. 113-122


„I won ’t come back here anymore ...” – the concept of Tadeusz Kanor ’s „return ” to his home in Hucisko (municipality Gdów)

In the nineties of the twentieth century, Tadeusz Kantor built a house in Hucisko, a small town located in the municipality of Gdów. The design of the artist’s office definitely served a practical aesthetic. It is therefore not surprising that the rhythm of the windows is determined by the functional layout. The artist distributed them so that they could encompass the widest possible view. „Kantorówka” is very modest and intimate, but not without fancy elements. It was built in three months by a highland carpenter. In „Kantorówka” one finds the workshops of Tadeusz Kantor and his wife – Mary Stangret. Today the house is empty.
Maria Stangret comes here but rarely. Also, „Cricoteka” no longer organizes activities and trips to the village near Cracow. Yet the manor house in Hucisko is the home of the artist’s „soul” and is ideal for conducting creative workshops and the development of artistic imagination. Kantor wanted his home in Hucisko to become a place for meetings, conferences, exhibitions and educational activities aimed at the local population. He tried to create a meeting place for people of different views, to discuss the art and science, and thus encourage and educate the public. However, his death meant that this vision was never fully realized. Kantor’s house is deserted, and the title of one of his recent dramas „I’ve been here not to come back” takes on an added significance...
The Foundation „Given a Chance”, whose statutory aims are based on educational and cultural activities, has proposed to create a summer Theatre Academy in the home of Tadeusz Kantor in Hucisko. The Academy would organize a wide variety of different classes devoted to drama activities, painting and photography workshops, as well as literary – journalistic activities. At the end of each cycle, the Academy would organize a conference and a series of exhibitions of works by people who participated in the workshops. It is proposed that classes should be available to foreigners, so that the work of Tadeusz Kantor could return to his home in Hucisko. This paper also proposes that the above projects should be financed from the European Union funds available for the years 2007–2013.

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Rafał Maciąg

Zarządzanie w Kulturze, Tom 13, Numer 2, 2012, s. 123-138


Economic Aspects of the Internet : the Rise of the Commercial Foundations of the Web

The article describes the Internet and the crucial conflict in expectations as regards common convictions which emphasize the social view of the Web. Such views are very popular and as a result they bring the great vision of the Internet as a new public space which demands democratic civil rights for example. In this situation inevitably a conflict emerges between this vision and the business which treats the Internet as its natural environment. The article describes the very beginnings of the Internet and the early phase of this conflict, which has existed from the very beginning mostly due to the counterculture of the sixties in USA. The article also describes the commercial sources of the Web which allowed its voluminous progress and the role of the third player in this game – the Government of the USA which has seen the Internet as a chance for potential economic growth. The article also emphasizes the great significance of the macroeconomic environment in the eighties, which also considerably enhanced the development of the Web. The article documents the predominance of the economic aspect of the Internet, which has become a fact already at the beginning of the nineties and describes incidents which confirm this situation, for example the rebellion of Jon Postel in 1998.

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Marcin Laberschek

Zarządzanie w Kulturze, Tom 13, Numer 2, 2012, s. 139-152


Necromarketing of cultural product in the auction portal Allegro.pl. The cases of Violetta Villas and Irena Jarocka

Necromarketing perceived as any activity of an organization, which uses human death to achieve its own aims, demonstrates two features: willfulness and extravagance.
The following paper „Necromarketing of cultural product in the auction portal Allegro.pl. The cases of Violetta Villas and Irena Jarocka” delineates the theoretical spheres of necromarketing activity, focusing nonetheless on how it is used by salesmen from Allegro.pl portal with the aim of intensifying the sales of cultural products.
For some salesmen the death of Violetta Villas in December 2011 and Irena Jarocka in January 2012 became an occasion to achieve extra profits, especially financial ones. This paper presents an array of arguments which confirm the assumption that certain salesmen conduct willful necromarketing activities and that such behavior is by no means exceptional.

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Joanna Talewicz-Kwiatkowska

Zarządzanie w Kulturze, Tom 13, Numer 2, 2012, s. 153-170


Aid Funds for the Roma Population – hopes for change or wasted Chance?

The Roma in Poland consist of thirty thousand people and they were granted the ethnic minority status in 2005. Although they have been present in Poland since 15th century, the society still feels rather ambivalent about them. On the one hand they amaze, fascinate and intrigue others with their dissimilarity, on the other hand they scare and repel the non-Roma because of their lifestyle and perception of reality which is contradictory to the commonly respected norms. The stereotypes and myths concerning this community have had a long history and are deeply rooted. That’s why a change of the image and the improvement of the difficult social situation of the Roma seems to be a very grueling, hard or even impossible task. Nevertheless, since 2004, when Poland became a member of the European Union, one has been able to use the tools to do so – thanks to the financial resources from EU’s budget.
The main purpose of my article was to analyze the influence of EU’s financial activity till 2010 on the social situation of the Roma people in Poland, particularly in the area of education, labour market, social situation and culture.

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Ewa Kocój, Paweł Lechowski, Katarzyna Plebańczyk

Zarządzanie w Kulturze, Tom 13, Numer 2, 2012, s. 171-183


The image of Gypsies in Polish collections of iconographic materials (19th century – first half of the 20th century) – reconnaissance

At least since the Middle Ages the people of Europe have shared their space with the nomadic Gypsy people. Its long, often troublesome neighborhood resulted in the formation of two parallel, though different, stereotypical images of the Roma in European culture. In one of them one, they are portrayed negatively, as the personification of all the pejorative and demonic qualities. Two words describing Roma Stereotypes in this language context are as follows: dangerous vagrants, thieves, criminals, living without any moral rules.
Under the influence of romantic ideas in European culture a different picture of the Gypsies began to take shape. According to this ideal, they were considered to be free people, living itinerant lives and in harmony with nature, free from hard work, colorful, cheerful, independent and artistic.
In this paper we would like to present how the ideas existing in the nineteenth-and twentieth century culture reflected in the iconography of Roma. On the basis of Polish collections we will show the most important themes and motifs associated with the iconography and mythology of this minority. At the same time, we will try to show to what extent the European images coincided with the real culture and tradition of the Gypsies. In the analysis we will use both engravings, woodcuts, paintings, graphics press and photographs found in public collections in Tarnow, Sejny or Krakow, as well as in various private collections.

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