2017 Następne

Data publikacji: 19.12.2017

Licencja: CC BY-NC-ND  ikona licencji


Redaktor naczelny Ewa Kocój

Zastępca redaktora naczelnego Joanna Szulborska-Łukaszewicz

Sekretarz redakcji Alicja Kędziora

Redakcja zeszytu Bożena Gierat-Bieroń, Ewa Kocój, Joanna Szulborska-Łukaszewicz

Zawartość numeru

Europeizacja w kulturze

Bożena Gierat-Bieroń

Zarządzanie w Kulturze, Tom 18, Numer 4, 2017, s. 493-510

The aim of this article is to analyse how Europeanisation top-down process affects the EU cultural policy. Europeanisation, as an academic concept in political sciences and European studies, became popular if not fashionable in other disciplines during the last two decades, creating new perspectives of scientific discourse. In the case of cultural policy of the UE it influences mechanism of integration in cultural sector as well as process of identification with European community’s values, axiological standards and beliefs. It is also affecting management areas, project management especially, as well as leadership, standardisation, democratisation of political decisions, and methods of administrative governance of the European cities. All those instruments used in Europeanisation processes might help in deeper integration between European nations and make people’s Europe far more aware of a need to participate in cultural transition in Europe. 
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Paweł Kubicki

Zarządzanie w Kulturze, Tom 18, Numer 4, 2017, s. 511-526


The article discusses the process of Europeanization of Polish cities. This process is analysed from two perspectives: top-down and bottom-up. In the first case the author analyses the urban policy in EU and the way it is implemented to National Urban Policy in Poland. This process is illustrated by three of twelve priority themes initialled in Urban Agenda for UE “Pact of Amsterdam”: air quality, inclusion of imigrants and refugees, housing policies. In the second case the author analyses bottom-up processes of Europeanization in Polish cites stimiulated by civic movements.

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Joanna Szulborska-Łukaszewicz

Zarządzanie w Kulturze, Tom 18, Numer 4, 2017, s. 527-548


The paper focuses on the cultural policy of the City of Cracow, including its premises and priorities, in the light of the incentives and support provided by the EU programs. Using Cracow as a case study, I make an attempt to show to what extent the European Community has contributed to the Europeanisation of Polish cities by triggering changes in the perception of the role of culture in the development of regions, including changes in the aesthetics of public space, human capital development (talent support, development of the cultural sector staff, development of civil society), quality of infrastructure, and support for creativity and innovation, including the use of new media and new technologies in culture.

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Krzysztof Kowalski, Barbara Törnquist-Plewa

Zarządzanie w Kulturze, Tom 18, Numer 4, 2017, s. 549-569

This article attempts to describe the reciprocal relationship between the stages of European integration, with its acceleration and crises since the 1990’s, and the manner of building transnational historical narratives and exploiting the notion of European heritage. The authors show the cultural dimension of Europeanization which, by enriching something that was originally of a purely political and institutional nature, is seen in the subsequent scientific and political paradigms of the construction of a common European past and culture.
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Daniel Przastek

Zarządzanie w Kulturze, Tom 18, Numer 4, 2017, s. 571-592

Europeanisation understood as a process of assimilation of old and creation of new tasks and standards/rules by the nation states under the influence of European integration affects many areas of our lives. Nor culture or theatre remain indifferent. The possible and existing processes of communitarisation were presented in a wide context showing the distinction of polish theatrical scene to: art and organisation, funding model, international cooperation. The main purpose of the analysis was to present the Polish theatre as an particular model within the European perspective. Its originality is defined by a deep politicization that characterize both artistic project and the practical aspect of management, regulated by legal framework of Polish cultural sphere.
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