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Tom 18 (2018) Następne

Data publikacji: 2018

Licencja: CC BY-NC-ND  ikona licencji


Redaktor naczelny Orcid Wacław Rapak

Zastępca redaktora naczelnego Orcid Jakub Kornhauser

Sekretarz redakcji Jakub Kornhauser

Zawartość numeru

Denis Apothéloz

Romanica Cracoviensia, Tom 18, Numer 2, Tom 18 (2018), s. 49 - 60


A figure of forgetting in narration: past simple in the analepsis

In narratives, French plus-que-parfait (past perfect) is regularly used to indicate that the situation referred to is located prior to another past situation. When these flashbacks stretch for a long time, and gain some autonomy, they may form a real ‘narrative in a narrative’ (analepsis). It may happen, then, that the passé simple (past simple) takes over from the plus-que-parfait inside the analepsis. This article examines the environments and the conditions of this tense switching inside the analepsis.

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Krzysztof Bogacki

Romanica Cracoviensia, Tom 18, Numer 2, Tom 18 (2018), s. 61 - 68


How to split the semantic continuum or some thoughts on perception lexemes

In this paper we discuss the notion of a semantic continuum at the boundary between epistemic and perception lexemes. We provide arguments against a unitary conception that is evident behind cer-tain terminological practices using appellations that may mislead because they tend to erase the diffe-rence between perception and cognition in the case of certain uses of the French verbs voir ‘see’ and sentir ‘feel’.

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Laure Budzinski

Romanica Cracoviensia, Tom 18, Numer 2, Tom 18 (2018), s. 69 - 76


Borrowing and migration of the linguistic terms in the romance and non-romance languages

This present paper looks at migration and borrowings concerning the particular scientific terms of lin-guistics terminology. From an etymological analysis of two terms in French, morphème and phonème, we will observe how they were introduced into the French lexicon. We will examine the history of these French vocables in order to consider how kinds of borrowings they are. The etymological study will be completed by a sociolinguistic approach so as to explain that internationalisms must be considered within a linguistic system. The borrowing is a choice and we’ll show that scientific terms lose their arbitrary nature in this choice. 

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Renata Krupa

Romanica Cracoviensia, Tom 18, Numer 2, Tom 18 (2018), s. 77 - 88


The Polish imperative vs. The French imperative

The Polish imperative and its French counterpart do not play the same role in the formulation of direct speech acts. In Polish, the imperative can express a wider range of values: from polite demand to cate-gorical order. However, this is conditioned by certain parameters like language style, context, situation, intonation, profile of speakers, etc. In French, the possibilities of using the imperative in the exchanges are much more restricted and often reserved for the expression of brutal injunctions. Different socio-cultural norms impose different language usages.

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Margarita Rouski

Romanica Cracoviensia, Tom 18, Numer 2, Tom 18 (2018), s. 89 - 96


Deictic and anaphoric referential markers in legal discourse

The two referential procedures, anaphore and deixis, are used by the speaker with the aim of creating, modifying or achieving access to the discourse memory of the interlocutor. In legal texts the deictic markers themselves are few in number, while the cases of anaphoric markers carrying a deictic value are predominant. The main reason for this is the presence of overlapping fields between the context and the situation of enunciation. This makes some markers perform a dual function, anaphoric and deictic.

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Gilles Siouffi

Romanica Cracoviensia, Tom 18, Numer 2, Tom 18 (2018), s. 97 - 104


The notion of „sentiment lingistique” and philology by the turn of XIXth and XXth centuries

This paper presents a survey of the notion of sentiment linguistique (Sprachgefühl, linguistic feel) as seen by philologists and linguists of the end of the 19th century, mainly Littré, Paul and Saussure. The notion appears as a conceptual link between the traditionnal philology and the new „linguistics”. We first discuss the termes, then examine the positions of Littré and Paul, and finally concentrate on Saus-sure, in whose work the notion receives the most extensive treatment. Sentiment linguistique is also presented as having great potential for a renewal of our current views on language, especially related to analogy. 

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Andrzej Zieliński

Romanica Cracoviensia, Tom 18, Numer 2, Tom 18 (2018), s. 105 - 114


Forms of greetings in Polish and Spanish

The main objective of this paper is to show the main differences and similarities between the Polish and Spanish subsystem of the forms of greetings. 

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