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Tom 14 (2014) Następne

Data publikacji: 24.09.2014

Licencja: Żadna


Redaktor naczelny Marcela Świątkowska

Sekretarz redakcji Iwona Piechnik

Zawartość numeru

Natalia Czopek

Romanica Cracoviensia, Tom 14, Numer 3, Tom 14 (2014), s. 153-167


Portuguese presence in Macau in the 18th century – hints on a meeting of cultures

This paper presents a part of the history of Macau, namely the political, administrative, economic and social situation in the 18th century, mentioning the most important events in other periods of the Portuguese presence in the region. Due to the unavailability of records of the Creole language used in the 18th century, the study has been enriched with an analysis of the most important features of the Portuguese language in Macau.

Czytaj więcej Następne

Aleksandra Jackiewicz

Romanica Cracoviensia, Tom 14, Numer 3, Tom 14 (2014), s. 168-176


The translation of emotions. The poems Trudy majowe and Lekcja by Julian Tuwim translated into Spanish

In this paper we present some of the translation difficulties that may arise while recreating the emotions described in two poems: Trudy majowe and Lekcja by Julian Tuwim dedicated to the daily life in Poland in the period between the wars, that is one of the main themes of the author’s poetry. We intend to demonstrate different images and linguistic strategies that present some profound links between the historical circumstances and personal experiences of the author that might be difficult to translate into Spanish, as well as may result from cultural and structural differences between two languages.

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Valentyna Kotenko

Romanica Cracoviensia, Tom 14, Numer 3, Tom 14 (2014), s. 177-198


The concept of GAME and transformation of the categories of beauty, tragic and heroic in the contemporary Spanish sports discourse

This article highlights the way the categories of Hellenic aesthetics are transformed in the contemporary Spanish sports discourse and the role they play in it. It analyses the concepts of agon, arete and hubris that are part of these categories. Special attention is paid to the religious aspect that penetrates the sports discourse. This study argues that the concepts developed by the Greeks and transformed later are explicitly presented in the texts dedicated to sport. We offer a full-scale field of illustrative material, these are the examples taken from the press and books devoted to sport that facilitate the understanding of the realization of the notions of Hellenic philosophy.

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Aleksandra Paliczuk

Romanica Cracoviensia, Tom 14, Numer 3, Tom 14 (2014), s. 199-213


Digital identity in contemporary society – a sociolinguistic analysis of the nicknames used on Italian chat lines

This paper is an attempt to examine what the language function is in the modern society, the society of virtual relations, with a focus on nicknames used on Italian chat lines. There are some studies on the Internet phenomenon and its peculiarity, however in human science they mostly refer to the social and psychological aspects. Still there are little papers in the field of linguistics, especially on the Italian language used in Internet. It is undeniable that the contemporary science is associated with many different fields, so taking into consideration their interdisciplinary character the present study is to investigate the social and linguistic aspects of how the virtual reality influences language, perception and social relations. We will concentrate on the users’ identities and their lexical representation in Italian.

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Luca Palmarini

Romanica Cracoviensia, Tom 14, Numer 3, Tom 14 (2014), s. 214-233


From Padova to Krakow: reminiscences of Nelly Nucci (1901–1940) as Italian language teacher
and promoter at the Jagiellonian University
The purpose of the article is to analyse life as well as literary works and years of teaching Italian
in Poland of Nelly Nucci, an Italian lecturer at the Jagiellonian University for almost a decade. The
analysis of the above mentioned aspect is based on documents from archives and journalism from this
period, which allows us to get to know the activity of the person, who with time became a Polish
language and literature professor in Italy.
This article presents also her scientific activities which embraces both Polish and Italian literature
and leads to consolidation of relations between the two countries.
The article is a rememberance of prof. Nucci’s works, nowadays unfairly forgotten nevertheless
representing an important stage of development of Italian studies at the Jagiellonian University in

Czytaj więcej Następne

Sara Wilkiewicz

Romanica Cracoviensia, Tom 14, Numer 3, Tom 14 (2014), s. 234-240


A 16th century culinary book from the Berlin collection. An original cuisine? A new cuisine?

The manuscript gall. fol. 220 belongs to the Berlin Collection of Jagiellonian Library in Cracow. It is a French-speaking set of recipes from the 16th century. This old cookbook is not well known and has never been published. In this manuscript can be found plenty of dishes, products popular in the Middle Ages, but also such recipes that indicate the presence of new renaissance French cuisine.

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