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Tom 21 (2021) Następne

Data publikacji: 2021


L’internationalisation de la revue Romanica Cracoviensia par l’augmentation du nombre d’évaluateurs étrangers en 2021 – projet financé dans le cadre du contrat no 898/P-DUN/2019 sur les fonds du Ministère des sciences et de l’enseignement supérieur destinés à promouvoir les sciences.

Umiędzynarodowienie czasopisma „Romanica Cracoviensia” przez zwiększenie liczby zagranicznych recenzentów w roku 2021 – zadanie finansowane w ramach umowy nr 898/P-DUN/2019 ze środków Ministerstwa Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego przeznaczonych na działalność upowszechniającą naukę.

Licencja: CC BY-NC-ND  ikona licencji


Redaktor naczelny Barbara Markowska

Zastępca redaktora naczelnego Orcid Jakub Kornhauser

Sekretarz redakcji Karolina Czerska, Agnieszka Kocik, Orcid Tomasz Krupa

Zawartość numeru

Anna Kucharska

Romanica Cracoviensia, Tom 21, Numer 1, Tom 21 (2021), s. 7-17


Use of articles and cohesion in narrative texts written by Polish students

The present article aims to present which anaphoric means use students to create a cohesive narrative story. A particular attention is focused on pronouns and on articles as elements absent in Polish language. Three groups of students representing respectively A2, B1 and B2 levels were examined to find out if they use different means while improving their competences in Italian. Another aim of the study was to analyse which parts of narration are susceptible to be bad constructed from the cohesive point of view. The results could have a positive impact on didactic methods applied during courses of writing competences.

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Andreea-Nora Pușcaș

Romanica Cracoviensia, Tom 21, Numer 1, Tom 21 (2021), s. 19-31


The present study focuses on identifying and classifying the equine zoonyms used in recent years in Romania, with the purpose of identifying the language trend and, if possible, what stands behind the motivation of onymic units. In addition, a comparison with the results of another study undertaken by us will be made, more specifically, a paper dealing with horse names extracted from the first survey (The Horse) issued by The Museum of the Romanian Language in 1922. The current study aims to identify the changes this onomastic segment was subject to.

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Andrzej Zieliński

Romanica Cracoviensia, Tom 21, Numer 1, Tom 21 (2021), s. 33-42


The treatment with señor, a possible Germanism?

The aim of the present study is to show the origin of the almost pan-romanic honorific treatment developed from SENIORE ‘older’ (Spanish señor). Its use, closely linked to the imposition of a new social model of Germanic origin, the feudalism, and the data extracted from a wide range of Medieval Latin texts and those that provide the first documentation on Iberian soil provide radiable evidence that it may be treated as a Germanism.

* This research was funded by the Priority Research Area Heritage under the program Excellence Initiative – Research University at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków. Los resultados previos de la presente investigación fueron expuestos en el VI Foro de Lingüística Hispánica, celebrado en Cracovia entre los días 9 y 11 de mayo de 2019. Agradecemos a los informantes anónimos sus acertados comentarios y sugerencias, que permitieron mejorar considerablemente la versión definitiva. No obstante, debido a la extensión espacial a la que debemos ajustarnos, no hemos podido desarrollar más algunos puntos teóricos.

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Anna Dyda, Aleksandra Pronińska

Romanica Cracoviensia, Tom 21, Numer 1, Tom 21 (2021), s. 43-53


Contrastive analysis of Italian and Polish medical vocabulary: case of terminological syntagms such as malattia di Banti/choroba Bantiego

The main objective of this paper is to analyze medical terminology based on eponyms in Italian and Polish languages. The study is divided into an introduction, five sections and a conclusion. In the first part of the paper, the subject was introduced by determining the definitions of certain elements presented in the study, namely eponyms, synonyms and variants. In the following parts of the article, we proceed with the intralinguistic and interlinguistic analysis of eponymic terms. On the intralinguistic level, we have analyzed the eponymic terms in Italian as well as the co-presence of the other terms in medical language, while for interlinguistic analysis we have observed how medical terms with Italian onomastic component are used in the Polish language.

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Maria Maślanka-Soro

Romanica Cracoviensia, Tom 21, Numer 1, Tom 21 (2021), s. 55-65


“Non vide mei di me chi vide il vero”: L’art “verace” in the circle of proud as a mise en abyme of Dante’s art in the Comedy

The purpose of this study is to discuss the problem of meta-poetic themes in the Divine Comedy, focusing in particular on the relationship between God’s art and Dante’s art in the context of the impression caused by the sight of the rock reliefs in the cornice of the proud in the Purgatorio, where the poet, presenting and imitating the art of God, in fact shows the mastery of his own art. The analysis leads to the conclusion that the examples of humility and pride carved on the walls and the rock path – the perfect work of God-the Artist, vibrant with life and called by Dante visibile parlare – are, on the one hand, a mise en abyme of its macroscopic version, which is the Universe created by him, and, on the other hand, a mise en abyme of the universe narrated with the simile perfection by Dante.

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Paweł Matyaszewski

Romanica Cracoviensia, Tom 21, Numer 1, Tom 21 (2021), s. 67-75


Polish translations of Montesquieu’s Persian Letters

The purpose of the present article is to show the history of Polish translations of a famous epistolary novel Persian Letters written in 1721 by Montesquieu. In his work, the author neither introduces linguistic matters of the translations, nor he analyses their correctness; however, he presents strictly historical and cultural aspects of the process of translation. What is more, the article aims at presenting the intentions of Polish translators, the historical context of their work and its importance for a Polish reader. Regardless of the era when they produced their translations, starting as early as the eighteenth century, Polish translators always saw in Montesquieu’s Persian Letters something more than a simple and light epistolary novel of the Regency era.

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Izabela Curyłło-Klag

Romanica Cracoviensia, Tom 21, Numer 1, Tom 21 (2021), s. 77-81


The following review article discusses the first Polish monograph devoted to the figure of Benjamin Fundoianu/Fondane, by Olga Bartosiewicz. It summarises the main arguments of the study, which constitutes a thorough overview of the poet’s life and work. It also praises the author for her ability to create a convincing portrayal of a modernist in a state of turmoil, engaged in an identity quest, or in a flight from himself and his origins, at a very unfortunate time in history.

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Magdalena Bartkowiak-Lerch

Romanica Cracoviensia, Tom 21, Numer 1, Tom 21 (2021), s. 83-87


On the requirements of good communication in the book by Kamila Miłkowska-Samul (S)cortesia e social network. Opportunità e rischi del dibattito pubblico su Facebook

The article aims to discuss the latest book by Kamila Miłkowska-Samul, entitled (S)cortesia e social network. Opportunità e rischi del dibattito pubblico su Facebook, published in 2019. It is the second time that the author takes up the subject of the language of Italian politics, this time in a pragmalinguistic and communicative perspective. The interpretation key to which the analysis of numerous examples of politicians’ statements on Facebook was subordinated is the theory of politeness (or impoliteness). The reader will also find an in-depth study of individual theoretical component issues: concerning the language of the Internet, politics, and the already mentioned theory of politeness and related sociopragmalinguistic issues.

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Dorota Pudo

Romanica Cracoviensia, Tom 21, Numer 1, Tom 21 (2021), s. 89-93


Alterity, Culture and Interculturality in the book L’altérité en classe de langue. Pour une méthodologie éducative by Jean-Claude Beacco

The article discusses the book L’altérité en classe de langue. Pour une méthodologie éducative by Jean-Claude Beacco. This work, proposing an innovative way of treating alterity in a foreign language classroom, adopts a critical stance toward earlier “intercultural” approaches and proposes a coherent, innovative and systematic pedagogical methodology.

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