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Tom 22, Numer 2

Los actos de habla directivos en la historia del español

Tom 22 (2022) Następne

Data publikacji: 13.09.2022



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Redaktor naczelny Barbara Markowska

Redaktor numeru tematycznego Andrzej Zieliński

Zawartość numeru

Gabriela Cruz Volio

Romanica Cracoviensia, Tom 22, Numer 2, Tom 22 (2022), s. 137-145


Directive speech acts and ritualized politeness in medieval Spanish

The goal of this paper is to examine the relationship between politeness and directive speech acts in medieval Spanish. The analysis, which is eminently descriptive, is based on fictional literature from the13th and 14th centuries, although there are also examples taken from historical corpora. The focus first falls on the pragmatic space of directive speech acts with regards to their formal properties, contextual cues and interpersonal features. The pragmatic modifiers that either soften or strengthen the illocutionary force or affect in some way the relationship between speaker and hearer are then taken into account. Finally, it is contended that politeness in medieval Spanish has a ritual component that helps maintain the social order and construe interpersonal relationships.

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Silvia Iglesias Recuero

Romanica Cracoviensia, Tom 22, Numer 2, Tom 22 (2022), s. 147-159


Directive act of speech in the bourgeois comedy of customs from 17th century: Toward modern language and usage patterns? I. Direct formulations

This paper is meant as a contribution to the Spanish historical pragmatics. It consists of a pragmalinguistic analysis of directive speech acts from five plays of the so-called bourgeois comedy of customs introduced in Spain by Enlightenment authors in the second half of the 18th century. The different linguistic expressions of these acts, their illocutionary values and their conditions of use are studied in detail.

* Este trabajo se enmarca dentro del Proyecto de Investigación Los procesos de gestión de la imagen y la (des)cortesía: perspectivas históricas, lingüísticas y discursivas (PID2019-107668GB-I00), financiado por el MINECO.

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María Eugenia Vázquez Laslop

Romanica Cracoviensia, Tom 22, Numer 2, Tom 22 (2022), s. 161-172


Aspectual verb forms in directive utterances (12th‒21th centuries)

It is described the use of Spanish aspectual verbal constructions in directive utterances between the 12th and 21st centuries. It is argued that, in addition to their aspectual values, these constructions fulfil some pragmatic functions in formal registers, especially some politeness verbal strategies in legal and administrative discourse, as well as the expression of instructions in procedural discourse. Some other illocutionary functions are found in dialogue. These non aspectual functions are documented from classical Spanish to the 20th century.

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Andrzej Zieliński

Romanica Cracoviensia, Tom 22, Numer 2, Tom 22 (2022), s. 173-187


«No se dice “¿qué?”, se dice “¿mande?”». Origin and evolution of the formula «mande» in Spanish

The objective of the study is to delve into the origin and the process of pragmaticalization of the expression mande, from a directive act of speech. Although its use is currently typical of Mexican Spanish, where with interrogative intonation mande is used to respond to the addressee‘s call or to ask the recipient to repeat the message that the sender has not understood or has not heard well, its uses are well documented in peninsular Spanish from the 16th century. With the help of discursive proximity texts (comedy, dialogue texts, etc. from 16th to 20th centuries), the author tries to find the socio-pragmatic contexts that contributed to the creation of the formula mande.

* This research was funded by the Priority Research Area Heritage under the program Excellence Initiative – Research University at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. La presente investigación ha sido realizada gracias a una estancia investigadora en la Academia Nacional de Lenguas de Uruguay. Quiero expresar mi más profunda gratitud a las Profesoras Virginia Bertolotti y Marisa Malcuori por su calurosa acogida y la inestimable ayuda que me brindaron. La cita que encabeza el título proviene de la obra de Poniatowska (2003: 146).

Czytaj więcej Następne

Virginia Bertolotti

Romanica Cracoviensia, Tom 22, Numer 2, Tom 22 (2022), s. 189-201


Micropoliteness and change in the pronominal system of adresse forms

This paper examines the concept of micropoliteness or sympathetic politeness as a type of verbal politeness different from normal courtesy or strategic courtesy that have been used to explain some uses of forms of address in Spanish. This concept allows for a common explanation for some uses of Hispanic address forms, usually conceived as exceptional cases (the so-called: affectionate usted (Sp. usted de cariño/de coqueteo), patrician usted (Sp. usted Patricio), festive usted (usted festivo), affective su merced (Sp. su merced afectivo) or meliorative vosotros (Sp. vosotros meliorativo)). The analysis of the data provided in the bibliography and some of our own shows how these treatments described in the literature are not fully explained neither through the classic concepts of power and solidarity nor through other parameters that extend and complement the previous ones.

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