Nr 24 (2016)

Dorosłość osób z niepełnosprawnością / Różne oblicza wsparcia

2016 Następne

Data publikacji: 2016

Licencja: Żadna


Redaktor naukowy tomu Iwona Lindyberg

Zawartość numeru

Amadeusz Krause

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 24 (2016), 2016, s. 11-19


Adulthood and intellectual disabilities

Adulthood of people with intellectual disabilities undergoes institutional and social disadvantage. The reason of it is either the lack of legal system and regulations or inappropriate students’ schooling for working with adults with disabilities. The article shows the reasons of a handicapped adulthood of people with intellectual disabilities

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Danuta Wolska

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 24 (2016), 2016, s. 20-34


The level of life competence of people with moderate, severe and profound intellectual disabilities – beneficiaries of supported employment

Paid employment, adapted to the capabilities of people with more severe intellectual disabilities, can not only contribute to their physical fitness but also shape their motor habits and improve their manual dexterity. The results of the studies conducted indicate that in order for a person with more severe disability to be able to cope well with the work they must in the course of life master life skills in the scope of self-care, making decisions, building their own system of values, coping with stress, earning a living as well as interpersonal skills related to communication

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Dorota Krzemińska

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 24 (2016), 2016, s. 36-59


Akcept Festival in the context of M. Bakhtin’s carnival. On adults with intellectual disabilities in the local cultural and educational initiatives

In the text the author presents Akcept Festival and Open Space Technology dabate in the context of Bakhtinian carnival. Akcept Festival as a local cultural and educational initiative appears an interesting and important artistic event which – according to Bakhtinian carnival - makes ordinary life and its rules and regulations temporarily suspended and reversed, which eventually extracts all individuals - either with intellectual disabilities or without disabilities from noncarnival life. Carnival transforms the world making it upside down and violates all former ideologies, hierarchical positions, social roles and relations. Bakhtinian carnival affects people into collaboration and dialogue. Particularly it empowers people with intellectual disabilities (voice) to perform in the space of dialogical immanence, expressing their own individual meanings and senses. Carnival makes voices of people with intellectual disabilities and without disabilities interact and flourish that results in a genuine dialogue between them.

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Katarzyna Białożyt , Katarzyna Zielińska-Król

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 24 (2016), 2016, s. 60-79


The challenges and difficulties in the implementation of ethical principles in social work with the elderly and disabled

The subject of the article discusses the issues associated with the ethical dimension of social work with the older person and disabled. The increasing number of older people with a disability generates new challenges and difficulties in the area of social services, especially social work. The article presents the most important ethical principles which should be followed in social work, and identified and discussed national and international documents which are the base of the standards and ethical principles.

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Iwona Lindyberg , Agnieszka Woynarowska

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 24 (2016), 2016, s. 80-95


Until the early of nineties there was no supporting system for autistic children, youths and adults in Poland; there was no diagnostic and counselling centers, educational institutions and parents’ supporting. Thanks to the desperation and efforts of parents and professionals social and educational support service for children and youths was constituted and now the beneficiaries of it have already faced adulthood and experiences connected with this period of life. Therefore a new challenges and questions arise: where and how to support adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders? What is the way adult autistic people function and why it is so difficult for them to function within institutions for people with intellectual disabilities? Does supporting system for people with intellectual disabilities satisfy needs of adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders? Should separate facility for people with autism be constituted or should one follow and search for the opportunities in the existing network of support? In the text the authors analyze the existing support system for adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders, seek answers to these questions and thereby outline the current situation of adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders living in Poland.

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Jolanta Rzeźnicka-Krupa

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 24 (2016), 2016, s. 96-113


Socially Engaged Art: Socio-cultural Aspects of People with Disabilities' Adulthood in the Context of „More than theatre” Project by the Jerzy Grotowski Institute in Wroclaw

The aim of the presented article is to analyze and rethink of some issues connected with the emancipatory potential of art/theatre in the field of social life of people with disabilities. The background for the goal is constructed by the basic assumptions of the educational and artistic project called "More than Theatre" and realized by Jerzy Grotowski Institute in 2016. For the authoress, who was the one of the persons taking part in the project, it was not only the very important personal experience but first of all the essential cognitive impulse encouraging for the further explorations on the social and cultural identity of people with disabilities and their functioning in the community. The project presented in this text refers to such a way of art and "disabled theatre" understanding which is defined as fully-fledged art, created accordingly to the equality and empowerment rules. Art/theatre/performance, the same as education in the critical pedagogy current, can be perceived not only as an act of creative and esthetic expression but also as an important and effective tool for making the social, cultural and political change leading to the individual and collective emancipation of people defined as marginalized and socially excluded. The processes of emancipation, empowerment and including into the social common can be positive phenomenon not only for the excluded but for the whole common either.

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Agata Jakubas

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 24 (2016), 2016, s. 114-128


Illustrations of significant interpersonal relations of women with moderate to severe intellectual disability, attending an Environmental Self-Care Institution

This article presents selected fragments of an analysis within a wider research project conducted for an unpublished master’s thesis. To expose threads relevant for the subject, it focuses on categories of significant interpersonal relations, created by examined women. Each of the analytical aspects was associated with an idea of gender identity, as the essential component of one’s social identity. Selection of an individual in-depth interview, as well as techniques of semi-structured interview and qualitative observation allowed to maintain the focus on subjective perception of formed (forming) ties, emotional basis of mentioned interactions and their reflections in individual trajectories. Conclusions outline author’s thoughts on some of advantages, as well as risks associated with attending the Environmental Self-Care Institution. The article ends with a personal reflection on some of the perpetuating sociocultural templates – mainly related to the constructs of gender, disability and relations of care-taking/care-giving.

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Eliza Czerka-Fortuna

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 24 (2016), 2016, s. 129-141


Therapeutic support of visually impared person and his family

The article focuses on a problem of therapeutic support for visually impaired woman and her family. It was presented how right rules and unconscious patterns of behavior and reactions can complicate family communication. The text fixes attention on such aspects as: developmental tasks in early adulthood, family structure and family identity in a context of disability. Therapeutic guideline based on real family case study was depicted as a conclusion.

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Iwona Lindyberg , Agnieszka Woynarowska

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 24 (2016), 2016, s. 142-158


On possibilities and limitations in support of adult people with moderate and severe intellectual disabilities. Reflexions on the local support system for adults with disabilities in Gdańsk

Adulthood of people with moderate and severe intellectual disability requires a special support in many spheres and in various environments. The adulthood appears not only the result of the condition of a particular person with intellectual disability, but also is a derivative of some offers dedicated for people with disabilities. The article aims to present some local proposals/offers for people with intellectual disabilities, particularly connected with establishing some more adequate/accurate support system network for this group of people.

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Marta Jurczyk

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 24 (2016), 2016, s. 159-167


Ambivalence as ( dis)integration category of educator – therapist’s activities at Occupational Therapy Workshop

The following considerations, the difficulty and the ambivalence of the roles undertaken teachertherapist in institutions which are Occupational Therapy Workshops are the result of their own empirical investigations related to the categories of special education and meanings broadcast specific aspects of this experience. In the article quoted statements are from interviews narrative with employees (teachers and therapists), Occupational Therapy Workshops. Ambivalent conditions of work of the teacher-therapist is an issue taken up in this article. The teacher here is involved in a number of educational and therapeutic processes and bureaucratic administration, which constitute the issue of accountability of work he does.

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Monika Gołubiew-Konieczna

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 24 (2016), 2016, s. 169-182


Lifelong support for people with moderate, severe and profo und intellectual disabilities and their parents. (An example from the Polish Association for Persons with Mentol Handicap - the branch in Gdańsk)

The article points out the necessity of a lifelong support for people with moderate, severe and profound intellectual disability and their parents. The first part of the article is a theoretical approach to highlight and argument the importance of a support. The second part is a presentation of the Polish Association for Persons with Mental Handicap– the branch in Gdañsk whose institutions and long- term programs serve as an important tool to prove lifelong support is possible.

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Anna Wojnarska , Renata Zubrzycka

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 24 (2016), 2016, s. 183-199


The feeling of loneliness at people with intellectual disabilities

Presented study contains a review of Polish and global research focusing on the feeling of loneliness in intellectually disabled (ID) people. Research conducted in various ID groups: younger and older people, boys and girls, students in special and integrated classes, people living in special institutions and family homes has been carefully analyzed. The results of the analysis indicate the significance of these variables for the intensity of the feeling of loneliness in ID students and reveal a strong dependence between the feeling of loneliness and depression. The study provided directions for therapy concerning decrease of loneliness and depression in the intellectually disabled group.

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Andrzej Twardowski

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 24 (2016), 2016, s. 200-211


The role of parental empowerment in early childhood intervention

Over the last two decades the traditional approach in early childhood intervention has been exchanged by a new, family-focused one. The main assumption of this modern paradigm is that supporting the family is essential for the therapeutic work to be effective. Empowerment is fostered by taking actions and facing challenges independently. Thus, professionals in the area of early childhood intervention should create opportunities for the members of the family to improve their self-sufficiency, develop own skills and strengthen social support networks. In this paper the Author introduces: 1) the family-focused approach in early childhood intervention, 2) the concept of parental empowerment and 3) the role of the professionals in the parental empowerment process.

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Sylwia Wrona

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 24 (2016), 2016, s. 212-221


Supporting family with a disabled child in the process of early intervention – a neglected area

The aim of the study is to determine a space and process of support of parents of children with disabilities, as well as an indication of the neglected areas in the organization of early intervention in Poland. Characteristics of this space relates primarily to the place and role of people taking an active part in the process of support: parents and therapists and their relationship with a disabled child. Considerations revolve around descriptions of various models of assistance provided to families in the process of early intervention.

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Piotr Plichta , Jacek Pyżalski

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 24 (2016), 2016, s. 222-242


The involvement ofstudents with special educational needs in traditional and online gambling and other risk behaviours

The article focuses on the engagement of young people with special educational needs (SEN) in traditional and online gambling as well as other risk behaviours. Gambling can have serious destructive individual, social, and public health consequences, especially when we consider the involvement of young people who come from a vulnerable group (e.g. students with SEN). The article presents an overview of a research on the reported gambling experience (behaviour) and gambling consequences that was conducted with a new diagnostic tool (Lodz Adolescent Gambling Symptoms Questionnaire – LAGSQ). The data confirms that the involvement in  gambling within the SEN sample ranged from 8% to 54% depending on the type of gambling behavior. The comparison of the results between the SEN sample and the students without SEN reveals statistically significant differences concerning the reported gambling experience and its consequences. Moreover, the students with SEN are more likely to report a higher level of bullying and cyberbullying victimization experience.

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Beata Antoszewska , Aleksandra Tobota

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 24 (2016), 2016, s. 243-259


Silence and remaining silent when facing a child with cancer – necessity, naturalness or failure?

Silence and remaining silent occupy a significant position in human life. We need silence to think over many matters, and sometimes it is necessary to re-think them, especially considering modern civilization overwhelmed with noise, chaos, haste and overuse of words lacking meaning. We need silence to express our respect for human dignity by remaining silent. This article will first present a general understanding of silence and remaining silent. Then we will refer these notions to situations when a space of silence and remaining silent emerges around a child with cancer. The sources of such specific space will be indicated. Silence and remaining silent do not concern only the child itself, but also the child’s relatives – parents and siblings, as well as all those individuals who come into contact with such a child. Silence and remaining silent when facing a child with cancer will be analyzed from various perspectives and dimensions, including diagnosis and treatment. For us, the most significant and at the same time the most unique situation is the one when silence and remaining silent embrace a child who cannot be cured and inevitably approaches death.In this paper we will attempt to answer a few key questions: Are silence and remaining silent a necessity or perhaps a natural reaction to the surrounding reality? Or, perhaps, their appearance is definitely unjustified. Maybe they should not accompany a child with cancer. Is it better or would it be better to speak or remain silent? And finally – where can the sources of such silence and remaining silent be found?

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Beata Antoszewska

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 24 (2016), 2016, s. 260-269


„To leave the white uniform behind” – a child as a subject of the physician-patient relationship: theoretical aspects (part I)

The physician-patient relationship is very specific because of its subject. In literature, it is termed the triangle agreement because it involves three individuals as subjects of the relationship: physician, child and (depending on the child’s age) parents. They pass information to each other, observe and are observed. Parents’ involvement in the physician-child relationship is multifaceted and depends on a variety of factors, the most important ones include: the child’s age and/or level of intellectual development, experiences, personality, etc. It can be expected that the physician-child relationship proceeds differently depending on the environment in which it occurs (e.g., a visit at the pediatrician’s office, dentist’s office, at the department of pediatrics, a hospital admission room or an emergency department). The manner in which the physician initiates and sustains the relationship with the patient (not only a child) affects the patient’s feelings and behavior. Moreover, it conditions the patient’s satisfaction and compliance. This paper focuses on the relationship that emerges between the physician – the child – parents at the department of pediatrics in a hospital.

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Joanna Iza Belzyt

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 24 (2016), 2016, s. 270-282


Social factors of educational situation of people with disabilities in South African countries – the chosen aspects

The article discusses social factors of educational situation of people with disabilities in some areas of South African countries in which citizens still remain barred access to school and other educational facilities even at basic level. Depriving citizens of access to school facilities and education remains the leading cause of increasing illiteracy rate, as well as poverty and infectious diseases. It also significantly affects social functioning of disabled people and acts as cofactor to increase in the number of persons with disabilities.

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Maria Groenwald

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 24 (2016), 2016, s. 283-294


University. Towards hope and responsibility

The values exposed in the paper doctoral students of pedagogy and political studies at the University of Gdansk recognised as meaningful in the everyday life of University, assigning the having of hope to themselves and the bearing of responsibility they located at the side of academic teachers. An analysis of what they expressed points to diversified understanding of hope as: (a) covering small to radical, (b) embedded into one’s own actions yet also realized together with academic personnel. The responsibility incumbent on them for work with students is assigned more significant meaning when it is perceived less in formal and legal regulations of higher education. They note hope and responsibility as binding the academic community (of students and professors).

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Marcelina Lubocka

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 24 (2016), 2016, s. 295-310


Perception ofsexual education ofpeople with moderate, severe and profound intellectual disabilities

The presented article is devoted to the perception of sexual education of people with moderate, severe and profound intellectual disabilities. It appears an interesting phenomenon which however has not been explored enough either in theoretical or empirical context. Over the past several years the needs of people with intellectual disabilities have been noticed by the society, concentrating not only on the basic ones but also emphasizing those which satisfy the sphere of independent and valuable life. However, perception of these properties does not guarantee their acceptance and help to realize them. Hence, the article also discusses the aspect of  normalization of people with intellectual disabilities.

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Słowa kluczowe: dorosłość, niepełnosprawność intelektualna, upośledzenie, osoba z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną, praca, umiejętności życiowe, dorośli z niepełnością intelektualną, inicjatywy kulturalne i edukacyjne, upełnomocnienie głosu, współpraca i dialog, koncepcja karnawału M. Bachtina, zasady etyczne, praca socjalna, starość, niepełnosprawność, dorośli z autystycznym spektrum zaburzeń, wsparcie w dorosłości, system społecznego wsparcia, sztuka, teatr, emancypacja, niepełnosprawność, pedagogika specjalna, funkcjonowanie społeczno-emocjonalne, kobiecość, niepełnosprawność intelektualna, płeć, relacje, środowiskowy dom samopomocy, tożsamość płciowa, niedowidzący, wkraczanie w okres wczesnej dorosłości, systemowa diagnoza rodziny, oddziaływanie terapeutyczne, dorosłość, niepełnosprawność intelektualna, system wsparcia, lokalne rozwiązania, ambiwalencja, nauczyciel, dorosłość, niepełnosprawność, warsztat terapii zajęciowej, głęboka i głębsza niepełnosprawność intelektualna, całożyciowe wsparcie, Polskie Stowarzyszenia na rzecz Osób z Upośledzeniem Umysłowym, niepełnosprawność intelektualna (NI), poczucie osamotnienia, inkluzja społeczna, depresja, upełnomocnienie, rodzice, wczesne wspomaganie rozwoju, dzieci z niepełnosprawnością, wczesna interwencja, rodzina, niepełnosprawność, wsparcie, zachowania ryzykowne, hazard, specjalne potrzeby edukacyjne, bullying, cyberbullying, milczenie, trwanie/pozostawanie w milczeniu, dziecko z chorobą nowotworową, relacja, podmiotowość, pacjent–dziecko, edukacja osób z niepełnosprawnością, sytuacja osób z niepełnosprawnością w Afryce Południowej, społeczne uwarunkowania edukacji, nadzieja, odpowiedzialność, wspólnota akademicka, osoba z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną, percepcja społeczna, edukacja seksualna