Nr 23 (2016)

(Re)wizje profesjonalizmu. Kształcenie w obliczu systemowych zmian i potrzeb podmiotu

2016 Następne

Data publikacji: 2016

Licencja: Żadna


Redaktor naukowy tomu Sławomira Sadowska

Zawartość numeru

Zdzisława Janiszewska-Nieścioruk, Sławomira Sadowska

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 23 (2016), 2016, s. 13-31

The problems connected with the pro-bolognian education of pedagogues and teachers in Poland

We consider the pro-bolognian changes that are being introduced in the fields of education of pedagogues and teachers to be highly problematic and controversial. These problems and controversies, in our view, are mainly related to the negative consequences of the modification of the model and scholastic-pedagogical curriculum, appointed by expected learning outcomes that are mandatorily adopted for implementation. No less important we consider the issue of limitations of the graduate’s competences, whose current scope and nature can be a hidden blocker for the development of science and research in subdisciplines of pedagogy. In the context of identified weaknesses, we will attempt to outline proposals for new, flexible solutions in the pro-bolognian education of pedagogues and teachers in Poland.

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Sławomira Sadowska

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 23 (2016), 2016, s. 32-47

Whom should a special pedagogue be: the boundaries of a model in the context of the need for social change and the horizon of divergent „answers”

The investigations are focused on the special pedagogue and directed by the question: Whom should a special pedagogue be? The conducted analyses refer to the exploration of a modern horizon of a model “line” and the violations of boundaries and the reduction of this model. The norm of the model is paved in reference to the positions of the founder of Polish special education and modern approaches stemming from the concepts of social and educational change and confronted with the model “line”, which is imposed by the contemporary space of higher education. Model “lines” offered within the practices of higher education elude the model and the theoretical generalizations lose their descriptive usefulness. Contractual and mobile boundaries of models established in the higher education constitute a further collateral phenomenon against learning outcomes perceived by students of special education and against the characteristics of teaching activities that lead to their achievement. Flows and interferences occur in the arrangement of these three fields that define the model. The horizon of divergent “answers” provokes attempts to rethink the boundaries of the proposed model or the reaction of resistance.

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Katarzyna Parys

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 23 (2016), 2016, s. 48-66

Special Education Teachers’ Locus of Control and Creative Life Orientations

The main aim of this article is to attempt to determine the relationship between locus of control and creative orientations of life of special education teachers. The article presents the theoretical framework for the study. Discussed in detail the procedure for research and presented author’s project for the method of analyzing the results. The results confirmed the existence of a positive, though not very strong correlation between the creative life orientations of special education teachers and their internal locus of control, which means that restricting the freedom of the teacher can minimize the level of her/his creativity at work. The results of the research allowed to formulate practical conclusion for teaching, their implementation would help to strengthen the creative attitudes of special education teachers

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Sławomir Olszewski

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 23 (2016), 2016, s. 67-76

Special Educators’ self-understanding through metaphors

Self-understanding, perception of profession is one of the important indicators of the professional identity. This study based on results of research on professional identity in special educators working with persons with intellectual disability. The purpose of this study was concentrated on metaphorical ways used in special educator’s self-defining. The most important ways of understanding of profession through metaphors are described. An exploration of metaphorical descriptions suggests that they can be optimal start point to reflection on individual perception of professional space, and in this context can be helpful in construction and re-construction of professional identity in special educators.

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Katarzyna Plutecka

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 23 (2016), 2016, s. 77-87

The dignity of the special educator to the policy changes in the current educational reality

In the article the author concerns the problem of threat dignity special educator in the current educational reality. The result of the reform of education in Poland are structural and organizational changes. The special educator is responsible for the preparation and gradual implementation of these changes. The teacher need to be more the professional, have directional and expertise, high level of professional competence and predisposition of his personality. Implementation of professional tasks require special educator reflection and thought-readiness to work with students with special educational needs. In the context of the above issues the author  analyzes the formation of personal dignity, the dignity of self-respect and dignity of the professional special educator.

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Katarzyna Ćwikrynało, Urszula Bartnikowska

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 23 (2016), 2016, s. 88-102

25 years of functioning of the Education Act. Tendencies in educating students with special educational needs

The paper presents the changes that have taken place in the education of students with special educational needs in the last 25 years after the introduction of the “new” Education Act in 1991. In the article the authors analyze the changes that have taken place in the terminology used to describe these students and the educational offer that has been created for them. The paper shows that this was the time working out a wider range of support for students manifesting a variety of special needs. The opportunities to use a varied education, including the integration / inclusion have been expanded. Quantitative effect of these changes can be seen when one takes into account the number of students with disabilities in different types of schools, with a tendency to increase in mainstream and integrative schools and decrease in special schools (especially at the primary level).

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Zdzisława Janiszewska-Nieścioruk

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 23 (2016), 2016, s. 103-115

The school’s role in the process of lifelong education of people with intellectual disabilities

The dissemination of pro-inclusive changes in the system of Polish education promotes the flexibility of its existing offer - organizational, programmatic, and in terms of support, making it more adequate towards the needs and abilities of the people with intellectual disabilities. However, there are some weaknesses present in their implementation, where their elimination or at least limitation could improve the quality and effectiveness of the integrative education of these people. These weaknesses and, at the same time, priority tasks for the school are primarily associated with the need to “fit” program arrangements to the life needs, expectations, and experiences of students and graduates of pro-inclusive forms and the reorganization of the existing school work and its functioning in the local environment as a (self-) learning organization. Therefore, to avert a shutdown of including (and already included) people with intellectual disabilities into the educational space, we should monitor the pro-inclusive changes taking place, in which the school as an educational and (self-) learning institution will be one of the vital links of this multidimensional process.

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Małgorzata Zaborniak-Sobczak, Katarzyna Ita Bieńkowska, Andrzej Senderski

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 23 (2016), 2016, s. 116-132

Central auditory processing disorder from theory to educational practice. Selected problems

The complexity of the pathomechanisms underlying central auditory processing disorder (CAPD) requires a comprehensive diagnostic approach. The diagnosis of CAPD should be at the discretion of a specialist audiology-phoniatry doctor in collaboration with a speech therapist and a psychologist, and often also a special needs teacher. Scientific studies show that unrecognized CAPD may lead to difficulties in learning and, in particular, have an impact on language skills and the ability to read and write, thus lowering the school results of the pupils affected by this disorder. The development of medical standards will enable the inclusion of the diagnosis of  auditory processing disorder in the working practice of psychological-pedagogical counselling clinics and recognition of this disorder in the existing implementing legislation from the Minister of National Education. The purpose of this article is to emphasize the need for the organization of specialist assistance for the group of pupils with CAPD in the educational system. It seems reasonable to enquire about the possibility of effective support in the form of special education (on the basis of a decision regarding the need for special education) or within the framework of pedagogicalpsychological support teams (based on the relevant opinion).

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Urszula Bartnikowska, Katarzyna Ćwikrynało, Agnieszka Żyta

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 23 (2016), 2016, s. 133-145

Integrative school teachers’ opinions about education of children with emotional and behavioral difficulties

The article presents the problem of teachers’ perception of education of children with emotional and behavioral difficulties / emotional and behavioral disorders (EBD). The research was conducted among teachers (N = 90) working in schools with integrative classes (elementary school, middle school and high school). In the study a  iagnostic survey method was used. The aim of the study was to find out how teachers view the education of children with behavioral and emotional difficulties in mainstream and special classes, as well as whether they need support in teaching a child with this type of problems. The findings show a high degree of openness of teachers towards educating a student with EBD in an integrative / mainstream class as well as perceiving the positive effects of their education with typically developing students. The respondents were less supportive towards the idea of placing such students in special classes. Furthermore, they are open to acquiring knowledge and new skills that would contribute to a better education and care of a student with EBD.

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Joanna Skibska

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 23 (2016), 2016, s. 146-159

Dimensions of the Perception of Inclusive Education by Parents of Children at Early School Age Studying in Inclusive Classes. The Report from the Study

The following article is dedicated to the presentation of the opinions on inclusive education of parents of children studying in inclusive classes. This research is a kind of an image of inclusion, as seen through the eyes of both, parents of children with special educational needs and those of their healthy peers. Furthermore, the study also attempts to assess inclusive education – it indicates positive and negative sides of such a form of education. Except for giving their evaluation on the discussed issue, within the study the interviewed parents had also an opportunity to present actions that according to them should be undertaken to improve the quality of inclusive education implemented in public educational institutions.

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Joanna Skibska

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 23 (2016), 2016, s. 160-172

Knowledge of parents of children at early school age about inclusive education and its evaluation. Report on the study

The article characterizes the attitude of inclusion and the conditions for the adoption of a child with special educational needs to the school class group by their peers. It discusses two theories essential for inclusive education - social cognition and learning. Furthermore, the article also presents a survey research expressing opinions of parents of children at early school age on inclusive education, the analysis of which allowed the author of the study to determine the parent’s knowledge on inclusive education and learn about their assessment of this form of education.

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Agnieszka Drabata

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 23 (2016), 2016, s. 173-186

The role of a teacher in the reification in the identity of a student with intellectual disability

The fact that a teacher is a person who significantly imprints his/her own mark on the personality of a pupil is an indisputable fact. At a time when we are dealing with a teacher striving for selfdevelopment, for whom the awareness of the importance of his/her work makes the teacher reflective and try to do an in-depth reflection and deeper thoughts on the situation of his/her actions, and who puts critical questions of those actions, we can calmly and joyfully observe the development of the students of such a teacher. The situation is different when, instead of criticism, reflection and thinking appear to close new experiences, evaluating superficial actions and making observations made with the objective truth. Then the reification of the identity of a student tends to become a real threat preventing the realization of the true Self of that student. The purpose of this article is an attempt to reflect on what might be a remedy for the admission by teachers to an extreme form of objectification in working with students in the educational-therapeutic process.

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Agnieszka Buczek, Jacek Sikorski

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 23 (2016), 2016, s. 187-196

Factors motivating and demotivating for school learning in the opinion of students with intellectual disabilities attending high school special

Motivation for school learning is one of the essential characteristics of the individual student, the correct conditions the learning process. The factors triggering the students’ motivation to school include: external motivation, intrinsic motivation, competence teacher (specialized, educational and psychological) family environment and peer group. In order to know the factors motivating and demotivating students with intellectual disabilities, attending high school special, applied research tools in the form of a questionnaire addressed to students attending middle school special. Analysis of empirical material shows how a big role in motivating students to school plays an individual teacher. A teacher who organizes the lessons interesting, rewarding and praising the student for his work, calling him a feeling of contentment and satisfaction of success stories.

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Iwona Myśliwczyk

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 23 (2016), 2016, s. 197-211

Young people with intellectual disabilities in the school – digital natives or excluded?

Awareness of the presence of virtual reality results in the use of new media, also in institutions of special education. Preparing teachers, their involvement in the process of education, upbringing and socialization makes young people with mild intellectual disabilities be active participants of the virtual world. New media, which have dominated modern times, did not make students with intellectual disabilities an excluded group, and served as allies in the educational process.

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Agnieszka Łaba-Hornecka

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 23 (2016), 2016, s. 212-223

Bibliotherapy and its impact on communication behaviours of children with autism

In this publication the author tried to answer to the question: “What is the effectiveness of the bibliotherapeutic program on communication behaviours in the group of children with autism?”.
Studying literature, we can find that communication deficits are the main problems in children with autism. Individuals who have achieved language skills at the level of words and sentences can not always use them adequately to the situation in which they find themselves [Paul 2007, pp. 129], and it has an impact on the quality of their social relationships.
With the development of children with autism we can observe increasing interest in social contacts, communication behaviour and attempts to contact with the others. Empirical considerations demonstrate that bibliotherapeutic program brings many cognitive benefits and positive impact on their communication behaviours of children with autism. As we can see there is not enough just reading stories to the children, we can find a lot of benefits if we discuss about a problem of each story and appeal to the emotions and feelings of children [Ortner 2008, pp. 10].
Through properly designed to individual needs and abilities of children with autism bibliotherapeutic program develops the ability to listen, understanding themselves and others, and mainly the ability to communicate.

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Agnieszka Jaranowska

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 23 (2016), 2016, s. 224-237

Temporal analysis of experience and support received by the parents of children with autistic spectrum disorders

The research had two objectives. The first one was to enrich the knowledge of the temporal transformations in the experience of parents of children with autistic spectrum disorders. Second, gain knowledge of the subjective view of the effectiveness of the support system in the perspective of the parents (of children with ASD). From the research of temporal transformations in the experiences of parents of children with ASD that already during the period of diagnosis parents experience many negative experiences. However, their escalation occurs in the first year of diagnosis. What may be related to a final diagnosis.Onthe positive experiences of parents remained satisfaction from contact with the child and the belief in his recovery. In subsequent research periods with a relatively constant amount of negative experiences appeared more positive experience. The results of research on the support indicates that the most effective sources of information support for parents of children with ASD are: support groups, forums, associations and foundations. The respondents mentioned also assessed the emotional support received from informal sources of support, such as friends, family, support groups, associations and foundations. Financial support received from the state, family, friends and foundations was low and insufficient.

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Słowa kluczowe: probolońskie kształcenie nauczycieli i pedagogów, problemy i kontrowersje, możliwości działań i rozwiązań naprawczych, special pedagogue, social change, higher education, poczucie umiejscowienia kontroli, twórcze orientacje życiowe, twórczość w edukacji, pedagog specjalny, metafora, pedagog specjalny, tożsamość zawodowa, pedagog specjalny, poczucie godności, godność, edukacja, specjalne potrzeby edukacyjne, prawo oświatowe, uczeń z niepełnosprawnością, inkluzja edukacyjna, słabości proinkluzyjnych zmian, osoby z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną, centralne zaburzenia przetwarzania słuchowego, szkoła/praktyka edukacyjna, zaburzenia zachowania, zaburzenia emocjonalne, szkoła integracyjna, postawy nauczycieli, integracja społeczna, edukacja włączająca, wymiary edukacji integracyjnej i włączającej, integracja społeczna, edukacja włączająca, dziecko ze specjalnymi potrzebami edukacyjnymi, postawa integracji, teoria społecznego uczenia się, teoria społecznego poznania, reifikacja, tożsamość ucznia, obiektywizacja, nauczyciel, niepełnosprawność intelektualna, etykietowanie, motywacja do nauki szkolnej, motywatory i demotywatory do nauki szkolnej, uczeń z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną, nowe media, edukacja, niepełnosprawność intelektualna, autyzm, zachowania komunikacyjne, biblioterapia, bajki, biblioterapeutyczny program, ASD, autistic spectrum disorder, parents of children with disabilities, experience, formal support, informal support