Nr 28 (2017)

Proces resocjalizacji w nurcie egalitarnej niejednorodności

2017 Następne

Data publikacji: 2017

Licencja: Żadna

Zawartość numeru

Robert Opora

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 28 (2017), 2017, s. 9-20


Specificity of prison sentences among seniors and difficulties in their reentry

These days we can observe the process of social aging. This phenomena is reflected in the structure of prison population. The changing age proportion of the prisoners has began a challenge for penitentiary system. The purpose of the article is to introduce the particular needs of the imprisonment seniors. This article presents an aging process among population in the prison as a social problem, which is displayed in negative consequences for the prisoners, society and social institutions. Elderly prisoners may face difficulties not only during social reintegration, but also they can be afraid of leaving the prison. Penitentiary institution, where stay elderly people, should provide them medical, psychological and educational support.

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Joanna Żeromska-Charlińska

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 28 (2017), 2017, s. 21-34


At the margin of life’s implication – biographical epiphanies of elderly imprisoned

Ageing prisoners represent for penitentiary institutions some kind of issue. Taking care of them is not only supervision but above of all holding medical care. One should find answers for the following questions: How should assistance be organized for condemned also for individuals with dementia? What are key factors in organizing such assistance? Regarding growing demand for elderly care in penitentiary, such questions cannot remain without answers. Subject of my analysis was senior after life sentence, exhibiting ability for functioning in a prison. Whereas subject of research was phenomenon of distinct perception and spending time by imprisoned, particularly a life’s turning points. Intention of researcher was extracting something, that was unperceivable. Text pictures biography analysis of individual, who faces critical moments in his life, interpreted by including them in the history about life’s turning points. Regarding depicted background, additional framework clarifying intentions of researcher working in the field of hermeneutics, was epiphany, used as genuine experience, dividing seniors’ life for “before” and “after, for “at the time” and “at present”

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Sławomir Przybyliński , Amadeusz Krause

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 28 (2017), 2017, s. 35-46


The phenomenon of self-aggression in the Polish penitentiary system

Self-aggressive acts of prisoners have been observed in Polish penitentiary institutions and detention centers not only recently, but for years. Although their number is decreasing and is no longer as spectacular as it used to be, an attack on one’s own body is still perceived as a challenge in the work of prison staff as well as in the holistically understood resocialization. The aim of this paper was to present the threads which relate to and describe this difficult phenomenon. In addition to showing a theoretical background referring to prison self-aggression, we also presented a statistical analysis of self-aggressive acts, including suicide attempts and deaths caused by selfaggressive, as well as the causes of self-aggression among prisoners.

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Agnieszka Lewicka-Zelent , Agnieszka Pytka

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 28 (2017), 2017, s. 47-60


Egalitarianism and responsibility and justice in rehabilitation

Justice, equality, responsibility and freedom have already been widely discussed, especially in the fields of philosophy and law. From a practical point of view, there is a need to evaluate these values in the context of rehabilitation pedagogy. They are gaining special importance in resocialization activities conducted in penitentiary institutions. There is a constant search for effective ways to re-socialize socially maladjusted people. It seems that the combination of the above-mentioned values is found in the idea of redress. Therefore, the purpose of the research is to determine the level of readiness of persons serving prison sentences to redress the victims. For this purpose, an analysis was performed of the results of study carried out in a group of 140 people, half of whom were women. Half of the people at the time of the study were imprisoned in penitentiary institutions. The results of the research indicate significant deficiencies in the readiness of the respondents, especially the prisoners, to undertake corrective actions.

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Sławomir Śliwa

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 28 (2017), 2017, s. 61-74


Selected problems prisoners’ functioning in the light of research

The article refers issues related to the functioning of prisoners in everyday life. The cognitive and theoretical aim of the research carried was to diagnose selected difficult situations among the prisoners, whereas the practical and implementation aim was to elaborate practical recommendations related to prevention of problematic situations at penitentiary institutions. The research was carried in 6 penitentiary institutions with a total number 225 by the method of a diagnostic survey, survey technique, questionnaire. The questionnaire consisted of two parts. The first one involved 10 questions, including 2 close type questions with cafeteria-style checklist, 7 semi-open questions, 1 with estimation scale. Part II involved 40 statements equipped with estimation scale. Conclusion includes recommendations for prevention trainings with prisoners.

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Sławomir Przybyliński , Iwona Myśliwczyk

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 28 (2017), 2017, s. 75-88


Prison as anticipated by youth with disabilities – an imaginary reality

The phenomenon of disability stems from the fact that depending on the perspective and its interpretation it can mean different things. In order to give disability a positive meaning, ablebodied people must learn about the world of the disabled. Undeniably, getting into the inner world of the disabled, makes able-bodied people understand disability itself and people who are disabled. It is significant to discover subjective meanings and interpretations of the disabled lives to notice the uniqueness of the interpretation of the world and everyday life. There is a chance that disabled people will be associated in a positive way and their voice will have a real influence on creating their social image. Taking into account the above, the article is on questions put to people with Aspergere syndrome about their views on penitentiary space in a broad sense and its different impressions.

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Agnieszka Lewicka-Zelent

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 28 (2017), 2017, s. 89-107


The prisoners’ views on various social topics

People, naturally afraid of losing social approval, often make insincere comments on topics that can be considered morally problematic. The ones often mentioned are: abortion, euthanasia and the death penalty. Despite the occasional research into the public opinion on this subject, such diagnoses are much less frequent in the group of people serving prison sentences. Therefore, the purpose of the study is to collect the views on these matters from prisoners of closed and semiopen penitentiary institutions. The results show some variation in the opinions of the compared groups of people, which has been considered social maladjustment in varying degrees.

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Monika Dąbkowska

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 28 (2017), 2017, s. 108-118


Pedophilia – the diagnostic and therapeutic difficulties

This article is an attempt to present the available definitions of pedophilia, mainly from a clinical perspective, showing the differences between current classifications of mental diseases and disorders in the understanding of that phenomenon. Currently binding – from 2013 – the fifth version of the classification of mental disorders from the American Psychiatric Association DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), has made some changes - mainly concerning the name - of the discussed disorder. Therefore, the diagnostic difficulties and resulting therapeutic indications for people with pedophilia are discussed.

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Joanna Iza Belzyt , Marta Połom

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 28 (2017), 2017, s. 119-132


Person with a disability in the process of resocialization

Violation of social and legal norms by people with intellectual disabilities requires collaboration and employment of procedures and methods derived either from special education or pedagogy of resocialization. Cognitive sphere disorders as well as difficulties in predicting the consequences of behavior and actions, problems with logical reasoning and understanding phenomena in the surrounding/occurring reality may become factors favoring criminal behaviors or increase the risk of vulnerability to negative influences of the environment at people with intellectual disabilities. Outer containment of people with intellectual disabilities and the socially maladjusted combined with the predominance of impulsive sphere over cognitive reasoning appear the basic reason of disturbed and maladaptive behaviors.

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Małgorzata Osińska

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 28 (2017), 2017, s. 133-149


Practical dimension of probation for people with disabilities in Poland – case study

Correctional work with disabled people who have various limitations in the physical or intellectual sphere, confronts probation officers with tasks that are significantly different from those undertaken towards people able in body and mind. Cooperation with a disabled person requires not only the probation officer‘s adaptation to the ensuing situation and the interaction that diverges from the so-called common-law comportance but also thorough theoretical preparation. Probation officers need systematic training on possible earthly interactions. In the course of supervised activity, the probation officer is unaided and limited only to their own diagnosis of complex problems. Their instrument of action in these cases is practically the same as in “ordinary” supervision. As a result, supervision of a disabled person can become an additional punishment and a nuisance rather than an opportunity for social inclusion. The aim of this study is to draw attention to the situation of people with disabilities who as perpetrators of a crime have been drowned under the supervision of court-appointed probation officers, but also the description of their actions and the difficulties encountered. The method adopted in the work is an individual case study. The case analysis concerns a man with a handicap under the care of a guardian in connection with a criminal offense along with a description of the work plan and the probation officers‘ interventions.

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Monika Dąbkowska

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 28 (2017), 2017, s. 150-161


Cognitive competence of sex offenders and their sexual experience in the childhood

The article presents a research that was conducted in a group of 56 men from 7 penal institutions in Poland convicted by a court of law for sexual activity with a juvenile. The purpose of this study was to assess their current cognitive competences and sexual experiences in their childhood. On the basis of the conducted study it can be stated that among the researched group of sexual offenders, the vast majority of men - 75% has low cognitive competence. They function on the edge of intellectual standard and disability or they are intellectually disabled in a light degree. Sexual experience was also analysed in the researched group of men, basing mainly on the sources of their knowledge about sexuality before the age of 12. The study revealed that the proceeding line of sexual development among some of the offenders was characterized by lack of harmony, disordered proportion of normative and non-normative experiences, and high intensity of sexual activity. The dependencies between cognitive functioning, sexual experience, and sexual offences are complex and require wide discussion. It is especially crucial to give support to the parents in the process of their children's sexual education, as well as to put further efforts in the quality of sexual education at schools. On the other hand, it is also significant for the therapeutic programs in the penitentiaries to take into account occurrences of possible intellectual deficits among sex offenders.

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Justyna Siemionow

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 28 (2017), 2017, s. 162-174


The special educational needs of socially maladjusted pupils which are connected with process of their social rehabilitation in the institutional environment

The author focuses on the image of socially maladjusted phenomenon: behavioral disorders, leaving educational tasks, aggression and taking drugs or drinking alcohol – they are often included in it. As a result of cognitive perspective (in social science), the following statement is the most important. Personality is a system which consists of a few elements. This system is made of knowledge about self, the social environment and about the others. Personality as a system can control the emotions and also the behavior. The article also presents next thesis: someone behaves in specific way because his cognitive system influences on him. The way how someone understands the others and the surrounding world is also crucial. So, one of the most important task during the social rehabilitation process is to help youngsters to be independent and to obey the rules in the open environment, outside the institution. It is essential to consider the knowledge about their special educational needs during the social rehabilitation. This action increases the chance of success of social rehabilitation and makes this process more effective.

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Anna Wojnarska , Katarzyna Korona

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 28 (2017), 2017, s. 175-191


The Sense of Loneliness and Social Maladjustment

The paper concerns the sense of loneliness and social maldjustment. The sense of loneliness, contrary to loneliness itself, results in negative mental and social consequences. The reasons behind the increasing sense of loneliness are social and moral changes, educational helplessness of the family and school, as well as replacing face-to-face interaction with media supported contacts. Personality factors that correlate with the sense of loneliness are neurotism, introversion, helplesseness, lower self- efficacy and lower self-esteem. Increasing sense of loneliness generates depression, suicidal attempts, aggression, multiple risk behaviour, and victimization. Suggested directions for practical action in diagnosis and social theraphy concentrate mainly on creating opportunities for forming satisfactory models of interpersonal relationships.

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Anna Karłyk-Ćwik

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 28 (2017), 2017, s. 192-208


Youth Correctional Centers’ social climate – diagnosis and development perspective

The article includes a presentation of the results of the empirical research, whose purpose was to diagnose the social climate of correctional institutions for juvenile. The research sample (testing by the Scale of the Social Climate by Moos) was a group of 412 students and 153 teachers from thirteen Youth Correctional (Educational) Facilities.Asurvey revealed that the social climate of Youth Educational Centers is most similar to the type “caring-tutorial”, which is rather positive. The results allowed to formulate the directions for the process of creating more constructive social climate of correctional institutions.

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Agnieszka Lewicka-Zelent

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 28 (2017), 2017, s. 209-221


The preventive and rehabilitative dimensions of mediation in cases involving minors

Defining concepts such as prevention and rehabilitation rarely poses any problems. Nevertheless, they can be explained from different perspectives, which directly translates into the selection of appropriate methods of exerting influence on the subjects. Among these, minors are a special group of rehabilitation pupils, given the greater opportunity to exert educational influence on them than on adult offenders. Mediation can be understood as a way to facilitate their social reintegration and preventing certain dysfunctions in the field of psychosocial functioning. Therefore, attempts have been made to isolate the advantages of mediation in cases involving minors, thus emphasizing its importance in the process of rehabilitation of young people violating legal norms.

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Ewa Grudziewska

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 28 (2017), 2017, s. 222-232


Job satisfaction probation officers – announcement from research

The work constitutes the important component of the life of the man. The examinations concerning satisfaction from the work are being conducted for many years by different representatives of fields of study. However are lacking in the literature on the subject of research notifications led amongst probation officers. Research issues brought up are showing themselves to be as important satisfaction from the work is determining employing the employee, his effectiveness and the effectiveness among others, and low satisfaction from the work can also cause the professional burnout. 49 probation officers took part in own examinations, however 48 social workers constituted the compara-tive group. They detected conducted analyses, that examined probation officers were feeling greater satisfaction from the performed work than social workers. Moreover they checked, whether the age and the sex of examined probation officers were determining the level of satisfaction from the work.

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