Słowa kluczowe: correction, seniors, prison, senility suffering, condemned, biography, passing away, prison, self-aggressive acts, process of resocialisation, persons deprived of freedom, convicted person, redress, egalitarianism, responsibility, justice, social rehabilitation, penitentiary institutions, difficult situations, disability, case study, Asperger syndrome, prison „impressions”, convicts, abortion, euthanasia, death penalty, pedophilia, sex offenders, DSM-V, social adjustment, the process of social reintegration (process of resocialization), people with intellectual disabilities, forms of influencing on a convicted in the liberation system, disability, probation, court-appointed probation officer, case study, sexual offences, psycho-sexual development, intellectual disability, special educational needs, socially maladjusted students, process of social rehabilitation, youth educational centres, sense of loneliness, loneliness, alienation, victimization, addiction, depression, the social climate, Youth Correctional (Educational) Facilities, the effectiveness of rehabilitation, prevention, rehabilitation, mediation, minors, job satisfaction, probation officers, research