Nr 29 (2018)

Uczeń – Nauczyciel – Szkoła. Wzorce – rozwiązania. Specjalne potrzeby edukacyjne wyzwaniem dla systemu szkolnego

2018 Następne

Data publikacji: 2018

Licencja: Żadna


Redaktor naukowy tomu Sławomira Sadowska

Zawartość numeru

Beata Papuda-Dolińska

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 29 (2018), 2018, s. 9-27


Inclusive education in the perspective of Social Role Valorization theory

The main aim of the article is to take a look at theoretical assumptions and practical implications of inclusive education concept through the perspective of Social Role Valorization theory (SRV). Wolfensberger’s theory and its predecessor, the principle of normalization, are acknowledged as having major positive impact on human services, including education. The article analyses the main common points between theoretical frameworks of SRV and inclusive education. Crucial notions of SRV such as devaluation, wounds, good things in life and 10 themes have been related to inclusive education of children with special needs. These interpretations have led to the conclusion that in spite of adaptive nature of role valorization process it can be applied to enhance social and educational performance of disabled children in inclusive schools. Collision of these two theories unmasked some weak points of inclusive education, especially in the context of societal standards, hidden dynamics in devaluation creation, and some radical parts of SRV which do not fit in a diversifying society.

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Grażyna Dryżałowska

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 29 (2018), 2018, s. 28-42


Alienated inside integration and inclusive education

Assuming possible effects of a new concepts, decisions and/or changes in educational solutions for pupils with disabilities requires some thought and discussion on their negative, yet unintentional outcomes resulted in introducing integrative education. The paper attempts to answer the fundamental question, whether inclusive education and its methods as well as the way education of pupils with disabilities is realized might overcome or deepen (the assumed processes of) inclusion/exclusion, integration and normalization.

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Mirosław Rutkowski , Karol Bidziński

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 29 (2018), 2018, s. 43-65


Mainstream school as a meeting space of teachers and special educators – promoting the idea of inclusive education

In the contemporary education system, special education professionals meet much more complex requirements than in the past. They are expected to perform educational and therapeutic activities with students at special school, as well as to be able to co-create social space that meets the needs of students in different learning environments. One of these environments is a public, mainstream school, where teachers need to collaborate with special education professionals. The article aims to answer the question: in what way can special education and its theoretical and practical resources become a valuable source for teaching practices for mainstream school teachers? How can teachers and special education professionals work together to face and solve problems while working with special – education students whose individual developmental and educational needs result from disability?

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Monika Skura

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 29 (2018), 2018, s. 66-86


The relationship between general and supporting teachers – a (still) open debate

The model of inclusive education has become increasingly popular for children with SEN and their parents. For teachers working in inclusive or integrative classrooms is linked with a demand of coordination and collaborative relationship between regular and special-education/supporting teachers, yet it might cause some difficulties and often encounters problems. The article is a presentation of a study focused on attributes of successful teamwork. It involved 19 participants – general and supporting teachers, post – graduate students and master’s degree students. Data collected in focus group interviews have raised the following findings: respondents suppose obligatory co-creating general rules of collaboration as well as necessity of equal partners relationship to operate successful and effective.

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Ewa Dyduch , Małgorzata Trojańska

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 29 (2018), 2018, s. 87-99


Peer relationships between pupils with and without special educational needs in inclusive education

Special educational needs can affect a child ability of learning and acquiring competences, but also affect childhood peer relationships. Pupils with SEN rarely enjoy popularity among their peers; much more often they are marginalized or even rejected. This paper analyses the issue of relationships between pupils with and without special  educational needs. It particularly focuses on major role of peer relationships in the overall development of a child. It was also emphasizes the problem how special educational needs affect peer relationships. As far as the research presented in the text is concerned it was focused on determining sociometric position of children with special educational needs within classroom peer groups.

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Sławomira Sadowska , Zdzisława Janiszewska-Nieścioruk

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 29 (2018), 2018, s. 100-114


On application of ICF in diagnosis as a foundation for providing help to people with disabilities. Between policy, scientific knowledge and practice

The theoretical framework and the ICF methodology often contribute practitioners’ hopes and expectations to use ICF in everyday work. Particularly they affect expectations concerning the understanding of ICF’s theoretical basis, as well as those concerning knowledge about the model of this type of diagnosis and its importance in organizing rehabilitation (regarding both possibilities and drawbacks). The presented analysis is focused on the potential uses of the ICF proposed by: the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health, and the Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Policy, as well as the knowledge and understanding of the entities, responsible for organizing help and other models of diagnosis. This inquiry has led to believe that the postulate of using ICF in rehabilitation, including everyday practice work with students with disabilities at schools, usually faces numerous obstacles. An objective assessment must include a subjective conviction expressed by a person with a disability. Conjunction of both perspectives allows the functioning of an interactive model of diagnosis, which should be implemented in the rehabilitation, however, bringing it into practice might be significantly impeded by the top-down approach of a diagnosis, regarded with a functional approach. A personal perspective of disability of people involved in helping and their approach towards diagnosis often differs significantly from the theoretical framework the interactive model is based on. Often it also differs from the interpretation adopted by the ICF classification itself. Traditional scientific knowledge usually dominates the way of thinking about disability of people involved in helping, including teachers. That frequently brings those standpoints to “naive” beliefs. The practice of diagnosing reveals that the institutional knowledge and “common knowledge” often dominates the scientific one.

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Małgorzata Zaborniak-Sobczak , Katarzyna Ita Bieńkowska , Monika Drozd , Andrzej Senderski

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 29 (2018), 2018, s. 115-131


Educational support of students with central auditory processing disorders

The article concerns the impact of Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD) on children as learners. The authors present the possible ways in which the symptoms of CAPD can be alleviated by adjusting the school’s environment to the learner’s needs. It is also pointed out the neccesity of psychological and pedagogical support within educational institutions (mainstreaming or integrating). The issue of Central Auditory Processing Disorder has been presented for decades in foreign language literature as well as described in Polish literature for at least 20 years. Last year, an article entitled Central auditory processing disorder. From educational theory to practice. Selected issues was published in the Niepełnosprawnooeæ (Disability). Special education discourse magazine (Issue No 23/2016, pp. 116–132). The article describes theoretical difficulties in diagnosing CAPD, including the context of educational needs.
The presented article exclusively refers to methodological concern and provides practical advice for aiding learners with CAPD and practitioners of special education, therapists, speech therapists and teachers.

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Marzena Mularzuk , Henryk Skarżyński , Natalia Czajka , Agata Szkiełkowska

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 29 (2018), 2018, s. 132-147


Evaluation of the auditory attention test in children with special educational needs following the application of sound therapy

Auditory attention disorders manifested in difficulties in development and perception of the auditory information are among the most common disorders presenting for treatment in children and adolescents. Auditory attention disorders are often associated with co-occurring disorders including difficulties in writing and reading and listening skills, understanding of commands, psychomotor hyperactivity and attention disorders, eventually resulting in poor school performance. Hence, improving auditory stream/processing segregation appears a disorder to being targeted for remediation and treatment with the usage of sound therapy in order to meet one’s particular needs and equalize educational opportunities.

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Kornelia Czerwińska , Izabella Kucharczyk

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 29 (2018), 2018, s. 148-166


(In)effective education of students with visual impairment graduating from middle-school

The first part of the article presents the forms of educating students with visual impairment in Polish education system, including discussion of their special educational needs. Furthermore, the data concerning the competency level of the students with visual impairment graduating from high school in 2014 and 2015 in each administrative district (voivodship), available on the websites of the Local Examination Committees (LEC) and the Central Examination Committee (CEC) are analyzed. In the final part of the article the authors propose means of identifying the reasons why students with visual impairment achieve very low scores at the final high school exam.

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Natalia Józefacka , Dawid Marszałek

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 29 (2018), 2018, s. 167-183


Chess playing in education as a way of improving social skills needed in school and everyday life

Chess are one of the most popular games in the world. Chess players often spend thousands of hours to practice for the championship. In turn, for scientists, especially for cognitive psychologists, chess is as the fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster) is for genetics. Scientists have proved that a high IQ is not necessary to achieve mastery or even a high performance in chess. This makes the game accessible for everyone and we believe that it should be recommended particularly for children with a risk of school failure. It turns out, that knowledge acquired while learning and chess playing could improve skills useful both in school or in everyday life. The article consists of three parts. The first one describes chess from cultural, political, and scientific research perspective. Then we will discuss the process that leads to taking part in a championship and the various social and cognitive abilities that can be acquired when playing chess. The last part describes the transfer of knowledge and skills concerning chess that occurs among school  hildren with special educational needs.

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Kinga Hinc

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 29 (2018), 2018, s. 184-200


Changes in the middle school exam in the perspective of staff teaching students with mild intellectual disabilities

The article presents analysis of empirical data focusing on changes introduced in the middle school exams in the perspective of staff teaching students with mild intellectual disabilities. The background of the analysis is a brief historical outline of modifications and rearrangements of the middle school exams that have been introduced over the time. Having provided a description of the methodological concept, the author analyses research findings, pointing out teachers’ opinion on the issue of middle school reforms: either past changes of the examination system or current educational reform which has already introduced the process of replacing middle schools from educational system in Poland.

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