Nr 21 (2016)

Niepełnosprawności złożone i sprzężone – konteksty normalizacji oraz psychospołecznej aktywizacji

2016 Następne

Data publikacji: 2016

Licencja: Żadna


Redaktorzy naukowi tomu Marzenna Zaorska

Zawartość numeru

Barbara Marcinkowska

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 21 (2016), 2016, s. 9-19

The complex disability – an attempt to analyze the problem

The article attempts to analyze the phenomenon of coupled disability in two dimensions: theoretical and practical. It took into account the present state, its causes and suggestions for certain activities in order to implement changes. Presented analysis results of the current state showed, among other things: the diversity of terms (including coupled disability, complex, multiple, diversified, additional, accompanying, double, combined) and definitions (using one common component, i.e. The coexistence of at least two types of disabilities), which are not just the result of interest in the phenomenon of specialists in various fields, but mainly due to its diversity.

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Karolina Kaliszewska

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 21 (2016), 2016, s. 20-34

The knowledge-power discourse as a space of experiencing disability

To get power over an individual, one needs to shape that individual as an item of knowledge: to construct knowledge of the person which will determine an account of every dimension of human life so as to sanction mechanisms of normalization. Knowledge shaped this way enables the differentiation of the „normal” from „not normal”. It is the same with knowledge about disability. Here also knowledge-power is the sphere that creates the discourses which define and classify disability, marking the border between what is normal and what is not normal.

In Poland we have institutions and praxis which construct the experience of disability. Those institutions and praxis are maintained by pedagogical, legislative or medical discourse. The aim of this paper is to expose the institutions and praxis which tame the subjectivity of disabled people, exposing how knowledge-power enables the normalization of a disabled person by shaping in him or her a submissive „me”. The paper exposes the taming mechanisms of knowledge-power, which are based on internalized norms and lead disabled people to take a determined position in the social sphere (which individuals then interpret as their own ambition), avoiding actions and behavior that do not conform to the norm (which individuals recognize as not normal and dangerous for themselves) and performing such social roles and in such a manner that will be a maximal realization of being socially useful, which the individual sees as co-working for the common benefit.

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Marzenna Zaorska

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 21 (2016), 2016, s. 35-46

Special Education of the future in a bioethical and post-darwinian perspective

Development of civilization, science, technology, means of communication, the growing quality of life, the noticeable changes in the accepted rules of social coexistence and in the system of values, are all creating new, ethical amongst them, challenges for the modern human to overcome. The article undertakes an attempt of analysis, from a bioethical and a post-Darwinian perspective, on the subject of special education in the future. 

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Joanna Iza Belzyt

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 21 (2016), 2016, s. 47-57

The knowledge about the mind for functioning of persons with disorder/disabilities of sight

Senses with which we are experiencing world closely are cooperating with themselves. In determined situations (e.g. at disturbing one of senses or while intentional isolating senses) the role of senses can change from leading on support. When one of senses is yielding to injury functioning of the entire system is changing as well as individual of his elements.

Situations are happening, when persons with disability in the natural way or thanks to possibilities a contemporary technology is giving which sustain the situation determined as the „mix sense”. In the article examples of persons were quoted, of which brain as a result of loss of the sense of sight and for change in functioning of areas of the brain or also excitements of areas of the brain neighbouring oneself, whether thanks to technologies can develop his compensating abilities unexpectedly what he is establishing, that the flexibility of the brain and the sense of sight is much greater than so far they supposed, what was bringing new hopes and challenges persons with dysfunction/disabilities, as well as for teachers and psychotherapists.

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Amadeusz Krause

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 21 (2016), 2016, s. 58-65

Normalization versus social role valorization

The concept of normalization and social role valorization by W. Wolfensberg is widely presented in special education literature. Recently, however, there has appeared an opinion that normalization became outdated and was replaced by social role valorization. The article, analyzing both conceptions, aims to show injustice and criticism of such reasoning.

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Teresa Żółkowska

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 21 (2016), 2016, s. 66-77

Universal design spaces for people with disabilities

Universal designing is designing the sphere, in which everyone is equal no matter what is one sex, age, height, the level of ability, and the changes that are displayed in the lifespan (because of the illness or aging). It is a way of designing, based on the idealistic assumptions, which not always are displayed in practice. The following article is an attempt to answer the following questions: is it possible to design universally does is it only appear in the sphere of ideas and concepts? Is the process of universalisation of everyday life projects, which covers „normal” products and services possible and is it adequate to complex human functioning? How is it possible to come from idealistic assumptions to practice of designing that provide the disabled chances for equal, independent from functioning in the environment.

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Marcin Wlazło

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 21 (2016), 2016, s. 78-89

Special educator to stupidity – on trade terms with the reality of teaching on the example of hearing loss and intellectual disability

Stupidity is a term which widespread presence in everyday language has led to the weakening of its proper, etymological meaning. The lexicalization of this word has blurred the meaning connected with impaired, muffled, slurred speech or even dumbness, while perpetuatings tupidity semantic relationship of words such as: nonsense, absurdity, irrationality, primitiveness, ignorance or expressions as: a lack of common sense or deficiency of reason. On the basis of special education the relationship between the words „umb” and „deaf” is not only purely linguistic, but it is also an important part of the history of its two major sub-disciplines. There are also today the situations, because of diagnostic errors or carelessness, when wordless (dumb) or speaking indistinctly person older than 3 years is automatically treated as a person with the deviation from the intellectual norm.

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Jakub Wolny

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 21 (2016), 2016, s. 90-105

Supportive role of the ICT Technologies in the process of social development of people with deeper mental handicap

Intensive development of computer and Internet technologies is an imminent characteristic of recent reality. The social status of a person is more and more often dependent on his ability to participate in mass culture norms, realized by the use of modern Internet technologies, ownership of hardware, use of mobile apps and a presence in the social media. Staying out of digital reality, also much often can cause exclusion from social interaction in general. One of the groups most threatened with social marginalization are people with a handicap, especially with deeper mental handicap. Their limited access to computer/mobile hardware (caused mostly by their financial status), and the marginal role of ICT education in educational and rehabilitation curriculums, can cause lowering of their social status and finally lead to social exclusion. Considering the changes in the social environment caused by the impact of computer/internet technologies, the use of modern ICT tech and it’s potential as sociological compensation for the lack in social functioning of people with deeper mental handicap, might be the chance for a practical realisation of the normalisation paradigm.

One of the examples confirming the ability and sense of actions taken in this field, is certainly the experience gained during the realisation of the PO KL 7.2.1 project „Zrobimy to sami…” (We’ll do it ourselves...). This project was carried out in 2011-2013 in the Silesian region. Actions implemented in 6 cities of the region, addressed people with deeper mental handicap staying out of vocational activity. The main characteristic of the task carried out during the realization of the project was to concentrate on the areas where the participants’ functioning was stereotypically considered as unavailable for them. In terms of this article, the most interesting of course was their use of the ICT technologies, and the Mahara e-portfolio portal. Thanks to this tool, the project participants became fully-fledged partakers of a digital society and creators of the digital resources. They were taking part in activities typical for their peers, socially attractive and appropriate for their age and interests.

Analysis of the outcomes of the described project shows that the people with deeper mental handicap can benefit from ICT in the perspective of their development and achieve enhancement of the quality of life to a far greater extent than is expected within the common belief about their cognitive capabilities. Yet there is a great lack in the organizational solutions and awareness between professionals about the need to develop ICT skills among people with deeper mental handicap.

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Emilia Śmiechowska-Petrovskij

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 21 (2016), 2016, s. 106-120

Communication and information assistive technology competencies for teachers of blind and visually impaired students

This article considers the issue of the assistive technology competencies for teachers of blind and visually impaired students. It is an important factor to provide effective services to students with visual impairments. Results of international studies show that teachers have significant deficits in knowledge and skills in many assistive technology competencies and have lacked adequate confidence about teaching assistive technology to students. In Poland there are no studies, which refer this situation. That is why there is presented an inventory of 111 assistive technology competencies developed by Smith, Kelley, Maushak, Griffin-Shirley and Lan (2009) and its shorter version, of 74 competencies, modified by Zhou, Parker, Smith and Griffen-Shirley (2011), which shows, what competencies should teachers of students with visual impairments have on completion of a training program. It can be a basis for modification and adaptation to Polish future studies on this area.

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Agata Miodek

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 21 (2016), 2016, s. 121-131

Individual classes remedial education in the perspective of a teacher

Regardless of the degree of disability and comorbid disorders, all people with intellectual disabilities have the right to care, upbringing, education and rehabilitation. This statement, currently sounding like a truism, was not so obvious until recently. And although the need for education of students with deep intellectual disabilities does not raise any doubt today, it is still an area of practice and educational theory, under which there is still much to be done. Children with profound intellectual disabilities have been covered by a compulsory schooling in 1997. This moment can be considered as the first step towards the normalization of living conditions of these people and their families, who strongly suffering social stigma and isolation. Students with profound intellectual disabilities are a special educational challenge, and Polish experiences connected with the education of these students are still small. This group is small and heterogeneous. Additionally, the specifics of functioning of people with profound intellectual disabilities cause that education and upbringing of these students is significantly different from the known and accepted standards of education. Therefore, we should consider the quality of an educational offer addressed to these children and the legitimacy of solutions proposed in the area of education of this group of pupils. The prospect of a teacher – therapist, who conducts individual classes with children with profound intellectual disabilities, seems to be particularly valuable.

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Elżbieta Paradowska

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 21 (2016), 2016, s. 132-150

Developmental situation of the deafblind children with regard to research

The article presents the results of research aimed at recognizing the developmental situation of the group of the deafblind children in different areas, thus showing the diversity of the situation of children within the studied group. Research investigations became an opportunity to compare the obtained results with previous results of research in this area. The study involved 56 children aged up to 18. years who participated together with their mothers in educational-rehabilitative camps, organized by the Association for the Welfare of the Deafblind in 2004–2011. To gather the necessary data about the children from the studied group, questionnaire survey was used.

The study pointed to the complex developmental situation of children in study group, particularly linked with the prevalence of congenital deafblindness in the vast majority of them and the presence of additional disorders in the most cases, including intellectual disability in the majority of children and occurence of – significant limitations on the child’s communication with their environment.

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Marzenna Zaorska

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 21 (2016), 2016, s. 151-161

The choice of a communication method for a child with multiple sensory disabilities

The subject of communication is one of the most essential matters in the process of aiding the development, rehabilitation, education, socialization of children with multiple sensory disability, affected by it from the moment of birth or early childhood. Depending on how this essential matter is handled, future functionality and life of a person with simultaneous impairment of hearing is determined. Also the self-fulfillment and acquired level of personal and social autonomy is influenced. Due to the aforementioned. the choice of an adequate, to the needs and capabilities of a specific person with multiple sensory disability, method of communication with environment involves not only the communicational, educational and banausic, but also, and foremostly, the ethical and humanistic aspects.

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Grzegorz Kozłowski , Małgorzata Książek

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 21 (2016), 2016, s. 162-172

Environmental and social changes and new technologies chance for life normalization person

Gregory was born exactly on the same day that Helen Keller was born; the most famous, American deafblind, whose history and achievements are known to the whole world. No one knew then that he would be deafblind person, or that largely he will follow her footsteps. Being a deafblind person, he poses many serious challenges. The most difficult are many changes, that are inevitable in the life of every human being. Changes which always involve a risk, as they mean to go beyond the realm of the current stabilization and the need to abandon the comfort, which mean to go beyond the psychological space of the safety zone as Danuta Golec says (I. Rotberg, 2014). The changes, which are much harder for a person with simultaneous hearing and vision disability. Having family which implanted self-confidence, high motivation, desire for knowledge and the ability to take a risks, counting on its support and experiencing support from the environment as well as using more and more modern technologies, he faces further changes. Over time he stops terribly afraid of changes and sees in them the motor of human development. Also broader social context is not without significance in achieving a normalization of him and shaping his social activity.

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Katarzyna Basiukiewicz

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 21 (2016), 2016, s. 173-185

The experience of teachers working with children with intellectual disabilities in mainstream kindergartens profile and integration

Teachers are one of the professional groups, who works in direct contact with another person, becoming a guide, a model and support. It is important that their experience with the daily work were positive and gave a sense of self-fulfillment. On the other hand, the occurrence of difficult situations at work, can cause resentment and frustration resignation educator. Unfortunately, teaching experience and being in the educational reality, sliding on the second plan. The most important is the student who in fact without wise and eager teacher is not able to achieve success. The article is to present the results of research conducted in the framework of the thesis. They concerned teachers’ experience of working with children with intellectual disabilities in kindergartens for two different profiles: the open access and integrative.

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Słowa kluczowe: niepełnosprawność sprzężona, złożona, wieloraka, swoiste i wspólne cechy definicji niepełnosprawności sprzężonej, kategoryzacja niepełnosprawności sprzężonej / coupled disability, complex, multidimensional disability, specific and common characteristics definition of coupled disability, coupled disability categorization, dyskurs, wiedza-władza, niepełnosprawność /discourse, knowledge, power, disability, niepełnosprawność, osoba niepełnosprawna, pedagogika specjalna, rozwój nauki i techniki, przyszłość pedagogiki specjalnej / disability, disabled person, special education, development of science and technology, the future of special education, synestezja, plastyczność mózgu, niepełnosprawność zmysłów, niepełnosprawność wzroku, funkcje zmysłów, „cyborgi” / synaesthesia, plasticity of the brain, disability of senses, visual disability, functions of senses, „cyborgs”, normalizacja, integracja, niepełnosprawność / normalization, integration, disability, dostępność, niepełnosprawność, uniwersalne projektowanie / accessibility, disability, universal designing, głupota, głuchota, niepełnosprawność intelektualna / stupidity, deafness, intellectual disability, nowe technologie, niepełnosprawność intelektualna, osoba z głębszą niepełnosprawnością intelektualną / new technologies, intellectual disability, a person with profound intellectual disability, technologia wspierająca; technologia informacji i komunikacji osób niewidomych i niedowidzących; kompetencje / assistive technology; technology for information and communication, blind and visually impaired people; competencies, uczeń z głęboką niepełnosprawnością intelektualną, edukacja, rewalidacja, wychowanie, normalizacja / student with profound intellectual disabilities, education, rehabilitation, normalization, głuchoślepota, dziecko głuchoniewidome, sytuacja rozwojowa, zróżnicowanie, funkcjonowanie słuchowo-wzrokowe, zaburzenia dodatkowe, porozumiewanie się / deafblindness, deafblind child, developmental situation, heterogeneity, auditory – visual functioning, additional disorders, communication, niepełnosprawność sensoryczna, osoba z niepełnosprawnością sensoryczną, niepełnosprawność sprzężona, komunikacja, metody komunikacji, komunikacja alternatywna, metody komunikacji alternatywnej / sensory disability, person with a sensory disability, multiple disability, communication, methods of communication, alternative communication, methods of alternative communication, osoba głuchoniewidoma, zmiany, kamienie milowe, wsparcie rodziny, asystent, dostosowania, sprzęt, nowoczesne technologie / deafblind person, changes, milestones, family support, assistant, adjusments, equipment, modern technologies, oświadczenia, nauczyciele, praca z dziećmi, niepełnosprawność intelektualna, przedszkole ogólnodostępne, przedszkole integracyjne / experience, teachers, working with children, intellectual disability, kindergarten generally accessible, inclusive kindergarten