Nr 34 (2019)

Współczesne oblicza

2019 Następne

Data publikacji: 2019

Licencja: Żadna

Zawartość numeru

Małgorzata Walkiewicz-Krutak

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 34 (2019), 2019, s. 11-25


Passive and active echolocation as an element of auditory perception and spatial orientation of blind people.

The article describes the phenomenon of using reflected sounds in spatial orientation of blind people according to the division into passive and active echolocation proposed by Tim Johnson (2012). Passive echolocation is based on the use of sounds coming naturally from the environment and their interpretation in the context of environmental characteristics. Active echolocation consists in using a specific sound signal to obtain reflection from objects in the environment. In this study, the echolocation have been described in the context of contemporary research on this phenomenon in Western countries – in terms of both functional and neurophysiological aspect (brain activity when using echolocation). The phenomenon of echolocation was presented in the article as a component of auditory perception. In the consideration of auditory perception, James Gibson’s thesis (1979) was accepted that action and perception complement each other – action (understood as active orientation and independent movement in the environment), combined with the use of senses available to a blind person, first of all hearing, is used to gain knowledge about the environment.

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Helena Liwo

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 34 (2019), 2019, s. 26-37


Assesssment of speech-prosody quality in implanted prelingually and postlingually deaf adults
In a language statement, prosodic elements (accent, melody and quantity) play the fundamental communicative role. Limited prosodic skills of a person with major hearing disability can influence its communicative functions. The state-of-the-art cochlear implants enable the individuals who suffer from major hearing disabilities to develop their hearing and language skills which are, however, not always extended to the prosodic dimension. As follows from the research presented here, the period of hearing loss and the moment of cochlear implantation are significant in using prosody by deaf persons in speech. For the successful acquisition of prosodic  fficiency, it is necessary to direct the rehabilitation measures that follow cochlear implantation at the early prosodic activity of prelingually deaf children and at intensified prosodic training of prelingually deaf adults.

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Agnieszka Hamerlińska

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 34 (2019), 2019, s. 38-51


Popularization of voice prostheses and fear of their application in people after total laryngectomy
The article will present an interdisciplinary model of treatment advanced laryngeal cancer taking into account the medical, caring, speech therapy, psychological and physiotherapeutic aspects. This model will contain three stages: preoperative related to the diagnosis of the disease and the choice of treatment method, perioperative - associated with the implementation of a radical procedure, which will be laryngeal resection and postoperative - for restoring the quality of life. The text will describe the communication possibilities of people after total laryngectomy, with special attention through voice prostheses. A review of the efficacy of using tracheo-esophageal valves has been made for the presented text. In addition, an attempt will be made to explain why it is difficult for people with total laryngectomy to consult voice prostheses, and in particular for secondary implantation. The results of the research will be presented, the subject of which was the attitude of people after removal of the larynx towards voice prostheses.

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Sebastian Mrózek

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 34 (2019), 2019, s. 52-69


Types and forms of social support for people with disabilities recorded in community development strategies and strategies for solving social problems – analysis of problems in the era of inclusion
Local government units should be pioneer and initiators of good practices for people with disabilities. Additionally local governments assuming the role of “small homelands” are obligated to take care in a comprehensive way about disabled residents. The aim of the study is preliminary recognition of the issues of social support toward persons with disabilities declared by communities in Community development strategies and Strategies for solving social problems and to assign its detailed forms to several types of social support. The article presents what concrete supporting activities in the time of inclusive culture local governments.

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Agnieszka Fluda-Krokos

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 34 (2019), 2019, s. 70-83


Public Information Bulletins and their accessibility for people with disabilities
According to the international and Polish law, each person has the right to information concerning the state functioning, which is an object of public information. Its access is regulated in Poland by the Act of 2001, as well as several regulations. One of the forms of making it available is the Bulletins of Public Information (BIPs) – websites dedicated to building information culture and information society based on the latest information technologies. The article presents the results of the research on the availability of BIPs for people with disabilities of speech, hearing and vision. 10 criteria were indicated for the evaluation of BIPs of the 100 largest cities in Poland. It was found that 9 out of 100WWWdid not meet any of the guidelines, and 26 received a note above 5.

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Anna Nowak

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 34 (2019), 2019, s. 84-98


Legal exclusion of people with disabilities
The article deals with a new issue of legal exclusion (a category introduced at the beginning of the 21st century) in the context of disability and people with disabilities. The undertaken issue has been justified with several arguments, including: the interdisciplinarity of the approach, the number of people with disabilities, the  iscriminatory practices applied to them, the multiplicity of anti-discrimination laws as well as the principle of equal treatment and prevention of exclusion. Attention has been drawn to the views of Andrzej Kojder, who believes that legal exclusion provides a certain legal and social context which allows to interpret a given situation  as exclusion, may consist in inequality of rights depending on particular addressees of the law, but may also result from barriers hindering the exercise of equal and universal rights. The analysis covers features of legal exclusion, such as a diverse range of entities, relativism, diversity of areas/spheres of social life regulated by the law, and others. Based on A. Kojder’s thought, such types of exclusion were listed as: culpable or legally valid as well as quasi-legal and discretionary. The article references legal language as well as P. Bourdieu’s views on the phenomenon of “circular strengthening” and the institution of “legal space” in the context of legal exclusion. Selected contexts of discrimination against people with disabilities and the form they take as well as manifestations of such people’s legal exclusion have also been discussed here. Moreover, the legal acts which guarantee the privileged treatment of persons with disabilities have been listed. International and Polish legal acts that promote the principle of equal treatment and protect people with disabilities against exclusion from various spheres of social life have been reviewed, including the ones that guarantee the disabled access to the law and institutions of the judicial system. In the conclusion, examples of actions proposed and undertaken to counteract legal exclusion of people with disabilities are listed.

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Kornelia Czerwińska , Izabella Kucharczyk

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 34 (2019), 2019, s. 99-113


Visual impairment acquired in late adulthood and physical activity

The population of persons with visual impairment is increasing due to the increasing number of cases of vision loss in the course of life, particularly in late adulthood. Acquiring vision loss in late adulthood is a risk factor for occurrence of additional problems in the area of physical and mental health which result in significant  deterioration of the quality of life. One of the negative effects of adventitious vision loss is decreased physical activity. Developing effective programs which promote physical activity among seniors with acquired vision loss is determined by proper identification of barriers experienced in that area, as well as of motivating factors and  of resources available for that social group. Taking into consideration the increasing global population of persons with visual impairment and numerous advantages (physiological, emotional-social, functional) of regular physical activity, it is necessary to undertake research investigating those issues.

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Katarzyna Białożyt

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 34 (2019), 2019, s. 114-130


Selected areas of activity of Polish seniors in the light of the European Reports of the Active Aging Index
The article is a comparative review and applies a desk research method based on the analysis of the data from literature, reports, expert opinions. The aim of the article is to discuss issues related to Active Ageing Index (AAI), with particular focus on the data concerning Poland.

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Kornelia Czerwińska , Izabella Kucharczyk

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 34 (2019), 2019, s. 131-145


Visual impairment acquired in late adulthood and the quality of life

The prevalence rate of visual impairment in the population of persons above the age of 65 is significantly increasing. Vision loss in late adulthood can result in substantial functional deterioration which generates a number of problems in performing activities of daily living and increases the demand for care services in the place of residence or in an institution. The goal of the article is to present the results of research on the effects of partial or total vision loss on the quality of life of elderly persons. The negative effect of acquired vision loss on the quality of life of seniors has been sufficiently evidenced by numerous research studies. However, the  mechanisms generating those adverse effects have not been clearly identified.

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Agnieszka Żyta

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 34 (2019), 2019, s. 145-158


Problems and challenges connected with aging processes – searching for optimal ways of supporting disabled people (including the dependent ones)

The phenomenon of dependence and aging are problems occurring in Europe and the world. It is pointed out that one out of six people in the EU is disabled. Every third person over 75 is affected by disability limiting their participation in social life, and every fifth person at this age (20%) has significant limitations. Aging brings with it a number of challenges in the individual, social, economic, mental and organizational dimensions. Analysis of the literature on the subject, as well as examples of solutions used in other countries, show that the main emphasis in the modern approach to aging often associated with disability and dependence is placed on  activities based on the principles of independence, participation, care, self-fulfillment and dignity.

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Beata Cytowska

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 34 (2019), 2019, s. 159-175


Adulthood from the perspective of people with moderate to severe intellectual disability in the light of completed in-depth interviews

The aim of this article and the presented study is to illustrate an understanding of adulthood by people with moderate to severe intellectual disability, as well as their reflections on a concept of adulthood through the prism of their own experiences. Mentioned issues represent a challenge for contemporary pedagogy (not only special education) due to the “eternal children” stereotype, which still concerns the maturing process of this social group. The presented qualitative research has been carried out by the constructivist grounded theory approach. The research material has been collected using in-depth interviews with 27 persons – 13 women and 14  men. Coding, analysis and interpretation of the data indicated that respondents recognize their adulthood and are able to talk about it, but they are more inclined to talk about its objective indicators and to relate them to the socially constructed adult human image. It is more difficult for them to create a subjective picture of their own adulthood based on an analysis of their maturity to behaviour that is associated with the concept, such as responsibility, self-determination and making decisions.

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Beata Borowska-Beszta

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 34 (2019), 2019, s. 175-192


Reeducation of veterans with acquired disability – traumatic brain injury (TBI). A theoretical assumptions and practical solutions

Among contemporary monographs and foreign scientific articles related to the issue of supporting disabled soldiers, the most attention is paid to the comprehensive rehabilitation of war veterans with acquired cognitive disabilities. Interestingly, in the rehabilitation of veterans, mainly psychologists write scientific studies and implement practically methods of support based on education - educational category. The greatest number of monographs and scientific articles is devoted to the complex cognitive rehabilitation of veterans with acquired cognitive disabilities. Interestingly, in rehabilitation psychologists use methods of interaction based on  education. The article is a clarification of concepts related to the reeducation of veterans with acquired disabilities due to traumatic brain injury (TBI). The content has been divided into sections on defining reeducation, reviewing the forms of health loss and veterans' functioning in World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War and the military conflict in Persian Gulf. Particular attention was devoted to the analysis and description of the traumatic brain injury and its effects in human functioning and reeducation supported by technology improving the everyday cognitive, psychological and social functioning of war veterans diagnosed as having TBI.

Czytaj więcej Następne

Marta Jurczyk

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 34 (2019), 2019, s. 193-201


Sexual abuse against people with intellectual disabilities – dimensions and faces

This article is an attempt to present the phenomenon of sexual violence against people with intellectual disabilities in three dimensions or in the areas of its functioning. It presents a query of current research on the phenomenon of sexual violence against people with intellectual disability in the perspective of minimizing its significance (1), lack of credibility of people with intellectual disability (2) and experiencing violence from people with whom a person with disabilities remains in a cognitive relationship of dependence (3).

Czytaj więcej Następne

Joanna Iza Belzyt

Niepełnosprawność, Nr 34 (2019), 2019, s. 202-215


“Yes, I KCE” – concept of therapeutic application KCE (preliminary sketch of the justifications for the developed model)

The presented article is a presentation of the emerging theoretical construct and designed research using the original concept, which aims to create a KCE application – a combination of three elements (Communication-Body-Emotions) to create a therapeutic “tool”.

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