Volume 9, Issue 4

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Publication date: 31.12.2021

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Issue content

Zbigniew Bujak, Bogusław Nierenberg

Media Management, Volume 9, Issue 4, 2021, pp. 579 - 595


The starting point for the research presented in the article, the authors made the statement by Mary Parker Follett that the conflict is not a problem in the operation of an organization, because it creates a significant difference in social potential, but the lack of a solution to a given conflict can destroy any organization, including the state. The purpose of this article is to identify an agreement as an effective form of management. The authors traced the origins and effects of various social agreements over the centuries. They analyzed in detail the Polish agreement which went down in history as the Round Table. One of the authors of this text, Zbigniew Bujak, was a participant in these deliberations, so the authors made the ethnography and autoethnography of the organization one of the research tools. As a result of the conducted research, they identified the most important determinants that determine the effectiveness of an agreement or its lack. The authors indicated that an agreement is a sine qua non condition for effective management, regardless of the form and size of the organization.

JEL: J58; D74; E65; F53; L2

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Anna Adamus-Matuszyńska, Krystyna Doktorowicz, Piotr Dzik

Media Management, Volume 9, Issue 4, 2021, pp. 597 - 626


Developing a coherent and comprehensive brand of a country is of vital importance for a destination in the contemporary global world. There seems to be a recognizable gap in the literature regarding the application of visual signs practiced in country branding. The subject of the study: The research identifies the logos of the European Union countries used in place branding. The purpose of the study is the exploration of the logo content from the senders’ perspective, i.e., the structures and organizations responsible for the country branding. There are many reasons why logos are used in place branding practice. The authors decided to focus on the logo as a form of controlled and projected message communicated via media and ICT. Cognitive gap: The research conducted so far has focused on the reception of logos by the recipients. The presented research attempts to examine the visual message contained in logos from the senders’ perspective. Research methods and data collection techniques: The content analysis method was used to study the visual identity of the countries. The authors collected logos and scrutinised them using Beyrow and Vogt as well as Mollerup’s taxonomy. The results of the study illustrate how governmental institutions, which are responsible for country branding, portray countries using visual identity on the Internet, social media, and their own media.

JEL: M370

* The presented paper is an extended, revised and updated version of the paper presented during the CEECOM 2018 in Sheged.

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Beata Ociepka, Justyna Arendarska

Media Management, Volume 9, Issue 4, 2021, pp. 627 - 644


The online tools of communication have an impact on cultural diplomacy, which enables the governments to include potential partners into the participation in culture and at the same time to win them for their foreign policy goals. The objective of this article is to check the hypothesis saying that social media has become relevant in the foreign ministries’ external communication. The authors conduct a case study, based on cultural diplomacy events, called “years and seasons of culture”, aimed by the selected European countries at Russia in 2013–2016. The authors assume that the inclusion of social media into the toolkit of cultural diplomacy means a relevant change in the media use in foreign policy. While studying the cases of Austrian, Dutch, German, Polish and British cultural diplomacy the authors check, if they can be analyzed as media events. The authors implemented institutional approach, quantitative network and qualitative content analysis. The research didn’t confirm that cultural diplomacy events might be seen as media events. Although the Russian-Ukrainian conflict defined the relevant context for the studied cases, it was hardly reflected in their visibility. Social media didn’t play any significant role in the promotion of the events in the chosen researched period either.


* Przedstawiony tekst powstał jako wynik badań w projekcie NCN „Dyplomacja kulturalna: konceptualizacja lat i sezonów kultury jako wydarzeń kulturalnych w czasie konfliktu międzynarodowego” nr 2016/23/B/HS5/00486.

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Adam Figiel, Angelika Czajkowska-Sowa

Media Management, Volume 9, Issue 4, 2021, pp. 645 - 661


Due to the demand of IT specialists, it is necessary to apply appropriate employer branding activities. To achieve set goals, social media such as Facebook, are used and specific values for stakeholders and strong employer brand are created as well as specialists are encouraged to join or stay in a given organization. What’s more, offered products and services are promoted and the organization presents its own and employees’ development, as well as cooperation process and activities in the field of CSR. Information on events and the celebration of special occasions are also disseminated, and organization presents i.a. workplace culture and recruitment processes, educate recipients and introduce entertainment elements. Due to the above, qualitative research was conducted in the form of an analysis of the content of posts published on Facebook in the period from January 1st to December 31st, 2020, as well as other publications on the discussed phenomenon. The research sample consisted of 4 organizations that took the highest places in the Great Place to Work ranking in the Best Workplaces in Poland 2020 category with over 500 employees, i.e. Cisco Poland, Sii Polska, Hilti (Poland) Sp. z o.o., and Akamai Technologies Poland. The subject of the study was the use of social media in employer branding, and its purpose was to compare the indicated implementation among organizations operating on the IT market. The research problem was the identification of employer branding activities with the use of Facebook among organizations operating on the IT market.

JEL: M54
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Sławomir Rogowski

Media Management, Volume 9, Issue 4, 2021, pp. 663 - 679


The purpose of the article is to present the importance, the function of program quality in public media, as well as the influence of “quality” on the creation of strategy and success of stations. The first part of the paper is devoted to the analysis of the literature on the subject, thanks to which the significant meaning of quality in this measure was shown. The second part presents the application of the media quality forces triangle model to the research. Consequently, the analysis of the results of the surveys conducted with this method in 2015 and 2021 is presented. This research shows the differential influence of the factors that were introduced in the survey on the basis of quality descriptors. The respondents came from two groups: media professionals and students. In their opinion, qualified staff and station creators have the greatest influence on the two-seeing quality, in second place is the knowledge of the audience market, and in third place were the factors that create the station’s financing. Moreover, the results of the study show interesting differences in opinions among the surveyed groups over several years.

JEL: L82

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Jędrzej Wieczorkowski, Aleksandra Suwińska

Media Management, Volume 9, Issue 4, 2021, pp. 681 - 693


The article deals with the issues of hate speech and other forms of verbal aggression on the Internet as well as the possibility of their automatic detection. The paper discusses the studies confirming the partial effectiveness of text mining methods in the automatic detection of hate speech on social media. Hate speech is related to verbal aggression resulting from belonging to a group (national, racial, religious, etc.) and has become a significant problem in the social and economic context. Automatic detection significantly support the management of online news websites and social media due to the moderation of the received content. Moreover, eliminating online hate speech reduces its negative social and economic effects. The linguistic and cultural specificity of the hate speech are the problem, and the gap so far is solving the problem in Polish conditions. The study used the Tweeter database. Then, methods such as artificial neural networks, naïve Bayes classifier and support vector machine were used. The obtained results confirm the thesis about the possibility of using text mining methods in the process of reducing hate speech, but at the moment the described methods do not allow for full automation of the elimination of such content. The issue was presented in the article primarily in the context of the significance and scale of the problem and the possibility of solving it, and less from the point of view of the technical details.

JEL: L86, L82, C40, O30

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Sławomir Soczyński

Media Management, Volume 9, Issue 4, 2021, pp. 695 - 706


The impact of digitization on our lives is constantly growing. Benefits resulting from automation, data analysis, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning are increasingly more visible in everyday life. However, they give rise to previously unknown ethical and social problems. Many of them have already been described in literature. A new concept of Corporate Digital Responsibility (CDR), drawing on Corporate Social Responsibility, aims at developing precise guidelines and good practices, which will influence responsible business activity in the digital world. The purpose of this article is to present the sole concept of CDR and to ground it in the context of the media, which constitute an important part of the economy relying on new technologies.

JEL: L82, M14

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Mateusz Sobiech

Media Management, Volume 9, Issue 4, 2021, pp. 707 - 721


The article is an attempt to characterize provocation as an instrument for creating a media image. The author, using the method of qualitative research, illustrates the ways of using provocation during image activities on the example of Wojciech Cejrowski. On the basis of the research, he finds out which factors determine the form of image creation in the media. Moreover, the author defined reasons and effects for using provocations in the process of building media image.

JEL: M3, Y8, Y9

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Koalicja czasopism „Pandemia”

Malwina Żuchniewicz

Media Management, Volume 9, Issue 4, 2021, pp. 723 - 734


The purpose of the analysis presented in the article is to confirm the thesis that the time of the coronavirus pandemic was an opportunity for brands to establish close relations with the environment. The brands showed their non-commercial sense of existence and organized or supported the CSR campaign, which positively influenced their image. A positive example of communication activities carried out by the 4F brand was analyzed in the article. The author analyzed the content of the Facebook profile of the 4F brand in the period from March 14 to May 4, the time when stationary stores were closed by ordinance of the Minister. The analysis of comments under Facebook posts showed that the activities carried out had a positive impact on the brand’s reception and involved its surroundings in aid campaigns. Therefore, the thesis proved to be true.


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