Volume 2, Issue 4

2014 Next

Publication date: 2014

Licence: None

Editorial team

Issue editors Bogusław Nierenberg, Anna Pluszyńska

Issue content

Lech Jaworski

Media Management, Volume 2, Issue 4, 2014, pp. 141 - 155


Licenses to broadcast radio and TV programmes in the light of constitutional freedoms

The right of every person to obtain information, guaranteed by Article 54 Section 1 of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland, is realized mainly through media. In order to carry out these tasks, the media need to have guaranteed, and not just confirmed by the above mentioned regulation, freedom of speech, but also the freedom to perform activities, through which they will be able to distribute information. Such guarantees can be found in Article 14 of the Constitution, whereas the ban on preventive censorship and press licensing, expressed in Article 54 Section 2 of the Constitution is a detailed guarantee of the freedom to conduct business by the media. This regulation, however, stipulates that an act of parliament may introduce an obligation to obtain a prior license to run a radio or TV station. Administrative decisions in this matter are included mainly in Chapter 5 of the Broadcasting Act, titled "Licences to broadcast programmes", (Art.33-40b). It is also necessary to point to the fact that radio and TV programme broadcast takes place within the frames of running a business activity. However, according to Article 46 Section 1 Point 5 of the Act on the Freedom to Perform a Business Activity, running a business activity in the area of broadcasting radio and TV programmes requires to obtain a license, while the detailed range and conditions of running a business activity subject to licensing are regulated by other acts of parliament. According to Article 22 of the Constitution, “limiting the freedom to run a business activity is only acceptable by means of an act of parliament and only due to an important public interest.”

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Rafał Maciąg

Media Management, Volume 2, Issue 4, 2014, pp. 157 - 167


The article discusses the history of the development of the idea of a network as a tool for research, indicating its dispersion within science, involving the use of extremely different theoretical approaches. The text proposes to include them in the form of the parent confrontation between mainly quantitative research stream and humanistic stream, based on the idea of a network society. It indicates also that a similar breakdown occurs from the beginning of the research within the quantitative stream, taking the form of a confrontation of sociological research and physical or biological research. The article cites facts about the development of all the described tracts, leading to conclusion, that such a state of network research must recall the epistemological reflection on the one hand, and, on the other hand, it establishes the possibility of the emergence of the synthetic and interdisciplinary concepts, which potential examples it shows.

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Katerina Sirinyok-Dolgaryova

Media Management, Volume 2, Issue 4, 2014, pp. 169 - 191


This article examines transformations of females' representation in women's magazines of Soviet and Post-Soviet times. The paper is based on case study of two domestic publications Rabotnitsa and Krestyanka of two decades before Soviet Union's collapse (1971-1990) and two decades after it (1991-2010). Using the method of content analysis, texts, visuals and advertising are analyzed in terms of portraying women as of their gender and social roles, occupational images, beauty types, body languages, and job representations. Range of topics of the women's magazines of two periods under research are compared. Major inference of the study is that Soviet propaganda and communist values are replaced by a western-style image of a woman in Post-Soviet women's magazines, yet still influenced by traditional Slavic views of womanhood.

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