Media are facing previously unknown challenges and problems. The development of new information and communication technologies, progressive process of concentration and monopolization affect their functioning, forcing a continuous adaptation to new market conditions. In this situation a particular importance takes on media management, which requires, on the one hand, more and more specialized knowledge in various field, on the other hand, the holistic approach of research, marked by humanism, which allows to inquire into the essence of studied issues.
Through digitization and convergence and such determinants as the globalization of media markets, a change in the structure of the media industry, the information revolution and the growing expectations of customers, we are witnessing of a communication revolution. Media dispose of a specific asset market, which is information. (By P. Drucker and other researchers the information is more valuable, the more common).
The intention of Editorial Staff is provide a forum for the exchange of thoughts, the publications of research results, as well as the conclusions from the conducted observations and analyzes concerning the media in Poland and in the world. It will allow a bilateral transfer of knowledge between theoreticians and practitioners of the media. Currently, the rate of change is increasing, it implies the need for continuous monitoring of market trends and adapting to the new requirements and, first and foremost, using a variety of distribution channels of services. We encourage to take up the issue of the new defining of media and specificity of media management, as well as the sources of their funding. Separate and an important research issue are »human resources« in the media, including the status and tasks of profession of journalist. In our opinion media management in the contemporary world is also a pressing need to study the norms and values, according to which the media operate and indicating attitudes and unethical actions.
Editorial Staff invites to cooperation of Polish and foreign authors, both practitioners and theorists of the media. The articleswill be published in Polish and English.