- Papers submitted to “Media management” journal go through a pre-selection carried out by editorial board and concludes whether the article complies with the journal profile. The editorial board ensure whether the paper meets at least one of the following criteria:
- being a creative explanation of the research problem;
- being a critical review of Polish or foreign research state in particular subject;
- promotes Polish or foreign research results in congress language;
- basing on own research study, and provides an original scientific source.
- In justified circumstances editorial board may accept the article that does not meet the criteria above.
- The paper approved by the editorial board is passed to two independent scientific reviewers.
Reviewers duties are:
- evaluation of the article (in particular if: the title is consistent with content, research methods were used properly, results are scientifically important, the selection of sources and references were sufficient enough);
- the revision of the paper accordance to the regulations of copyright;
- opinion about formal aspects of the paper (language correctness and writing technique skills).
Technical Details for paper preparation
Text formatting guide:
- text file format: * .rtf or * .doc (Word 97 or higher + special fonts, introduced by the author);
- font: 12 point, Times New Roman;
- more than one author articles should have unified titles, footnotes, references and citations standards;
- 1.5 line spacing;
- left margin: 3 cm, other: 2.5 cm;
- single-sided print;
- footnotes font: 10 points, superscript.
- pictures must be of good quality, unified form and with descriptions;
- each illustration should be provided as a separate file, giving their names (all files together in a single folder);
- photographs as *.tif files, resolution at least 300 dpi;
- charts in Corel Draw or Microsoft Excel (if edition is necessary);
- drawings in *.CDR files or contrasting, original drawings of good quality for reproduction.
- references should be provide consistently and in traditional way of description.