Volume 3, Issue 4

2015 Next

Publication date: 20.03.2016

Licence: None

Editorial team

Issue editor Jan Kreft

Issue content

Weronika Świerczyńska-Głownia

Media Management, Volume 3, Issue 4, 2015, pp. 241 - 256


The entrance of the print media unto the Internet required publishers to adopt a new strategy. Their goal was on the one hand, to introduce their publications unto the new electronic market, and on the other hand, to increase their market competitiveness. The process of adopting Internet technology by these print media publishers, did not occur in a uniform manner. These publishers accepted varied strategies, regarding the methods employed, as well as their approach to their heretofore, print media publications.
The functioning of print media publishing houses in cyberspace, also brought the necessity of changing prior work principles in the editorial staff, as well as in the organization of the newsrooms. In addition, the editorial staffs had to contend with heretofore unknown challenges, and take up challenges, for which they were not prepared. These challenges dealt with the specifics of the Internet readership, as well as the defense of intellectual copyrights in the Internet, additionally introducing some kind of payment on the part of the public for the content they were reading. As practice was to show, not all of the solutions introduced by the e-publishers turned out to be effective.

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Anna Dziadkiewicz

Media Management, Volume 3, Issue 4, 2015, pp. 257 - 267


Facebook and other social media have existed for more than 10 years. During this time the portals, destined to build relations in different fields, have become tools used intensively by the business environment. Primarily, Baby Boomers haven’t understood the fascination of ICT (Information and Communication Technology), X generation have accepted them with reserve, meanwhile twenty and thirty-year-olds have realized they are powerful tools, useful for promoting their businesses.
The purpose of this paper is to present the possibilities of establishing new communication schemes using social media and to present the basic characteristics of new social media and their role for start-ups. To achieve the objective of the article the marketing (especially Internet marketing) literature (both domestic and foreign) has been used, as well as author’s own observation, gained during participation in international projects (while working on this project, the generation Y and Z group survey was made) and during running her own consulting agency.
The following theses are taken into consideration:
1.     Modern companies must adopt to their business philosophy, based on new economy to avoid slow decay.
2.     Internet community that feels involved in any business project is more likely to support, give advice and share its own experience with the newcomers, because they feel to be a part of the business and responsible for start-ups development without a will to be rewarded.
As a starting point, the author defines the term ‘new economy’ and its relation to the term of new business environment (which is a broader conceptual category). The article shows that the types of Internet users in social media are in many aspects consistent with those observed in other countries. Polish Internet users (running often their own start-ups’ business) are present and active in many social networking sites (including all key sites of global reach), in blogs – where they have their accounts, as well as in content communities. They share a lot of media, using them for many different purposes (not only related to making and maintaining contacts), thus new businesses must adopt their philosophy to the new online reality if they want to gain a competitive edge and survive among these larger and more experienced ones.
For that reason, this article aims at describing the phenomena of new economy and constitutes an introduction to further empirical research.


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Kamila Szymańska

Media Management, Volume 3, Issue 4, 2015, pp. 269 - 279


The aim of the article is to present the importance of the current business presence in social media channels in the process of building image of firm in the mind of the consumer. The use of real-time marketing will of course require the company’s ongoing monitoring of consumer activity and important economic, economic, social and cultural events, but also bring a much faster effect in terms of brand awareness than planned well in advance advertising campaigns. In this way, make full use of the potential and specific nature of social networking and gaining a “human face”. The development of the phenomenon of real-time marketing proves that those benefits are clear and significant for many companies. The basis of empirical studies will provide observations of activities in the field of real-time marketing in a number of social networking sites.


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