Volume 1, Issue 2

2013 Next

Publication date: 2013


Seria prezentuje oryginalne artykuły naukowe publikowane pierwotnie w ramach kwartalnika ,,Zarządzanie w Kulturze".  Nowa inicjatywa poświęcona  jest w całości szeroko rozumianej tematyce  medialnej.

Licence: None

Editorial team

Issue editor Anna Pluszyńska

Issue content

Borys Potyatynyk

Media Management, Volume 1, Issue 2, 2013, pp. 85-95


The article addresses ways in which the Ukrainian protests of late 2013 and early 2014 have been covered in mass media. The author focuses, in particular, on the analysis of media-related provocations by identifying and interpreting them in terms of the current concepts and theories such as Infotainment, Social Responsibility, and Pseudo-Events. The article examines ways in which orchestrated events – more often than not, visually catchy and captivating – are launched, i.e. introduced into information space. It also argues a proposition that, as a result of a media event thus staged, political attitudes and entire policies can be adjusted through a shift in public opinion both inside and outside a country.

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Elżbieta Czarny-Drożdżejko

Media Management, Volume 1, Issue 2, 2013, pp. 97-112


Regulations of the National Broadcasting Council and their compliance with the constitutional standard on selected examples

The paper addresses the issue of the compliance of regulations issued by the National Broadcasting Council, on the basis of delegation contained in the Broadcasting Act, with art. 92 of the Constitution. I have done detailed analysis of only a few out of approx. 20 regulations issued currently by the National Broadcasting Council. The analysis show that some provisions of the said regulations have been issued in contrary to constitutional principles – violated are rules regarding the scope of the regulated matters as well as those regarding the content of the regulation. It also happens that incorrect is a wording of delegation contained in the Broadcasting Act. The legislature has delegated issues that belong to, so-called, statutory matter. Thus, a prompt intervention, of both: the legislature and the National Broadcasting Council, is required in the analysed matter.

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Joanna Szegda

Media Management, Volume 1, Issue 2, 2013, pp. 113-140


Alternatywne metody zarządzania organizacją i treścią w mediach obywatelskich

The goal of this article is to find  the differences in managing citizen and mainstream media. For this purpose the chosen citizen medium – Wiadomości24.pl (one of the biggest and most popular citizen journalism portal) and two mainstream media - “Gazeta Wyborcza” and “Rzeczpospolita” were compared and quantitative content analysis of the cultural publications was done. According to the Ch. Fush's definition of the alternative media,  to define the medium as an alternative one, it must differ from the mainstream medium in all mentioned dimensions: journalistic production, media product structure, organizational media structure, distribution structure and reception practices. The analysis of the chosen media shows, that the portal Wiadomości24.pl, as a citizen medium, differs a lot from two chosen mainstream media in every dimension. The portal is attuned to its basic function – including the receiver within the communication process as a sender.  That is why, the portal puts all responsibility on prosumers, provides as high interactivity as possible, delimits all formal requirements and offers high openness. Thanks to that, the content published by the citizen reporters is alternative to the content published in mainstream media. The alternative media are supplement for mainstream media and allow a bigger diversity and variety of the form and content. They include the receivers and encourage them to publish their own content and share their experiences with others.  The alternative media cannot replace public and commercial media, but can be a supplement and sometimes the alternative offer

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Katarzyna Szpot

Media Management, Volume 1, Issue 2, 2013, pp. 141-149


Media in the face of challenges of the knowledge society: economic aspects of media management in the digital economy

The article is the attempt of analyzing key aspects of the management of media companies in the knowledge-based economy. The author concluded that the main factors affecting the shape of management processes in the media market are its unique character and trends related to digitization, among others, fragmentation of the audience, the phenomenon of convergence and changes in the network environment. It was stated that processes of the media transformation determine change of leaders' status in organizations. His role within the organization is more and more often determined by heterarchical power relations, requiring an attitude of openness to continuous learning nature of the digital societyThe article is the attempt of analyzing key aspects of the management of media companies in the knowledge-based economy. The author concluded that the main factors affecting the shape of management processes in the media market are its unique character and trends related to digitization, among others, fragmentation of the audience, the phenomenon of convergence and changes in the network environment. It was stated that processes of the media transformation determine change of leaders' status in organizations. His role within the organization is more and more often determined by heterarchical power relations, requiring an attitude of openness to continuous learning nature of the digital societyThe article is the attempt of analyzing key aspects of the management of media companies in the knowledge-based economy. The author concluded that the main factors affecting the shape of management processes in the media market are its unique character and trends related to digitization, among others, fragmentation of the audience, the phenomenon of convergence and changes in the network environment. It was stated that processes of the media transformation determine change of leaders' status in organizations. His role within the organization is more and more often determined by heterarchical power relations, requiring an attitude of openness to continuous learning nature of the digital society

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