Volume 9, Issue 1

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Publication date: 11.01.2021

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Issue content

Anna Lusińska

Media Management, Volume 9, Issue 1, 2021, pp. 1 - 16


Argument/objective: In view of the growing negative phenomenon of hate speech in the social media, targeted informational and educational activities in the public sphere seem important and necessary, for the common good and in the common interest, as a reminder of respect for the other person and respect for his or her rights. The aim of the article is to identify and analyse the selected project in terms of the occurrence, spread and scale of the hate speech phenomenon in social media and to try to evaluate this type of communication. Research methods, research questions: The text uses methods such as case study, desk research and media content analysis. The following research questions were posed: how does the broadly understood civil society, and in principle its representatives, try to oppose hate speech? For what purpose are social projects against hate speech created and implemented? Do social projects against hate speech show the scale of this phenomenon, its horror and immorality? What image of Poles, including Polish Internet users (and in the case of a selected YouTube project) emerges from them? and how do they exchange views on the subject and what conclusions do they draw from this? Results and conclusions: Research has shown that when modern society, which is largely civic, starts to rebel against injustice, lack of respect for others, or socially unacceptable behaviour, including hate speech, it reaches for tools of opposition, among others. Projects such as these are born in this way: Incubator of Ideas, #StopMowieNienawiści, or the title one, analysed: Grażyna Żarko. Catholic Voice on the Internet. This non-commercial, over two months long project, and at the same time a media, Internet provocation carried out in the form of a Polish vlog, showed not only the enormous scale of the problem of “verbal violence”of Polish Internet users on the example of YouTube, but also the lack of preventive actions and responsibility, or rather criminal consequences, for example, incurred for this type of conduct. Cognitive value: The article is part of the discussion on the way and quality of communication of Polish society, with particular emphasis on hate speech, through new media.


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Katarzyna Kamińska-Korolczuk

Media Management, Volume 9, Issue 1, 2021, pp. 17 - 36


The purpose of the article is to present the introduced legal solutions regulating the functioning and management of the media system in Germany, which came into force under the influence of changes in political communication. A case study is presented examples of hate speech in the discourse of the party of the new right-wing populism –Alternative for Germany (Alternative fur Deutschland, AfD). The party uses rhetoric which until now has been marginal in the German media and since the refugee crisis it has become an increasingly common form of expression. The analysis was conducted against the backdrop of events that influenced the Bundestags to adopted Law improving law enforcement in social networks (Gesetz zur Verbesserung der Rechtsdurchsetzung in sozialen Netzwerken, Netzwerkdurchsetzungsgesetz, NetzDG). The analysis leads to the conclusions that the new right-wing populism changed the style of communication on the German political scene, which is not without influence on the decisions making by the legislator to introduce specific legal provisions regulating the management and framework of discourse in the social media in this state.

JEL: K24

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Dariusz Krawczyk

Media Management, Volume 9, Issue 1, 2021, pp. 37 - 54


Presentation of the methods of staying in touch with journalists that are preferred by media relations specialists is the aim of the paper. The opinion survey dedicated to this issue was carried out in 2020 among all spokespersons for the municipalities forming the statutory separated Upper Silesian and Zagłębie Metropolis (Metropolis GZM). It was found that personalized communication tools such as e.g. personal e-mail (40%) or telephone conversations (22%) are most commonly used. Obtained results were compared with the results of analysis with 94% share of Silesian police officers authorized to provide information to the media. An assessment of social reach of disinformation and verification of perception of the effectiveness of publishing the corrections, as a way of responding to distortions in press materials, were also subject of the study.


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Mateusz Bartoszewicz, Filip Gołębiewski

Media Management, Volume 9, Issue 1, 2021, pp. 55 - 80


The study includes an attempt to synthesize the basic trends of political bias of 14 relevant media entities appearing on the Polish media market in a context of their readership and viewership. Searching for an intersubjectively consistent analytical perspective, the authors use critical and comparative analysis of the results of empirical research contained in the literature of the subject, as well as the content of specialized institutional reports, with a respect to the methods of critique of sources. Due to the processual nature of the development of the media market in Poland, some of the results of empirical research cited goes back to year 2010 but the vast majority concerns year 2015 and the next ones. In the introduction, the authors refer to the universal agreement of researchers of the quality of Polish public debate regarding its critical assessment. The first section of the article contains a description of the methodological assumptions made. The next three contain an attempt to synthesize the basic bias trends of relevant media titles within each of the three segments of media activity: [1] the press sector of nationwide dailies; [2] the weekly sector of opinion-forming magazines; and [3] the 24-hour news television sector. The last part of the study contains conclusions and reference to the research results of the political parallelism concept.

JEL: L820

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Agnieszka Dytman-Stasieńko, Justyna Harbanowicz

Media Management, Volume 9, Issue 1, 2021, pp. 81 - 98


The article assumes that during communism time in Poland, especially during the period of increased television development in the Gomułka era (the 60s), there were no political, socio-communicative and cultural conditions for the development of the culture of celebrity and the related phenomenon of narcissistic attitudes of individuals popular in the media. This thesis is confirmed by the content analysis of the monthly “Ty i Ja”published in 1960–1973, considered to be the first Polish lifestyle magazine, presenting the stars of theater, film etc., but these presentations were far from revealing any narcissist features characteristic of contemporary culture or Western culture at the time.

JEL: L82, M39, P39

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Anna Teler

Media Management, Volume 9, Issue 1, 2021, pp. 99 - 114


Demand for novelty is inscribed in the DNA of media and media organizations, especially those that specialize in delivering the latest news. This is a prerequisite for media consumption. The media organizations responsible for delivering new products to recipients, are subject to market laws, compete, achieve an advantage, fight for survival in the turbulent environment of the media and technology –and therefore remain in constant development. According to Joseph A. Schumpeter, development is possible by introducing innovations. Schumpeter’s Theory of Innovation was a research tool for an analysis of the CNN group, specializing in information for 24/7.

The research question posed: can we talk about innovations in the media industry? –indicates some doubt related to the specificity of the media industry. Doubt also arises from the fact that not every novelty is an innovation.

As a result of research, it was discovered that there are innovations in the media industry, but not in all cases of innovation indicated by Schumpeter. Indeed, this is due to the specifics of the media industry. The purpose of the article is to attempt to assess whether there can be innovations in the media industry, according to Schumpeter’s Theory of Innovation; and initiating a discussion on innovation in specific industry, which does not exist without novelty.

JEL: O31, O33, L82

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Barbara Cyrek

Media Management, Volume 9, Issue 1, 2021, pp. 115 - 126


The purpose of the article is to characterize current issues related to the occurrence of hate speech in live broadcasts on YouTube. Adding more tools to make the platform more attractive to users also gives new opportunities to spread hateful content. Platform policy must be constantly evolving, and subsequent regulations are widely commented on by both advertisers and users. For live broadcasts, real-time control requires automated solutions that are sometimes fallible.

 JEL: L82, Z19

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Martyna Wielkopolan

Media Management, Volume 9, Issue 1, 2021, pp. 127 - 156


Social media marketing is becoming the main aspect of strategies implemented by traditional media workers. The aim of the study is an analysis of an impact this kind of internet marketing has on television viewer relationship management, in the form of case study. The author’s intention was to do the qualitative research on the TV production Zakochani po uszy created by TVN, including its promotion through an official profile on the social networking site called Instagram in terms of building relationships with viewers along with holistic and deepened description of analysed phenomena. In the study, the author presents the results of the research based on non-participant observation of the official profile of Zakochani po uszy on Instagram, in-depth interview with a person responsible for public relations of the series, results of the survey along with data analysis, which contains viewership and statistics from analysed profile. These activities enabled solving the research problem phrased as a question: how is the strategy, which is to create strong relations with viewers, formulated and answering detailed research questions posed in the study.


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Koalicja czasopism: Kultura i organizacje w czasie pandemii

Piotr Jaworski

Media Management, Volume 9, Issue 1, 2021, pp. 157 - 172


The aim of the study is to examine the impact of information on lockdown connected with COVID-19 on stock indexes. The hypothesis was: it is a strong impact of the lockdown announcement on stock indexes at the time of its announcement or cancelation. Panel event models were used to verify the hypothesis. The study used data from the Thomson Reuters Database for the period from 2.01.2019–10.05.2020. The analysis was based on the papers and reports on COVID-19 and the literature on behavioral finance.

JEL: G12, G02, G14

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Wiesław Cetera

Media Management, Volume 9, Issue 1, 2021, pp. 173 - 189


The process of shaping the structure of the Polish printing sector dates back to 1989. The fundamental changes consisting in the elimination of censorship and the abolition of paper rationing enabled the development of printing industry in Poland. Printing industry, including the company owners and managers, managed to overcome the technological gap between the EU and the former Eastern Bloc countries as early as in the 1990s. The beginning of the 21st century was characterized by a high technology level and a competitive advantage, which was based primarily on low labour costs. The analysis of statistical data shows that the sector commands new technologies and large production capacities. On the demand side, however, radical changes are taking place. Printed media reduce their circulation and migrate to digital space. Advertising, so far mainly using printing services, now uses electronic distribution channels with increasing frequency. In addition, the market places ecological requirements and low costs demands. The research conducted among printing companies in 2018 and twice in 2020 shows evidence of the current condition of this sector. Its actual state of affairs has been influenced by the COVID-19 epidemic and the consequences of restrictions introduced in the economy. These studies register the changes proceeding in the Polish printing industry. They reveal the existing overcapacity and the negative impact of the pandemic on the whole printing industry. They also point to the need for profound technological and organisational changes.

JEL: D2, D7, F6, L6, O5

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