Volume 2, Issue 2

2014 Next

Publication date: 2014

Licence: None

Editorial team

Issue editors Bogusław Nierenberg, Anna Pluszyńska

Issue content

Henryk Pietrzak

Media Management, Volume 2, Issue 2, 2014, pp. 65 - 76


In order to accomplish the mission of a public radio it is necessary to manage the broadcasting time adequately, taking into account the mission-related objectives, such as production of programs focusing on matters important for local communities. Public radio should be perceived by the audience as a reliable and trustworthy source of information. At the same time it should compete for young listeners and improve attractiveness of the program without excessive commercialization. Therefore, being a public station, Radio Rzeszów SA broadcasts a wide variety of programs focusing on information, opinions, culture, entertainment, education and sport, in compliance with its mission. Moreover, the schedule of programs is designed taking into account the criteria for the preferred programs, as defined by the National Broadcasting Council. The numerous mission-related tasks of a public broadcasting entity include programs for national and ethnic minorities. Polskie Radio Rzeszów produces and broadcasts the most refined genres of radio journalism, such as reportage and radio drama.In Rzeszów Radio these are programs for Ukrainian and Łemko minorities. The related achievements are presented in the article, which also discusses the findings of Radio Rzeszów monitoring conducted by the National Broadcasting Council as well as a survey commissioned by us.

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Malwina Popiołek

Media Management, Volume 2, Issue 2, 2014, pp. 77 - 90


E-competences of digital natives – exploration of selected e-skills. Own research study

The paper focuses on selected e-skills of young people (Generation Y, Generation Z, Net Generation) who are considered as digital natives.  The article  deals especially with the common belief that representatives of the young generation are proficient in the use of ICT. This is an exploration of this issue, done by seeking answer to the question whether that kind of common belief is correct? In the first part of this paper, there is an overview of selected studies and reflections related to the problem, both enthusiastic and critical. The second part is a description of research, which was conducted by the author of the paper.

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Justyna Przyborowicz

Media Management, Volume 2, Issue 2, 2014, pp. 91 - 98


Hashtag and media community in the resistance environment

The article raisesthe question of the media community created in the context of resistance. The issue of retaining environments is presented based on the issues related to media messages which are created in the form of hashtags. In the network society, the media symbols becomes a meta-commentary, which may result in changes and transformations both in virtual and real area. The text is a reflection on the three aspects of the properties of the hashtag. The message is described as a tool for change, community opposition and the community of the thinks. This point of view gives the opportunity to demonstrate the interdependence that prevail in online subcultures of resistance.

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