Volume 5, Issue 1

2017 Next

Publication date: 30.06.2017

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Editorial team

Issue editor Jan Kreft

Issue content

Iwona Czerska

Media Management, Volume 5, Issue 1, 2017, pp. 1-10


The aim of this study is an attempt to answer the question as to whether Facebook, the leading social networking site, is a blessing or a curse of the Internet. Apart from the literature and the author’s own knowledge, results from a study on the degree of satisfaction of respondents from the use of Facebook were also referred to.
The pros and cons of Facebook were presented. During February–May 2015 the author’s own survey on the Internet was conducted. This survey was targeted at Facebook users in Poland. Nonprobability methods: a convenient selection and then snowball sampling were used. Because the sample was not representative, it did not give rise to statistical inferences about the population of Facebook users. However, it allowed the formulation of assumptions about the trend.
Three spheres of Facebook: functionality, layout and security were evaluated. Respondents attributed the weight of the individual characteristics of each sphere, and then they assessed the degree of satisfaction from these characteristics. For this purpose, a Likert scale was used. The degree of satisfaction with the website’s services was examined by constructing a customer satisfaction index.

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Mariusz Woźniakowski

Media Management, Volume 5, Issue 1, 2017, pp. 11-23

The aim of this article is to present the possibilities and scope of the use of Facebook and some other selected social media services in marketing communication of automotive brands in Poland. The 
theoretical basis of scholarly literature relating to the described problem. In the empirical part, 
the results of the author’s own research are presented, on the topic of social networking sites in marketing communications of mentioned companies. For the purposes of this study audit of web sites content (the way of communicating about possessing profiles on sites, the location of social plugins in the structure of the web page) and social media profiles of each brand was carried out. On this basis, the diagnosis of the state of the current use of social media in promotional programs of surveyed entities was done.
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Krzysztof Świeszczak, Marika Świeszczak

Media Management, Volume 5, Issue 1, 2017, pp. 25-33

Dynamically changing enterprise environment and the development of information technology pose a lot of challenges in front of each business unit, and especially in front of banks as institutions of public trust. Distribution channel of information between banking enterprises and buyers of their products and services increasingly provides a Facebook as a social networking site which allows interaction with customers, asking questions, exchanging insights, observations and comments. The purpose of this article is to present the social networking site Facebook as a distribution channel of information between the banking business and its customers.
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